I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1135 How to sell "Son of Prophecy"

"I have always said that he is a screenwriter with a very dramatic mind. He has written many scripts. After I read them, I asked him directly if he wanted to sign with me. I would find a way to help him film the scripts. He thought about it for a few days and then agreed. We are not the kind of people who know how to push and pull. I can only tell him what I think, and he tells me what he thinks. Instead, we have a tacit understanding of cooperation. "

"The star of "The Prophecy" is Huang Zicheng. He and Lu Zhongting became my juniors a few years ago. This time, "The Prophecy" finally chose Huang Zicheng. I was actually worried at the time because I didn't want the two of them. Because one character or one movie affected each other's feelings, but it turned out that I was overthinking them. Both of them are my very cherished juniors. I haven't met them often, and I don't want to be in their presence. They have too much of my imprint on them, so I rarely let them play the main role in the dramas I star in. I always say that I hope they can walk this path on their own, even if it goes a little slower, it doesn’t matter, because actors have to A lifelong career. I have gone to see every one of their dramas, and I am very happy because I can see their progress, their changes, and their determination to do a good job as actors. I hope that "Son of the Prophecy" " allows Huang Zicheng to truly come in front of the audience and be known by you. And I also believe that in the near future, Lu Zhongting will also be known by you through other dramas."

"I would like to thank Mr. Liang Yuanpu for trusting me and director Liu Qidong to star in a movie directed by a newcomer and starring a newcomer. He is a very kind person. Many media have reported the news that he and I were at odds. In fact, this is not the case. He and I are both actors who will work hard to protect their roles, so there will be conflicts in the decisions of some things, but this does not mean that our friendship will end, nor does it mean that we will not We will cooperate in other aspects. He is an outstanding actor. During the cooperation in "One Mountain Two Tigers", I deeply felt his charm as an actor and his dominance on the set. "Children of the Prophecy" can have He is our luck."

"This is an imperfect movie, but we used [-]% sincerity and concentration to make a good-looking movie. I look forward to everyone's feedback after watching this movie in the cinema."


Zhou Yun's short compositions have almost become the standard before the release of each of her movies.

Her fans also value this very much.

Because Zhou Yun's essays have always been written sincerely, this makes her fans feel closer to her and understand her better.

The pre-sale results for "Children of Prophecy" are pretty good.

Their box office estimate for this movie is 2-3 million. As long as it reaches this range, it will be able to achieve a profit of about 8000 million-1 million at the theater box office. Of course, there will also be dividends for Liang Yuanpu. But no matter what, it is a very good result.

The pre-sale price is set at 729 million.

On the first day of release, "Son of the Prophecy" attracted Liu Qidong, Huang Zicheng and Liang Yuanpu to start a road show.

In the end, the box office for Friday's premiere was 3125 million, which is not bad. Judging from this number, the box office in the first weekend should be able to exceed [-] million.

The stakes are too high for the movie.

Basically, we will see the results in the first three days.

The reputation of "Son of the Prophecy" is pretty good, mainly because Liu Qidong is a new director and the leading actor is a new star, so the film critics are relatively tolerant.

The film was shot neatly, from beginning to end in one go, with nothing unnatural.

Especially the final battle between the villains played by Huang Zicheng and Liang Yuanpu was very exciting.

They were asked to reshoot this scene.


This is also in line with everyone's expectations for this movie.

"It is estimated that on the day of the premiere, most of Liang Yuanpu's fans went to the cinema to watch it. When the weekend comes, those students will go to the cinema."

"Son of Prophecy" is actually about the growth of a young man with the ability to predict.

This is for young students. Taking this into consideration at the time, the ticket price for the movie "The Prophecy" was nearly one-third cheaper than the market price, with the average ticket price being only 25 yuan.

The villain played by Liang Yuanpu is very popular among young students.

This became an unexpected surprise for Liang Yuanpu to star in this movie.

Many students call him "Uncle Liang" on their social platforms.

Later, the word "Uncle Liang" became a hot search topic.

At the end of its first weekend, the box office of "Son of Prophecy" reached 1.24 million, becoming the box office champion this week.

March is too cold, but it is just the right time for "The Prophecy Child".

Without strong competitors, "Son of the Prophecy" has sufficient film schedule guarantees.

Huang Zicheng became famous overnight.

However, the box office of "The Prophecy Child" on weekdays has dropped a bit. By Wednesday, the daily box office had fallen below 1000 million.

This makes everyone a little worried about the box office next weekend.

If the box office of the next weekend is not satisfactory, then "The Prophecy" may not be able to get [-] million at the box office.

After a wave of analysis, everyone believes that the reason why "Children of Prophecy" does not perform well at the box office on weekdays is because the movie has not aroused the desire to watch movies among audiences over the age of 25.

"This movie previously focused on the concept of Liang Yuanpu and super powers, so it didn't attract much attention to people over 25 and under 40." Zhou Lan analyzed, "I think it's time for us to release Zhou Yun's previous review of "The Prophecy" Analysis of the script.”

Zhou Yun had previously talked specifically about why she thought "The Prophecy of Children" was a good script.

Zhou Lan was convinced by Zhou Yun at that time.

Zhou Lan said: "On the one hand, we need to adjust the publicity direction of this movie, shift the young people's yearning for adults in the front, and focus more on the drama structure and reflection on human nature. We have previously simply regarded this movie as This is a large-scale special effects film to attract the audience. On the other hand, we also want to promote the content of the film itself, such as a core question raised by our film: If you have the ability to predict, you can foresee an image. A very positive and popular person will cause great destruction to the human world in the future, and no one believes you. At this time, do you pretend not to know, or do you shoulder the responsibility of saving the world without being understood by everyone."

Zhou Yun said: "I think the latter question is actually a very good social issue."

"Yes, I want to use this to promote the second phase of "Children of the Prophecy"." Zhou Lan said, "This movie looks a bit middle-of-the-road, but in fact it is a difficult decision to make. If you use this question Interviewing everyone and raising a topic may arouse heated discussions on social platforms, which can turn into interest in watching the movie.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

Wu Chengbao nodded and said: "Sister Lan, I found that you are really a person who knows publicity points very well. If you don't work as an agent, you must be a good person when you work as a publicity agent."

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