Just two days after sending Chen Wenjun away, Yin Lin came to visit the class again carrying things.

"How have you been filming recently?" Yin Lin went directly to the studio to find Zhou Yun.

Everyone who has been there knows how chaotic the set is.

Yin Lin didn't bother herself and came alone wearing sunglasses.

After Zhou Yun took a break from filming, we started chatting at Zhou Yun's trailer.

"Have you not taken any roles recently?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yin Lin shook her head and said, "I'm still reading the script. Good scripts are hard to find, and I don't want to always film repetitive themes. The ones who come to me now are all fierce and exaggerated roles. It's boring to play too many roles."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun said: "I recently read a novel and I recommend it to you. It was recommended to me by a colleague at my studio who read scripts. This novel was not very popular, but they took a fancy to it and asked the studio to buy it. I got the rights to adapt it for film and television. I finished reading it last week. It tells the story of a white-collar worker in the workplace who is accidentally involved in a mysterious murder case. It is quite exciting. If you want to act in it, you can find a film and television company to develop it yourself. "

Yin Lin said in surprise: "Oh my god, do you have a dedicated team to help you read scripts and find stories?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "There were too many scripts and novels sent to me, and I couldn't read them all. I had to ask them to help me select one first. There were some good scripts that were not suitable for me to act in, but it would be a pity to reject them. , a story like this is quite exciting. I have never acted in such a horror and mysterious genre, but I have too many roles in the future, so I didn’t consider acting in this one.”

Yin Lin said, "Okay, you can send me the novel later and I will read it. If I want to act in it, I will buy the adaptation rights from you."

"It's okay. You can buy it, or we can co-produce it with you. It depends on what you think. I have always suggested that you develop the project yourself. You used to find it troublesome and didn't want to do these things that have nothing to do with performance. You should understand now, right? If you don’t take more initiative, you’ll just keep waiting for someone to come to you, and whoever comes to your door may not be what you want.”

"That's true." Yin Lin cupped her chin melancholy, "I'm thinking about changing to another agency."

"Huh? Why?"

"There's no way to find a suitable script for me," Yin Lin said. "After all, I still like acting, but they have been unable to help me in this regard."

Zhou Yun understood.

"Then you should find a company that can provide you with abundant resources in this area."

"Yes." Yin Lin nodded, "I have contacted Xindun before and also talked with Yao Yuanfeng. If nothing else happens, I will sign my film and television agent contract with Xindun."

"That's good. Xindun's resources are indeed very rich, and if you go there, there will be no competitors within their company." Zhou Yun said, "Yao Yuanfeng has never been very fond of their current first sister in Xindun. I heard that He has a very bad temper and is arrogant."

"Yang Xi has always had princess disease."

After chatting, Zhou Yun took Yin Lin to meet Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong and introduce them to them.

Several actors from "Flower City" who were also present looked on with envy, but did not dare to step forward to say hello.

Ma Zhou and Luo Na got together.

Ma Zhou said, "Sister Xiaoyun is so popular. I feel like someone comes to visit me every now and then."

"The friends of movie queens are also movie queens." Lorna sighed softly, "When can we get to their level?"

"You are so ambitious that you even want to get to their level." Ma Zhou looked at Luo Na in surprise, "I don't even dare to think about it."

"Why? Don't you believe that you have such strength?"

"I just feel that even with strength alone, I can't reach their level." Ma Zhou said angrily.

But Lorna's eyes shone with perseverance, and she believed that she would be able to achieve it one day.

At this moment, a strange man suddenly came to the set.

He strode up to Xu Jinbo and the others.

"Liu Zhi?" After Xu Jinbo saw this man, he called out his name in surprise, "Why are you here?" Zhou Yun did not recognize this man and looked at him with some confusion.

Liu Zhi nodded to Xu Jinbo and said, "Jinbo, let's take a step to talk."

Although Xu Jinbo was a little surprised, he still followed Liu Zhi.

They went to a quiet place to talk.

"Who is that?" Zhou Yun asked Cui Xidong.

Cui Xidong looked a little ugly and said, "Yue Hai's producer."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Why is he here looking for Xu Jinbo?"

Cui Xidong shook his head. He had a bad feeling in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

What he didn't tell Zhou Yun was that Liu Zhi was responsible for a very special job in Yue Hai. He is also a producer, but he rarely takes charge of a project from the beginning. There is often a problem with a certain project, and Yue Hai's senior management thinks that the producer of this project needs to be replaced. At this time, Liu Zhi will be sent over. Within Yue Hai, everyone said that Liu Zhi was the person most trusted by the boss, otherwise he would not be allowed to be the person who takes care of everything. In fact, every time Liu Zhi took over, the project was successfully completed without any glitches.

What Cui Xidong can't understand is that everything is going on normally in their "Flower City". Why is Liu Zhi coming to them?
This signal gave Cui Xidong a very bad premonition.

But before the matter was clear, he didn't want to tell Zhou Yun this, lest Zhou Yun worry.
Zhou Yun took Yin Lin to find Gu Huaichun.

He had his big night scene today, so he arrived at the set at three o'clock yesterday morning and slept until eleven o'clock this morning.

He was still confused, so he washed up and came to the set to eat a packed lunch.

The assistant was very confused and asked him why he didn't come back after eating at the hotel. It was much better to eat in the hotel than on the set.

Gu Huaichun said that when the crew ate, there were many people together, so the atmosphere was much better.

He was filming on the crew of "Flower City" and had a lot of fun filming. They had a good relationship with each other.

After eating, he got into his trailer and went back to sleep.

He was still asleep when Zhou Yun came and knocked on the door.

The assistant originally wanted to call them away, but when he saw it was Zhou Yun and Yin Lin, he silently pushed Gu Huaichun awake.

"Brother Gu, Sister Xiaoyun and Yin Lin are here."

When Gu Huaichun heard these two names, he rubbed his face and woke up in surprise.

"Hey, sit down quickly." Gu Huaichun asked them to come up and sit down, "Would you like some coffee?"

"Drink." Zhou Yun said, "This coffee machine of yours is really good. I have to install one for my place."

"American style, or latte?" Gu Huaichun asked.

"Latte." Zhou Yun said immediately.

"You and I know, where is Sister Lin?" Gu Huaichun looked back at Yin Lin and asked with a smile.

Yin Lin said: "American style."

Gu Huaichun was busy in front of the coffee machine for a while.

Yin Lin whispered to Zhou Yun: "Xiao Gu looks like the kind of college student who just graduated, looking stupid."

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