I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1137 Not accepting the divine seal

In fact, both people have the same idea.

Zhou Yun is valuable, but Zhou Yun's vision is even more valuable.

If Zhou Yun is so good at choosing projects and judging people, and she can pick the right one accurately, she can still be a producer even if she doesn't have time to star.

But in this case, you have to pay another price.

Zhou Yun’s own remuneration for starring in a film is one thing, and the remuneration for a producer of a starring project is another thing. How and how much should be paid to a producer like this who chooses scripts and scripts is another matter. thing.

Yao Yuanfeng and Chen Wenjun were both testing each other's strength in order to gauge whether what they gave was enough.

These things will not be put on the table in any case. They are all chips and can only be tested by each other.

But the two of them can still sit here and test each other out. The key is that one focuses on movies and the other focuses on dramas. The tracks are different, and there are not so many places to compete. At most, there will be many to grab Zhou Yun's schedule. compete.

Now, the two people signed by Zhou Yun are Zhang Zifan, who has become a member of the 30 billion single-movie director club with "The Night of Truth" and is very popular, and the other Liu Qidong, although the total box office performance of "Son of the Prophecy" is not as good as that of "The Night of Truth" "Night" is eye-catching, but with this movie, he has become a high-profile newcomer in the industry, especially since he still has more than a dozen completed scripts, many of which have entered the preparation stage.

This made Yao Yuanfeng and Chen Wenjun jealous.

Good creative talents are always scarce.

And these two are still at their creative peak.
After Chen Wenjun met Yao Yuanfeng, he immediately went to make an appointment with Zhou Yun.

The first thing is to talk about the web drama adaptation rights of "Children of Prophecy". He wants to buy it and develop it into a web series.

"This story is very suitable for expansion and turned into a web series of about [-] episodes. When it was made into a movie, many details were not filmed and it was not substantial enough." Chen Wenjun said.

Zhou Yun is incompetent.

By selling the web drama adaptation rights to Chen Wenjun, the company and Liu Qidong can earn a royalties.

Chen Wenjun asked again: "In addition, I also want to discuss with you to jointly develop a spin-off series of "Truth Night"."

"Huh? A spin-off drama?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

What's wrong with Chen Wenjun? Why can't the TV dramas that are targeting her movie projects be adapted?
Chen Wenjun said: "I want to use the game haunted house concept of "Truth Night" to create an original web drama with a horror comedy theme."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Okay, but what do you mean by joint development?"

"You decide the production team, and we are responsible for the production funds." Chen Wenjun said.

Zhou Yun: "..." "Haichi has much more production experience than me. It's too strange to ask me to customize the production team." Zhou Yun shook his head.

Chen Wenjun said: "It's not surprising. Now everyone knows that not only do you perform well in the dramas you star in, but you also have good taste and know how to choose people. I also think that everyone is not exaggerating. Therefore, I want to start more cooperation with you and work together." Developing this spin-off series is my first attempt, I don’t need you to worry about the specific production, I just need you to help me look for people and see if this project can be done.”

Zhou Yun shook his head directly.

"No, this puts too much pressure on me." She said, "Mr. Chen, don't be superstitious about what everyone is saying now. I have a sharp eye and I will be hot for whatever I like. How is that possible? I have luck. The ingredients are also inseparable from everyone's hard work. No one is absolutely without failure. I also know that one day, the project I star in may become a blockbuster. I have no doubt about this."

Chen Wenjun didn't expect Zhou Yun to say this.

How can anyone curse themselves that they will end up on the street in the future?
He was a little dumbfounded and didn't know what to say for a while.

Chen Wenjun said: "Any request is easy to negotiate."

"Mr. Chen, I really refuse. I will never do such a thing." Zhou Yun was very sober.

Of course she knows that for her, this kind of job only requires her to read the script and look at the candidates for a few key positions. In short, she only needs to provide opinions.

It seems like a very easy job, but it can bring her very high returns - Zhou Yun does not doubt this, as long as she is willing to do it, Chen Wenjun will definitely not be stingy with the reward.

However, this would put her in a dangerous situation. Is her vision really that accurate? She is not involved in the actual production process of the project, but just relying on her to read people can accurately predict the success of a project? Zhou Yun doesn’t want one project after another to explode in the future, which will eventually affect her - didn’t you say that this project would be successful and profitable at the beginning?

Zhou Yun just wanted to do well in his own three-thirds of an acre of land.

"Mr. Chen, if you really want to believe me, I am willing to recommend you some scripts that may not have been bought by companies yet, or creators who are very talented but have not been seen yet." Zhou Yun said, "In fact, you also You know, there are a lot of people like that in our industry.”

"Yes, of course, but isn't that what this industry is like? The risks are too high, and few people dare to take the risk of using people who have never succeeded before." Chen Wenjun showed a bitter smile, "No one can afford the risk of failure. A project If it becomes corrupt or damaged, a company may not be able to recover for three to five years.”

Zhou Yun understood what Chen Wenjun meant.

"This is my experience as much as possible to control costs." Zhou Yun said, "The cost of many projects we do is actually much lower than those on the market. In this way, the risks we have to face are much smaller. , many times we would rather earn less than put ourselves in a dangerous situation. Nowadays, the salary of actors is too high. Even if I am an actor, I say this, but the market has raised the price of actors to that point again. , if you don’t pay this price, you can’t hire good actors, so I made some changes, such as hiring teacher Liang Yuanpu, and I used the model of film remuneration + box office dividends, so that my early financial pressure is much smaller.”

Chen Wenjun said: "From preparation to broadcast of a film and television drama, it can take two to three years, or four to six years. Cost control is of course one aspect, but if its profit prospects are unclear, in fact, this long production The process is also painful. With your judgment and blessing, our project can attract better production talents, and it can also make the funders more confident and reduce the hassle in the middle."

"You are setting me on fire, Mr. Chen." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "To be precise, you are mythologizing me, and I can't accept it anymore."

Chen Wenjun saw that he could not persuade Zhou Yun no matter what he said, so he had no choice but to give up for the time being.

They discussed the specific matters regarding the web drama adaptation rights of "Children of Prophecy" and the copyright of the spin-off series of "Truth Night", negotiated some cooperation terms, and settled this matter first. (End of chapter)

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