The sudden change of producer of "Flower City" has spread throughout the industry as soon as possible.

After all, it is such a big project and everyone is paying attention.

But few people know why such a change happened suddenly.

Those who know the inside story are all high-level people. In order to ensure that the "Flower City" project progresses smoothly and does not affect the project itself, they basically keep it secret.

But one thing, as long as there are more people handling it, no matter how much emphasis is placed on confidentiality, it will be false.

There will always be rumors leaking out.

As soon as Zhou Yun and Yin Lin met, Yin Lin asked about this matter in a low voice.

"I heard that the producer before you poached "Flower City" is coming to your company?"

Zhou Yun didn't hide it in front of Yin Lin. He nodded and asked, "How did you know?"

"There is no airtight wall here. I listened to what my agent said. I don't know who he listened to." Yin Lin sighed, "For such a big project, half of the scenes were filmed, and the agent suddenly changed Man, I’m asking for criticism. What do you think about Yue Hai? The stock price has been affected, so you can’t wait until Ansheng is finished filming before making any moves?"

"The Yue Hai family has a great cause and many factions. If something happens to one party, the other party will be eager to step on it." Zhou Yun smiled, "How could they not be willing to step on such a good opportunity?"

"Then will you really poach people later?"

"Yes, it's settled." Zhou Yun nodded, "I have set up a production company, and I am in desperate need of someone who knows production to manage it. He has worked with me on "Deep Sea" before, and he has outstanding abilities and rich experience. He happens to be in It’s hard for Yue Hai to take a step forward, so I’ll extend an olive branch.”

Yin Lin pondered and said, "Now I feel more and more that what you said was right. I really should set up a production company of my own. Otherwise, it would be too passive to just sit at home and wait for people to deliver scripts to my door. I read your The novel you gave me is indeed wonderful, are you sure you don’t want to act in it?"

"I really can't spare the time." Zhou Yun shook his head, "If you want to act, I'll pass it on to you."

"But I still have no production experience." Yin Lin said, "If you ask me to put together a project on my own, I really don't know how to do it."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "How about I let my company do it and you co-produce it?"

"Is it okay?" Yin Lin asked.

"What's wrong with this?" Zhou Yun nodded, "If they weren't optimistic about this story, they wouldn't have bought the copyright. If you are willing to co-produce and star, they will definitely breathe a sigh of relief. It's better than holding the copyright in their hands. It’s much better to wait until it expires.”

"That's good." Yin Lin said, "I'm taking advantage and getting a producer for free."

"Then you have to work, and start learning experience from this drama." Zhou Yun suggested, "I still suggest that you set up a production company now, and let's accumulate experience first. I have been in this industry longer than I have, and there are suitable people who can work with you. You might as well test their capabilities and character through project cooperation first, and if possible, sign an employment contract."

After hearing Zhou Yun's suggestion, Yin Lin suddenly realized, "Is this still possible? That's fine."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "We will sit together and have a good chat about how to make this drama."

"Okay." Yin Lin's eyes lit up after hearing this.

This feeling of promoting a project by herself was something she had never felt before.

She's not the kind of person who doesn't listen to what's going on outside the window, she just habitually wants to focus on acting.

After all, since she entered the industry, everyone has taught her that "an actor's foundation is acting." This is certainly true, but if you have the conditions to take more initiative in acting, it is by no means a bad thing.

Zhou Yun does not have any important tasks in this official event. His main role is to show his support. To put it simply, it is a mascot.

After participating in the event, Zhou Yun can leave.

She finished greeting Yin Lin and left in the car.

According to her past habits, she would return to the set as soon as possible after participating in the event, but this time she did not do so.

A conflict has arisen between the crew of "Flower City" and her. Zhou Yunhui will conscientiously complete the filming of the film in accordance with the requirements of the contract, but she has no intention of asking her to cooperate with the crew unconditionally.

"This year feels a bit unlucky." Zhou Yun couldn't help complaining to Song Chi.

Song Chi asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yun said: "From the VX incident to the present, the progress of "Flower City" has not been smooth. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I have become more temperamental and self-righteous. Why do these things happen? Yes. Is this the industry itself, or am I becoming less and less tolerant of being ignored?”

"With your current status, you should not be ignored. If you are ignored, it can only mean one thing. They did it on purpose." Song Chi said, "They may have inadvertently ignored a small artist. How could they inadvertently ignore it?" Don't think too much about a big star, let alone being an artist. Isn't it the same in other industries? It's always going on and off, and no one can always be with you."

"Oh, you're right." Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi asked: "Is your activity over?"

"It's over, how are you?"

"We're still filming, and we're probably going to shoot a night scene today." Song Chi smiled helplessly, "This year's filming tasks are very heavy, and there are five movies to be shot."

"Model worker."

"I can't compare to you, I'm a model worker." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun laughed helplessly.

In all these years of being in the industry, there really is no actor who is a more model worker than Zhou Yun.

"I'm really tired. It's time to take a good rest." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "After you finish shooting the scenes you have in hand, take a break for half a year and don't take on other scenes."

"Well, I think so too. After filming this year's drama, I won't take on any other dramas next year and the year after that. I'll finish filming the two series of "Female Killer" and "Killing Song" first." Zhou Yun is I really think so, "I really can't take on another role."

Zhou Yun returned home and had a comfortable sleep to restore his blood.

At noon, Zhou Yuncai set off back to the "Flower City" crew.

Everyone in the crew clearly felt that Zhou Yun's aura on the crew had completely changed. Her acting skills were still outstanding and every performance she performed was impeccable, but she no longer helped the crew coordinate various tasks as she did in the past. Work.

With such a large crew, coordination is a huge problem. It was running smoothly before because Xu Jinbo was experienced and Zhou Yun was very cooperative, so many emergencies could be solved smoothly. Now Zhou Yun no longer makes sacrifices and compromises, causing the filming progress to slow down.

Liu Zhi was so anxious that bubbles bubbled at the corners of his mouth. (End of chapter)

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