I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1134 Zhou Yun’s Essay

Just kidding, China is the largest market for VX now. Zhou Yun’s departure has such a big impact. If you don’t immediately choose a spokesperson who can continue to support VX’s influence, it will be too easy for this brand that has only entered the Chinese market for less than ten years. Die on the beach.

Mabel's opinions caused Zhenvia to lose Zhou Yun last time, and everyone was already dissatisfied with Mabel.

At this time, Mabel is even more serious about reducing the impact of the Chinese market on VX.

Everyone is not a fool, and of course we can see why Mabel would do something like this that is obviously not in the interest of VX.

However, something very bad happened.

Almost all first-line female celebrities have endorsements from competing brands and have signed non-compete agreements, so they cannot endorse VX.

This situation dealt a fatal blow to Zhenvia Group.

Originally, choosing spokespersons from top-tier female celebrities was already a downgraded choice, but now you can’t even choose top-tier female celebrities…
"VX has signed two more Chinese models as spokespersons." Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun.

"Oh, that's good." Zhou Yun nodded, "Zheng Xiaowen isn't looking for you anymore, is she?"

"No, after she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, she stopped calling me every day." Zhou Lan said, "The D family has been contacting me and asking when we will sign the agreement."

In recent years, the D family has been generous and enthusiastic towards Zhou Yun. After VX gave her a hand this time, the D family did not hesitate to provide the greatest help so that Zhou Yun would not be embarrassed or lose his status. Appearing on the Oscar red carpet, Zhou Yun was actually grateful to the D family in his heart.

Zhou Lan: "They are willing to give us a title as a global spokesperson right from the start, which shows their sincerity. Our Chinese celebrities have never received such treatment before."

"I was wondering if it was too seamless to announce the end of cooperation with VX and then announce cooperation with D."

"What's the point? The whole world knows why you want to end your cooperation with VX. They should be slapped in the face if they are white-eyed wolves." Zhou Lan became angry when he said it, "You still think about them, they think about them." Have you thought about it?"

"I'm not thinking about them. I'm worried that such a seamless connection will have a negative impact on me and the D family. It's as if I'm eager to end the cooperation with VX because I have already had thoughts of cooperating with the D family." Zhou Yun said, "Now these self-media have a relatively negative attitude towards me. They always say bad things about me."

Zhou Lan: "We media...Oh, these people are like crazy people. They want nothing for traffic. As long as it's news about you, they write in all kinds of negative places and give sensational headlines. , the traffic just went up."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

"There is nothing we can do about it, and there is nothing we can do against them," she said. "They are now well-educated. They won't smear you or spread rumors. They will use some words to avoid these risks."

Zhou Lan: “I don’t think there’s any need to rush in this regard. I’ve long heard that the country is going to launch an Internet Cleanup Operation. If we look at these self-media that maliciously earn traffic, engage in confrontational topics, and smear others, someone will soon deal with them. "Zhou Yun said: "Wait for another week. Don't follow up the news about the end of cooperation with the news about new endorsements. Take it easy."

"Okay." Zhou Lan nodded, "I'm going to tell them, oh, by the way, we have been looking for people to write scripts before. Do we want to stop the customized dramas of the brands established by VX and Wenxi?"

"We have already started writing the script, and the creativity is quite good. We won't stop." Zhou Yun said, "Go and ask the D family if they are interested. If they are interested and willing to sponsor, we will still continue filming. Of course, if they If you are not interested, just ask Yue Hai or Hai Chi, I guess they will be happy to provide funding for filming."

"Okay." Zhou Lan nodded with a smile, "That's true, but a series of this size is actually only one movie long in total, which is quite risky. We have never filmed such a short series. .”

"Just treat it as a movie. Anyway, it's me, Xiao Jing and Chu Chu starring. If the risk is too high, my remuneration will be converted into investment and I won't get any remuneration." Zhou Yun said, "But I think in the future Due to the success of "Under the Dress", this drama is inherently able to recover its costs through sponsorships from various brands and will not lose money."

"Of course. In fact, this series is just for word-of-mouth. This kind of short series has a short launch time, so it is difficult to achieve great commercial success. It has to be as successful as "Under the Dress" , it’s even more difficult, it’s hard to come by.”
March is the off-season for the film industry.

The Spring Festival has just passed, and the market's potential has just been squeezed. It is often difficult to produce high-box office works again.

At this time, some small and medium-sized movies are usually released, with the target in the range of 3-5 million.

Among them is "The Prophecy", the first film produced by Zhou Yun Studio.

Huang Zicheng stars, Liang Yuanpu stars in special roles, and Zhou Yun serves as producer.

This is also Zhou Yun's first film in which he is the producer but does not star.

With the promotion experience of "Truth Night", everyone will be much more comfortable in promoting the movie "Prophecy".

Compared with the conventional publicity model, "Son of the Prophecy" also followed the publicity model of "Truth Night" and used soft advertising on social platforms.

Zhou Yun wrote a short essay two days before the movie was released.

"I have been in the film industry for several years, but being a producer to produce a movie that does not star in my own role really makes me feel nervous. Brother Liu Yuan told me at the beginning that he knew a A very talented young director has a script in his hand and is looking for investment. Under his introduction, I met director Liu Qidong. After we talked for a while, we decided to make this movie together. Looking back now, it’s really It was a very risky decision. At that time, I knew neither film production nor film distribution, so I relied on my self-righteous confidence that I could make this film."

"Later on, I encountered all kinds of troubles. I was very busy myself, so I didn't actually get a lot of help during the actual filming process. It was all up to Director Liu Qidong to solve it himself. I was very lucky to meet someone who would never give up or compromise. As a young director, he never thought about giving up - maybe many people don't know that in our industry, there are too many people who give up halfway. Later, the funds were not enough, so they had to make up for it, and the filmed materials could not be used, so they had to reshoot. , the first edited version had various problems and had to be reworked. I occasionally participated in various problems, but Liu Qidong had to deal with them himself in most cases. He also had no experience, but he learned quickly and also Changed quickly.”

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