I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1136: She took a fancy to her

Zhou Lan raised his eyebrows and said very confidently: "Of course."

The work contents of agents and Xuanfa are essentially the same.

It’s all about selling the goods in hand to the right people.

"Nowadays, movies are increasingly dependent on the popularity of social platforms, their social nature, and whether they can trigger discussions in the circle of friends. Movies that cannot do this will have a hard time achieving high box office." Zhou Lan said, "No. Method, this also forces all movies to move in this direction. No matter how the movie market changes, everyone has to change accordingly."

Even for Zhou Yun, she is considered by the industry to have the ability to carry the box office, but if the movie she stars in is not enough to create a good word-of-mouth reputation among the audience, it will still fall rapidly after the box office hits on the first day, and she will not be able to find a long-term success.

After the promotion strategy of "Son of Prophecy" changed, on Thursday, it finally ushered in a small reversal.

Then on Friday, "Son of Prophecy" returned to the daily box office of more than 1000 million.

The next weekend, "The Prophecy" only had 10% of its box office left.

Whether this movie's box office can exceed [-] million depends on its performance this weekend.

Coincidentally, this Friday, a popular variety show recorded by Huang Zicheng and Liang Yuanpu was broadcast, and the trailer of "Son of the Prophecy" was specially played in the program.

On Saturday, "Son of the Prophecy" ushered in a performance that surprised the industry - "Son of the Prophecy" took in a box office of 2600 million on Saturday, and the next day, on Sunday, it reversed the decline and earned 2800 million.

The timely adjustment of the publicity strategy allowed the film's box office trend to successfully reverse the trend.

Two weekends later, the box office of "Son of the Prophecy" has reached the edge of 2 million and is about to break through.
The script for "Children of Prophecy" was previously pitched to New Shields.

However, the script was not well received at the time and was rejected by the script review committee.

Yao Yuanfeng still remembers this incident.

Now, "The Prophecy Child" is about to exceed [-] million at the box office without Zhou Yun as the leading role and starring a newcomer. Yao Yuanfeng can't wait to push the person who originally rejected "The Prophecy Child" out of his office.

Yao Yuanfeng would not feel it was a pity to lose a movie with a box office of 2-3 million, but losing a screenwriter with such amazing creative talent as Liu Qidong made Yao Yuanfeng's heart hurt more than losing one billion.

Movies are the director's art, but a good script is the cornerstone of a movie.

Liu Qidong's scripts are all rich in commercial elements and have attractive stories. If Yao Yuanfeng were to direct the film, the film would definitely not be cast by an unknown newcomer like Huang Zicheng. Instead, it would be replaced by a well-known A-list star, and then it would be better. With some work, the movie's box office could at least double.

Yao Yuanfeng was very jealous of Zhou Yun who had snatched away Liu Qidong.

While he sent congratulatory text messages to Zhou Yun and Liu Qidong, he felt annoyed and regretful.
The success of "Son of the Prophecy" made the industry once again marvel at Zhou Yun's vision.

Without Zhou Yun as the leading actor, it can still achieve such box office results, which is simply enviable.

There are dozens of movies that exceed [-] million every year, exceeding [-]. This is still the best result in history.

"Children of the Prophecy" is not as scary as those with box office revenues of one billion or two billion, but it has actually achieved more than 20 million at the box office at a cost of tens of millions. With the addition of streaming media and TV rights, as well as subsequent copyright development, this film The movie will bring at least 2 million in revenue to Zhou Yun Studio. Why doesn't this make people jealous?

Li Ci was particularly emotional when he mentioned this incident in the live broadcast room.

"Actor is actually a very passive profession. No matter how popular you are, you are still in the position of being selected. As a producer, Zhou Yun has produced one "Night of Truth" and one "Son of the Prophecy", which fully It shows her vision. She dared to make movies that many film companies dare not make, and she did it so well." Li Ci was not without envy, but his tone was also full of yearning, "I used to think that for a long time , Zhou Yun was able to achieve such results because of luck, but looking back now, she is indeed lucky. Her vision, courage to believe in her vision, and courage are far beyond us, let alone us. Now that the film company has obtained Liu Qidong's script, do you dare to film it? Do you dare to use an unknown actor like Huang Zicheng?"

Li Ci's words caused a great response.

The three words #daretoshoot? # have become a topic and have been trending on several social platforms.

In fact, this sentence is not something particularly worth saying to Zhou Yun. She is not really someone who "dares to shoot". She chose these projects because she believed from the beginning that these projects would not cause losses. She believed in her own vision and judgment.

However, because of Li Ci's words, Zhou Yun became a filmmaker who "dare to take risks" in the minds of many people.

More people came to Zhou Yun to submit scripts.

Because of Zhou Yun's short essay that he posted online, Liu Yuan has received a sudden increase in scripts recently - many people want to copy Liu Qidong's success.

What if Zhou Yun takes a fancy to him again.
"Zhou Yun is doing great now. In the past, they only said that she was responsible for the box office and her acting skills were good. Now she is even more serious. People say that she has a sharp eye, knows how to read scripts and people, and can make money on any project she likes."

On this day, Chen Wenjun and Yao Yuanfeng met and inevitably talked about Zhou Yun.

Both of them have a deep cooperative relationship with Zhou Yun, and they can best understand the feeling of "wanting her to be well, but not wanting her to be so well that they can't control it at all".

If an actor has too much power, the film and television company will have no say and no space.

Seeing Chen Wenjun say this, Yao Yuanfeng smiled and said, "Then what do you think?"

"What else can I think of? I hope she will take a fancy to my company's projects and come to act in my company's dramas more often." Chen Wenjun said with a smile.

Yao Yuanfeng: "She already has to film a lot of movies every year. How much more can she get?"

"People are just so greedy. What's more, you're telling me that the box office revenue of "Female Killer" should have accounted for two-thirds of your company's revenue last year, right?" Chen Wenjun smiled, "I'm afraid it's more than that. , in our industry, as long as one play is right, it will be a huge profit."

"The risks are also high." Yao Yuanfeng reminded, "Making a movie is much more risky than filming a TV series."

"With "Female Killer", the cooperation between Mr. Yao and Zhou Yun will probably not change in five to ten years." Chen Wenjun was envious, "I really envy Mr. Yao. With the series "Female Killer", the cooperation between Mr. Yao and Zhou Yun will not change in the next ten years." I won’t have to worry about it for a year.”

The two CEOs of the film and television company were chatting and laughing, sometimes testing, sometimes complaining, and that was all they said.

In fact, they were all looking at how many cards the opponent was hiding about Zhou Yun. (End of chapter)

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