I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1143 I need you to come over once

Does Zhou Yun feel guilty in his heart?


Because Zhou Yun really doesn't want to be such an actor, an actor who is business-like and high-minded.

But now Yue Hai's attitude towards her and Xu Jinbo is chilling.

The voices directed at her appearance, questioning her pay, and questioning Xu Jinbo's private treasury on the set, were too harsh.

She couldn't pretend that nothing had happened, let alone accommodate herself as before. This would make her feel guilty.

How could she want to.

Zhou Yun's heart is full of guilt for "Flower City".

This is a project that has been in preparation for a long time and is adapted from a very good novel. She originally wanted to devote 100% of her energy to the role, but now she has to put away her enthusiasm.

The only thing Zhou Yun refused to give up was her pursuit of performance and characterization. In this regard, it was more like she was angry at the crew, so she held her breath and performed heartily in every performance. Every scene is extremely emotional.

Cui Xidong is the person who understands her changes best.

He is a director and a close friend of Zhou Yun.

He was originally worried that Zhou Yun's acting mood and state would be affected by these bad things, but now Zhou Yun's acting state has not been affected at all, but he feels better. Cui Xidong said nothing.

Liu Zhi took over the running of the entire crew. He was too lazy to care about other things and focused on filming.

A director and a leading actor all have the demeanor of being "blind to what's going on outside the window", which also makes some people's minds ready to move.

Among the actors who want to film "Flower City", who doesn't want to get caught up in the success of this drama and become popular?

It's just that the director and the lead actor had very strict requirements for the drama itself. The script was not easily changed, let alone adding one or two scenes. It was very difficult to add one or two lines. It was considered over and over again. Just decided.

Now everyone sees that Liu Zhi has the power to control the crew, and some people are beginning to follow Liu Zhi's path.

Some of them are not that wild, they just want to have a better shooting time, so they don’t have to get up early or stay up late. Some of them are much more wild. They don’t dare to do scenes opposite Zhou Yun, but they want to do more for themselves. With more scenes in the flying page, bypassing Zhou Yun, and getting Cui Xidong through Liu Zhi, then I can appear in more scenes in this drama that is destined to be a hit.

People on the Internet often ridicule actors for adding scenes.

But for an actor, adding more scenes means more screen time, and it also means that the audience will stay with him longer.

Which actor doesn't want to be known and liked by the audience?

On Wednesday afternoon, Zhou Yun came to the dressing room on time to do some styling, preparing to go to the studio for filming later.

Halfway through the styling, I suddenly received a notice that the filming for the upcoming scene would be moved to tomorrow, so there was no need to go to the set today.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, but didn't say anything. He took off his makeup and hair and asked Liu Yun to find out why such a change happened. She was worried that the atmosphere on the set was not quite right recently, which caused many problems during the filming and did not go smoothly.

When Liu Yun inquired about it, she found out that it was not that there was a problem with the on-site shooting, but that an old actor was in a hurry to leave the group. Several actors' scenes had been moved. Before, they had only moved other people's scenes because they were competing for time. Today, Zhou Yun's scenes were moved. The clouds were also moved.

After hearing this, Zhou Yun frowned instantly.

"Didn't the filming time on the crew be fixed before? Why did he suddenly leave the crew?" Zhou Yun called Cui Xidong directly, "Is there any unexpected situation at home?"

Cui Xidong sighed and told the truth, "What an unexpected situation. It was just that he was asked to act in another drama, and the schedule was bumped up. So he went to buy Liu Zhi a drink and asked Liu Zhi to help him concentrate on his drama. Come to the front to take pictures.”

Zhou Yun's face turned dark instantly. Her: “Is this why I was suddenly informed that I didn’t have to film even though I was halfway done with my makeup and hair today?”

If there was a reason for the old actor's incident, there was some emergency at home, although Zhou Yun would be unhappy, he would understand and not be so angry.

But just because he took on another drama at short notice, he had to leave the group early, which also prevented other actors from filming as planned. The most important thing is, why did Liu Zhi decide this matter by himself, without talking to anyone? Communicate with people?

Zhou Yun thought of what Song Chi said.

——With your current status, you should not be ignored. You being ignored can only mean one thing, they did it on purpose.

Zhou Yun contacted Zhou Lan.

"Sister Lan, I need you to come over." Zhou Yun said on the phone.

Her serious tone surprised Zhou Lan, who flew over overnight.

After hearing about this, Zhou Lan knew why Zhou Yun came to her so solemnly.

It was a small matter to reschedule her filming, but it was a big deal that Liu Zhi never gave her an explanation from beginning to end.

Whether he thought he could fool her or he no longer took her seriously, if Liu Zhi continued to be the executive producer on the crew, Zhou Yun would suffer more and more losses.

Sometimes, when a person suffers a loss, he or she will think that this time, forget it, don’t worry about it, and be more generous. But in the eyes of others, it is a breakthrough of principles and bottom lines. If this person doesn’t care, then you can let him suffer a loss next time. .

This is how impressions are formed.

Zhou Yun couldn't care about this matter by herself, and she could, but it was unnecessary. It seemed that she valued this matter too much.

Only Zhou Lan took action and was justified.

A collective meeting of senior executives within Yue Hai.

Everyone has been arguing for a long time about Xu Jinbo's preparation to resign.

There are endless disputes over what kind of treatment Xu Jinbo should be dealt with.

Of course, people from Liu Ziyan's group want to protect Xu Jinbo, but a few people who have always been at odds with Liu Ziyan are trying their best to dig out some dirty information about Liu Ziyan from Xu Jinbo.

This is why the dispute never comes to a conclusion.

While everyone was having another argument, Liu Ziyan's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

He picked up the phone and took a look at it, and the annoyance in his eyes softened a bit.

He knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

The others looked at him in confusion.

Liu Ziyan said: "Everyone, instead of discussing how to deal with Xu Jinbo's problem first, let's solve the most pressing issues first."

"Isn't Xu Jinbo's problem a top priority? What the hell have you done? Don't think that delaying it will do any good." Another executive said immediately.

Liu Ziyan smiled: "It's really not my fault, Mr. Chen, it was you who arranged for Liu Zhi to stab Lou Zi, which offended Zhou Yun so badly. Zhou Yun's agent is now holding the contract and preparing to terminate it. Leave, "Flower City" is a big project. Everyone understands that you want Liu Zhi to pick peaches. However, he has only been here for a long time, and he has been doing his own tricks on the crew. It is the first time that Zhou Yun has been offended to this extent. It’s enough.”

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