I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1144 The last straw that broke the camel’s back

Liu Ziyan was very satisfied with the incident between Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan due to the postponement of filming.

Of course, no one else can know about this.

He knew that many people in the company hoped to use this incident to dig up dirt on him and take the opportunity to bring him down.

Liu Ziyan didn't think Xu Jinbo would make mistakes here, but he had to divert the attention of these people. Otherwise, if he stared at them for a long time, he would always be pulled out of the thread, and if he was not careful, he would fall into the trap that could affect the whole body. situation.

Liu Ziyan contacted Xu Jinbo.

After the incident, they only had a few phone calls and never even met in person.

This time, they finally made an appointment to meet.

They have fought together in Yue Hai for so long, and now Xu Jinbo is leaving. Putting aside his work opinions, Liu Ziyan can actually understand Xu Jinbo from the perspective of a personal relationship.

Xu Jinbo's development in Yue Hai has reached its ceiling, and it is almost impossible to take another step forward.

Zhou Yun has established a production company, which has gained momentum in recent years. If he goes ahead, it will have great potential.

But a personal relationship is a personal relationship, and Liu Ziyan was also a little annoyed by Xu Jinbo's behavior of not disclosing any information.

After all, he is one of his own, so if he wants to leave, he should give him a message in advance so that he can be prepared so that he will not be caught off guard like this.

The two met and no one spoke for a while.

In fact, there is nothing to say.

"Oh, you should have told me earlier." In the end, Liu Ziyan just said this.

Xu Jinbo lowered his head and smiled and said: "I didn't expect it to be so soon. At first, I thought about finishing the "Flower City" project first, and then I would find an opportunity to talk to you about it. I originally planned to do it in the second half of the year. Those who have been leaving now have to leave immediately."

"There are many people in the company who are holding on to you and must audit you."

"Let them review it. I have worked hard in Yue Hai for so many years. I have no credit but hard work. Who has a clean butt? If you really want to dig something out of me, you are not afraid of digging out their dirty things." Come out." Xu Jinbo smiled lightly.

His tone was not threatening, but his calm demeanor made people dare not underestimate him.

Liu Ziyan knew that Xu Jinbo was not just telling a fact, but also a reminder to him.

Xu Jinbo was wary of him abandoning his car to protect his coach.

When things got to this point, they could no longer go back and discuss the matter calmly and with mutual trust.

"We have worked together for so many years, you know me." Liu Ziyan said, "No matter what, I am definitely willing to see you develop better."

"Thank you, Mr. Liu." Xu Jinbo said, "I always thought you would support me."

Liu Ziyan said: "Have you ever considered how to get out of the current predicament?"

"I don't think it's a dilemma. I didn't plan to start working there so early. I've been too tired these past years, working on one project after another, like a perpetual motion machine. It's just the right time to take a break." Xu Jinbo said, “I wake up naturally every day, sort out past projects, straighten my thoughts, and make next plans. It’s good to have such free time.”

Liu Ziyan was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Instead, Xu Jinbo laughed and advised: "Mr. Liu, people should take a break in time, which is good for both body and mind."

Liu Ziyan's original plan was to use Xu Jinbo and Zhou Yunli to act in a drama through the "Flower City" project to get over the audit matter.

But Xu Jinbo was stubborn and acted like he didn't care about the audit at all, which left him nowhere to start. Compared to Xu Jinbo, Liu Ziyan is of course more afraid of audits. As Xu Jinbo said, it doesn’t matter who has the dirtier butt.

Xu Jinbo clearly showed this attitude here. He obviously understood his intention and deliberately put his posture in front.

No one is stupid, their attitude is clear, they either continue to play their cards or give up.

Liu Ziyan thought for a moment and said, "Jin Bo, even if you go to the production company, you still have to meet with us. If my status in the company is affected, do you think they will treat the projects in your hands fairly?"

Yue Hai is a behemoth, and Liu said that if he were to be the CEO of a production company, he would not be able to avoid dealing with Yue Hai.

Liu Zi said that a snake can hit him seven inches.

This is something Xu Jinbo cannot avoid.

The management of the "Flower City" crew, which was already somewhat chaotic due to the change of producer, is now even more chaotic.

What's more terrifying than the chaos is that the filming progress is seriously delayed.

Originally, two groups could shoot seven or eight scenes a day, but now they can only shoot three or four scenes a day, which may not be usable.

The main reason is that the leading actors, led by Zhou Yun, are no longer willing to cooperate with the crew in adjusting the shooting time and strictly abide by the contract.

As the filming progress slowed down, it looked like it would go over budget.

House seemingly endless rain.

The extras are clamoring for a price increase at short notice. Because the leading actors do not cooperate in adjusting the shooting time, the waiting time for the extras on set has also become longer. In the past, they might only have to stay for eight to ten hours, but now it takes twelve or even fourteen hours. hours, it’s not that they had to shoot for such a long time, but that after they finished shooting scene A, scene B followed scene A, because the main actor had to be replaced in the middle, but because the scene of a certain actor had to be filmed first, so the original scene was shot consecutively. The current scene must be put on hold until everyone else's filming is finished before filming this one. Now the crew, which could have optimized time management, now has everyone waiting.

With everyone on site, there are more places to spend money on site. Liu Zhi signs one-third more orders every day than before.

Every transaction will be recorded by Yue Hai.

At this time, Zhou Lan was still using the previous matter to put pressure on Yue Hai.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was Lorna.

Ever since Liu Zhi arrived, Luo Na's shooting time has become particularly hellish.

I am often scheduled to shoot in the early morning or late at night.

There was no other reason. She had a lot of roles, but her status was low, so Liu Zhi directly gave instructions to the coordinator and asked her to lower her priority.

As a result, Lorna often needs to come to the studio early in the morning to wait for filming. After one or two filming, there will be no scenes to film for most of the time.

In fact, it's okay if there is no filming at all, and she can go back to the hotel to rest, but there are filming arrangements in the middle, and occasionally there are one or two scenes that require her to appear.

Lorna spends more than ten hours on the set almost every day.

Just stay up for a day or two and forget it.

Doing this every day is a huge drain on people.

Even for a newcomer like Lorna, who has just debuted and is full of passion for photography, her energy is almost exhausted after a few days.

While filming one day, Lorna fainted right on set. (End of chapter)

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