I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1139 Substitution

Zhou Yun almost laughed out loud.

She didn't know how to answer what Yin Lin said.


She didn't think Gu Huaichun was stupid at all.

Gu Huaichun brought them two cups of coffee, made himself an American cup, sat down, and couldn't help but yawn.

"Have you just woken up? Taking a nap?"

"I didn't get to the hotel until three o'clock yesterday morning. I was so sleepy," Gu Huaichun said.

"What did you do yesterday to arrive so late?" Zhou Yun asked.

Because Gu Huaichun does not have a particularly large number of scenes, in this large group scene, he may only shoot about two days a week. Therefore, Gu Huaichun generally does not stay on the set when there is no scene.

Even if he wanted to stay, Yue Hai wouldn't let him.

Just kidding, how can such a big money tree be left idle without making money?
"We went to record the program, and it wasn't finished until twelve o'clock." Gu Huaichun said.

"It's hard work." Yin Lin nodded sympathetically, "Recording shows is really hard. I recorded "The Actor's Stage" and basically had to record every episode until the early morning. After one episode, it lasted more than ten hours. .”

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Lin, are you still recording "The Actor's Stage"?"

"It has already been filmed into its third season." Yin Lin said, "I quite like this show and have feelings for it."

"No wonder." Zhou Yun nodded.

In fact, the blessing effect of this program on Yin Lin is very obvious.

Yin Lin rose to prominence by making movies, but there is a disadvantage in making movies. She is not good at national standards.

Her appearance in the program "Actor's Stage" made many people know her and see her acting skills.

Therefore, Yin Lin's fame is growing. When "I Am Your Mother" was released, it performed so well at the box office, which is partly due to this.

Yin Lin gained a reputation as an actress in "The Actor's Stage" and accumulated a group of fans, making her movie very popular when it was released.

Gu Huaichun said with a smile: "If I weren't afraid of being embarrassed, I would really like to go on "The Actor's Stage" to get some exercise."

"Stop talking nonsense, how could your company agree to let you go on this show?" Zhou Yun shook his head directly, not believing it at all.


Yin Lin said: "Actually, this program is quite good. It has helped many unknown actors become famous. After many people appeared on the program, they got more film appointments."

"This show allows us to see many people with strong acting abilities." Zhou Yun said, "I also often watch this show and get to know many actors I didn't know before. Some actors are so explosive. In this kind of stage performance, he can also handle the character's state and emotions so delicately while having explosive power."

The three of them chatted about the show for a while.

Yin Lin said: "Next time there is a chance, they will invite flying guests. If you are free, come and play."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "I suddenly realized that if I can't find actors when I start a show in the future, I can ask you for recommendations. You must have seen many good actors when you participated in this show, but we don't know it."

"That's no problem." Yin Lin nodded, "I will carefully read the novel you recommended to me later. If I think it is suitable for me to film, I will make it my first project to promote production. At that time, it was on the show I have told many actors that I must act with them if I have the opportunity in the future, and this project may be able to achieve this."

When Gu Huaichun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned to ask Zhou Yun: "What novel did you recommend to Sister Lin? Why do you never recommend it to me?"

Zhou Yun: "...Because in the novels or scripts sent to me, the first protagonist's perspective is female, and you are male."

Gu Huaichun immediately said: "I am very happy to play Sister Lin a second time. Sister Lin, read the novel and see if there is a role suitable for me, I will play it!"

Yin Lin was shocked. "are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Gu Huaichun said immediately, "This man's eyes are really poisonous. I can spot him accurately at first glance. I am really convinced. Just the cameo in "Sui", my agent was talking about it at the beginning. I don’t know how long ago, I heard that Xiaoyun was using my personal relationship with her to build momentum for a literary film that was going to hit the box office. As a result, as soon as it premiered in Berlin, he didn’t even say a word, damn, I acted like this After so many years of acting, it’s really embarrassing that this guest-starring role has received rave reviews.”

Yin Lin smiled.

"You are good at acting. I know that you are waiting for an opportunity."

Gu Huaichun emphasized: "Sister Lin, you must give priority to see if there is any role for me."

Yin Lin nodded: "Okay, I understand."
Yin Lin left.

As the two most popular actresses at the moment, they met for less than three hours, but it was a rare and tender time.

Zhou Yungang sent Yin Lin away. When he turned around, he saw the assistant director looking for her in a hurry.

"Xiaoyun, Director Cui is looking for you."

Zhou Yun nodded and went to see Cui Xidong.

Cui Xidong looked anxious. When he saw Zhou Yun, he immediately pulled her aside, lowered his voice and said, "Xiaoyun, Yue Hai and the others are going to replace Xu Jinbo."

"What?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in disbelief.

The news about Cui Xidong shocked her.

"Why?" she asked.

Cui Xidong shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I just heard such rumors. Liu Zhi is still talking to Xu Jinbo and it has not ended yet."

Zhou Yun asked: "Where did the news come from? Is it reliable?"

"Reliable." Cui Xidong nodded immediately, "A good friend of mine called me privately just now and told me secretly."

Zhou Yun frowned in confusion: "Why is this happening? The film has been filming for so long, and the producer suddenly changed in the middle. This is too strange."

Cui Xidong looked at Zhou Yun hesitantly, as if he wanted to say something.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Yun said: "Director, if you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Cui Xidong asked: "Xiaoyun, are you planning to poach Xu Jinbo?"

This matter was originally a secret between her and Xu Jinbo and was not disclosed to the crew. Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, wondering where he knew it.

Cui Xidong: "Xu Jinbo gave me some hints before. I was wondering if Yue Hai's senior management also heard some rumors, so they suddenly had to change people."

Zhou Yun was silent.

If this is the case, it is indeed possible.

No matter what, Xu Jinbo is still Yue Hai's man.

Are they worried that Xu Jinbo will have some private dealings with her if he continues to be the producer of "Flower City"?
Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

Now she had nothing to do. She could only wait for Xu Jinbo to finish talking to Liu Zhi and see him before she knew what was going on.

If Yue Hai really made such a decision because he heard some rumors, then Xu Jinbo must really be removed from his position as the producer of "Flower City".

Can Xu Jinbo leave Yue Hai earlier? An idea emerged from Zhou Yun's mind. (End of chapter)

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