As Liu Ziyan spoke, he banged the table, and he was the only one left scolding in the entire conference room.

"I know, some of you are jealous. After all, I was the one who invited Zhou Yun here, I was the one who made "Deep Sea", and I am currently working on the "Flower City" project. It's not surprising that I have pink eye." Liu Ziyan sneered. He said, "But don't you think about it, does "Flower City" belong to me alone? Doesn't it belong to Yue Hai? If this project doesn't go smoothly, will I be the only one who suffers? Who of you doesn't have a copy of Yue Hai? Hai's shares? Your rumors have reached Zhou Yun's ears, and she went crazy on the set today. She asked if she should get her pay back, and the film would not be filmed!"

Liu Ziyan's tone became more and more passionate. In the end, no one dared to speak at this time.

They dared to hide behind others and talk about Zhou Yun, making the "Flower City" project not proceed smoothly, but no one dared to do so openly. As Liu Ziyan said, this project is too big and is Yue Hai's biggest project. Project, if this project fails and Zhou Yun stops performing midway, then once the losses are caused and the company starts to hold people accountable, who can take the blame?


The atmosphere during the filming of "Flower City" became very solemn.

The relaxed and focused creative atmosphere before was disrupted by the change of producer.

Especially Zhou Yun's attitude made many people a little uneasy.

She still appears on the set every day, but she no longer chats and laughs and leaves after every scene like before.

Liu Zhi stayed at the scene almost every day, but Zhou Yun seemed to turn a blind eye to him and ignored him at all. Anyone could see Zhou Yun's dislike of him.

On this day, Team B was filming. After He Xuran finished filming a scene, he sat down and chatted with Team B director Yu Lingyan, and they talked about the recent turmoil in this drama.

He Xuran asked: "Sister Yan, what's going on? Why was the good Xu Jinbo replaced?"

Regarding the matter of Xu Jinbo being replaced, most of the crew still don't know the reason and are just baffled.

Yu Lingyan knew the whole story very well, but she couldn't tell He Xuran.

There are too many high-level officials involved in this matter. Now the high-level officials are fighting, and she doesn't want to be involved.

She said to He Xuran: "I don't know the details."

He Xuran didn't believe that Yu Lingyan didn't know about this matter. After all, she was the director of Group B who came to "Flower City" to refresh her qualifications. There must be senior officials in Yue Hai who supported her. How could she change such a big thing as a producer? I wouldn't know it.

Yu Lingyan refused to talk about this matter, and He Xuran couldn't continue to ask.

He hesitated and said, "Sister Yan, Zhou Yun said before that she would stop filming. Is this an angry comment, or is it really possible?"

This question really touched Yu Lingyan's heart.

She was also worried about this problem.

If Zhou Yun really stops acting, what will happen to "Flower City"?

Blood collapse.

There is no way, this project has been started around Zhou Yun from the beginning, and Zhou Yun has had a great influence on this drama.

Even famous actors such as He Xuran and Gu Huaichun were willing to play supporting roles in this drama, and they all came because of Zhou Yun.

Yu Lingyan couldn't imagine the consequences of Zhou Yun not acting.

She comforted her: "It's probably just an angry talk. Doesn't she come to the scene every day to film now? She didn't really stop acting."

"But something is really wrong with her now." He Xuran said, "She was not like this on set before. Now she doesn't talk to anyone at all and just leaves after her performance, especially Liu When Zhi was there, it felt like no one dared to speak.”

He Xuran has also been frightened by Zhou Yun's aura in the past two days.

Only then did he realize how powerful Zhou Yun was when he really showed off his skills. Yu Lingyan sighed and said: "If a film is shot well and the producer is changed immediately, of course she will be dissatisfied. This is also putting pressure on Yue Hai."

"Pressure?" He Xuran looked confused.

Yu Lingyan realized that she had let something slip, so she quickly shut her mouth and stopped talking.

The pressure Yu Lingyan mentioned was that Zhou Yun was putting pressure on Yue Hai for Xu Jinbo's matter, warning Yue Hai not to audit Xu Jinbo too much.

"I have really never seen Zhou Yun act like a big star before. Of course, I can't say that she is acting like a big star now, but her attitude of not paying attention to anyone now makes all of us very nervous."

Behind a truck, Ma Zhou was talking to his friend on the phone, complaining about the recent situation.

"I really thought Zhou Yun was a very friendly big star before, but I didn't expect that she would end up like those people." Ma Zhou whispered, "Our new producer treats her respectfully and greets her every day. , she didn’t even show a good look to others, I felt it was too much when I saw her.”

"Sigh, I don't know how long this atmosphere will last." Ma Zhou said.


After Ma Zhou finished the call and left here, Zhou Yun and Liu Yun walked out of the other side of the truck.

"I didn't expect that we originally wanted to hide here, but Qingjing failed and overheard some gossip." Zhou Yun smiled, not paying attention to what Ma Zhou said just now, and joked to Liu Yun, " It seems that my performance these days has made everyone unhappy."

Liu Yun comforted: "They don't know what happened, and they don't know why you behave like this."

"It's okay, don't comfort me. Since I chose to do this, I will continue to do it no matter what." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun had a phone call with Xu Jinbo.

"How are you now?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Jinbo said: "There is nothing else. They just call me to a small house every day to talk, ask questions, and ask me to explain every expenditure."

The audit itself is not terrible, but the most annoying thing is that in the name of audit, Xu Jinbo is tortured in various ways, which causes both physical and mental torture to people.

Zhou Yun said: "Can you hold on?"

"It's okay, it's to be expected."

Zhou Yun felt relieved when he heard what Xu Jinbo said.

She was just afraid that Yue Hai would go too far and make Xu Jinbo anxious.

Since Xu Jinbo can hold on, let him endure it slowly.

A week later, Zhou Yun left the crew of "Flower City" to attend a movie event.

Zhou Yun couldn't refuse the officially organized activities.

As one of the most popular actors in the international film industry in recent years, she has received more and more invitations to such occasions.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to attend if he really couldn't refuse.

But coming out this time made Yue Hai very nervous.

That's all in normal times, but at this moment, some people in Yue Hai are very cautiously worried that Zhou Yun will not come back after leaving the crew. (End of chapter)

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