I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1140 Do you believe it or not?

An hour later, Xu Jinbo and Liu Zhi finished chatting.

Liu Zhi did not hang around on the set. He said hello to Cui Xidong and Zhou Yun and left quickly.

As soon as he left, Cui Xidong and Zhou Yun both looked at Xu Jinbo, waiting to confirm whether the news of the substitution was true or false.

A bitter smile appeared on Xu Jinbo's face.

"Yue Hai knows that I plan to go to your place later." Xu Jinbo said to Zhou Yun.

Because he was mentally prepared, Zhou Yun was not too shocked. He nodded and said, "Then what are they going to do with you?"

Xu Jinbo: "Let Liu Zhi take over my work. I will suspend all subsequent work first and prepare to arrange for an audit team to come in and investigate all our previous work."

Zhou Yun: "...Did you do it so harshly?"

Xu Jinbo: "It is in line with Yue Hai's consistent operation. I had expected it, but I didn't expect it to come so early. I thought I could finish the "Flower City" project first."

Zhou Yun said: "If Yue Hai stops all your subsequent work, then you might as well come to us as soon as possible."

Xu Jinbo was a little surprised and said: "I guess it won't be that smooth. There are various audits and investigations, and the separation agreement will not be concluded so quickly."

"Let's talk. Anyway, if we don't negotiate for you as soon as possible, they will still have to pay you a salary. With your qualifications and abilities, your salary in Yue Hai should not be low, right?" Zhou Yun smiled and said: "You should also plan things here. When you and Yue Hai are completely over, the work here can be carried out as soon as possible."

"Yes." Xu Jinbo nodded.

In fact, because of Xu Jinbo's incident, there was a huge quarrel within Yue Hai.

For a large group like Yue Hai, personnel struggles are simply inevitable.

Although the project "Flower City" has attracted much attention and optimism, there are still people who do not get a piece of the pie and hope that this project will be abandoned.

This is how people's hearts are. No matter how good something is, if you can't enjoy the relevant benefits, it has nothing to do with you.

Therefore, after this incident happened, Liu Ziyan's opponents took advantage of the topic and said that the "Flower City" project might have been done by Liu Ziyan and others using the company's resources to blend with Zhou Yun. They said all kinds of disgusting things, There is only one purpose, to cause trouble for "Flower City".

Xu Jinbo was suspended by the company for investigation, but "Flower City" could not stop.

With such a large crew, it costs a lot of money every day.

After Zhou Yun discussed with Zhou Lan, in order to support Xu Jinbo, he expressed his dissatisfaction with Yue Hai unceremoniously.

For such a big project, if the producer changes it at any time, how will the subsequent scenes be filmed? How to ensure the operation of the entire crew?

Zhou Yun knew that Xu Jinbo would definitely be disgusted by Yue Hai's internal investigation. The more this happened, the more Zhou Yun had to show such a tough attitude to prove that his early exchanges and communications with Xu Jinbo were all about business. There is any blending.

As a result, the first big shot fired at Xu Jinbo within Yue Hai was Zhou Yun's salary.

Zhou Yun's total salary for filming the drama "Flower City" was 6000 million, plus 10% of the drama's overseas income.

They believed that Zhou Yun's salary was too high and did not meet the market price. It was Xu Jinbo who deliberately raised the salary.

When Zhou Yun heard the news at the filming site, everyone laughed angrily.

"The salary of 60 million yuan is too high?" Zhou Yun directly expressed his face at the scene and looked at Liu Zhi with a cold look, "Producer Liu, do you think this salary is too high?"

Zhou Yun's aura is too strong.

After her outburst, everyone at the scene fell silent. Since joining the cast, Zhou Yun's cooperation with the crew has been noticed by everyone. For such a big star, he never puts on airs or makes outrageous demands, and his professionalism is well-known.

This is the first time she has become so angry in front of everyone.

Liu Zhi was able to be sent by Yue Hai to replace Xu Jinbo, so he naturally knew what the whole thing was about.

Regarding Zhou Yun's anger, Liu Zhi also knew that Zhou Yun was not here for him.

But Zhou Yun got angry with him in front of the whole crew, which made him lose face.

Despite this, Liu Zhi could only endure it.

Yue Hai dared to quarrel with Xu Jinbo, but he did not dare to quarrel with Zhou Yun.

Those who accused Zhou Yun of being paid much higher than the market price in the company would not dare to say a word if they were brought in front of Zhou Yun.

Liu Zhi could only apologize to Zhou Yun in a good voice and comfort him, saying, "Some people are deliberately muddying the waters. Everyone knows that you paid this salary to make this movie, but you gave him a friendship price."

Liu Zhi is not exaggerating.

The size of a drama in "Flower City" is comparable to two or three regular dramas.

It can be seen that Zhou Yun spent four or five months filming on this crew at a stretch.

On average, Zhou Yun's salary is really not high. It can only be said that even front-line actors can get such a price.

The only thing that is more outrageous is the 10% overseas revenue share.

This is also a share that only Zhou Yun can ask for. Apart from Zhou Yun, no artist now dares to ask for this share.

Liu Zhi comforted Zhou Yun for a long time without saying anything, and immediately reported it to Liu Ziyan.

Liu Ziyan is the company executive directly responsible for this project.

If Zhou Yun is particularly angry because of this incident and really gives up the fight, no one will be able to shoulder the blame.

In fact, Liu Ziyan had been waiting for Zhou Yun's attitude.

In this matter, Xu Jinbo wanted to negotiate with the company to resign, which was a loss in itself.

As an executive producer, the company established by the heroine of the project he was filming asked him to be the person in charge. This was full of suspicions of collusion. There were many things that could not be explained clearly. The company wanted to investigate Xu Jinbo. You can always find something out of your investigation. Who in this field can guarantee that their hands are clean and nothing has been stained on them?

If the company continues to investigate like this, Xu Jinbo will definitely have to pay some price.

Although Liu Ziyan was unhappy with Xu Jinbo's private contact with Zhou Yun and was preparing to leave Yue Hai, if Xu Jinbo was investigated and found out some problems, he would also be affected. Xu Jinbo is his person, and over the years, every project that Xu Jinbo has been responsible for has been signed and approved by him. In order to protect himself, Liu Ziyan could not let anything happen to Xu Jinbo.

Now Zhou Yun's outburst finally gave Liu Ziyan a legitimate reason.

"Zhou Yun did find Xu Jinbo and invited him to join the company she founded. But is there any problem with this?" At the new round of meetings, Liu Ziyan became so tough for the first time, "Everyone here, are you just Have you never been contacted by other companies? Do you really want to stay in Yue Hai for the rest of your life and never consider changing jobs? "

"You think that the salary of 60 million yuan is too high for Zhou Yun. If you are heard by other film and television companies, you will be laughed at! Who doesn't know that all the film and television companies are using money to throw money at Zhou Yun? Yun can't beat her schedule? As long as Zhou Yun is willing to accept it, there are companies willing to pay a salary of 100 million or 200 million, do you believe it?!" (End of Chapter)

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