Liu Zhi's crew management ability was questioned by the entire crew.

It was originally supposed to be taken over midway. Most of the team was made up of old people who had worked with Xu Jinbo for a long time. Because of Yue Hai, they had to tolerate the change of producer midway and did not break out. Now, what happened is that Luo Na fainted on the set. Everyone had a legitimate reason to vent, so everyone's emotions exploded at this moment.

Everyone on the crew was very emotional and blamed Liu Zhi.

In the little month since Liu Zhi joined the crew, he has formed his own clique in the crew. Those who refuse to "surrender" to him are regarded as Xu Jinbo's old crew and are secretly suppressed.

Although the incidents were not big or serious, they were led together to write a report letter to Yue Hai's internal reporting mailbox, which caused quite a stir within Yue Hai.

Xu Jinbo's matter has not yet been resolved, and now Liu Zhi, who has recently passed away, is facing public outrage. This crew has become a troubled place since Xu Jinbo was replaced.

Senior management cannot remain indifferent.

One or two crew members on the crew did not affect the overall situation, but now under the public outrage, everyone was passive and sabotaged. The filming progress was repeatedly delayed, including Cui Xidong.

Later, Yue Hai's internal financial department and risk control department could no longer withstand the pressure and went to communicate with senior management.

If this continues, "Flower City" will cost at least 20 to 30 million over budget. No one can afford this amount.

Liu Zhi's problem was actually more urgent to solve than Xu Jinbo's.

Delaying it for one day will cost millions.

Liu Zhihui was arranged to take over Xu Jinbo for a very important reason, that is, he was not Liu Ziyan's person.

The outburst of his question became the target of Liu Ziyan's counterattack.

At noon that day, Liu Ziyan appeared on the set with Xu Jinbo.

Liu Zhi's expression changed when he saw them. He wanted to say something, but Liu Ziyan didn't waste any words. He directly gave Liu Zhi his mobile phone and asked Liu Zhi to answer the call.

Liu Zhi answered the phone. He didn't know what he heard on the other side, and his face immediately fell.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zhi's face became particularly ugly.

He glared at Xu Jinbo, turned around and left.

Xu Jinbo took over "Flower City" again and returned to his position as producer.

This inexplicable storm finally came to an end.

For a project, the producer is the big steward.

When it is running smoothly, few people can realize the role of the big housekeeper, but when it is not running smoothly, the role of the big housekeeper becomes prominent.

After Xu Jinbo took over, his first action was to clear the accounts.

Liu Zhi took over the crew for more than half a month, spending millions every day. If such expenses are not sorted out, it will turn into a bad debt later on.

The second thing was that Xu Jinbo personally visited Luo Na who was recuperating in the hospital.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with Lorna. She just hadn't had a good rest for a week and was depressed, so she fainted at the scene.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor just gave her glucose.

Luo Na was ready to be discharged from the hospital, but Xu Jinbo insisted that Luo Na stay in the hospital to recuperate for two more days.

"We are not in a hurry. It will take you two days to recover and then return to the set to continue filming." Xu Jinbo said without any doubt.

Before Liu Zhi came, although Luo Na was a young actor and not well-known, she had never been mistreated by Xu Jinbo. At that time, she only had the feeling that this was a big crew and it was perfect in all aspects. After experiencing Liu Zhi, Only then did Lorna realize whose credit it was. Rona was deeply moved by Xu Jinbo's visit to him.

Among them, the person who welcomes Xu Jinbo back the most is of course Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Xu Jinbo would come back.

This was completely unexpected and shocking.

"Didn't you think of it?" Xu Jinbo asked.

"Who would have imagined this? I thought the "Flower City" project would really never happen to you from now on." Zhou Yun looked at Xu Jinbo with a smile and didn't come back to his senses for a long time, "What's going on? Yue Hai again Are you safe to let you be the producer? Aren’t you afraid that you will enrich your own pockets?”

Xu Jinbo said with a bit of sarcasm: "Maybe they find that compared to the person here who is suspected of enriching himself, the person with evidence of enriching himself is more annoying."

"Liu Zhi? What does he do?"

"I collected a lot of bribes and arranged for my family members to fake their positions to make money." Xu Jinbo said, "Mr. Liu found out all these things. When they were exposed at the meeting, everyone fell silent."

"It's ironic."

"All in all, from their perspective, "Flower City" has been messed up a lot now. If it doesn't get back on track, this project will have no choice but to rot in their hands. No one is willing to take such a risk." Xu Jinbo said , "Then who better than me to take over this ship that's starting to leak."

"These bastards, if you ask me, you Yue Hai really don't have many good people as always." Zhou Yun curled his lips disdainfully, "They are all just cowards who shirk their responsibilities when things happen."

"Well, not all people are like this."

"There are always a few people who are not like this." Zhou Yun retorted.

Xu Jinbo: "No one is perfect. There will always be times when we are in vain. Today they do it, and tomorrow we will do it."

"A bit ambitious." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at Xu Jinbo, "This time I can take a deep breath and let those people in Yue Hai mess around."

Xu Jinbo smiled and said nothing.

Xu Jinbo returned, and the crew of "Flower City" finally got things right.

Zhou Yun also returned to his previous appearance.

This made many people quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

In the past half month, Zhou Yun always appeared on the set with a tense face, and her aura was so strong that no one dared to talk to her casually.

At that time, many people realized that Zhou Yun, a first-line actress, was not without a temper.

After the filming returned to normal, Zhou Yun communicated with Song Chi about the project he wanted to co-develop with Yin Lin while filming.

"Do you want to participate?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi thought for a while and said, "If you are not short of funds, I will forget it. We have handled too many projects this year and don't have that much energy."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "But let's leave the distribution to you. You happen to have this business, otherwise we will have to find someone else later."

"Okay." Song Chi said, "If you are willing to let us do the distribution, of course we are happy with it."

The movie produced by Zhou Yun Company, starring Yin Lin, has a strong appeal no matter how you look at it. For both public and private purposes, Song Chi is not willing to miss such a project.

The news that Zhou Yun and Yin Lin were joining forces to develop a new movie project was announced by Yin Lin at a communication forum. (End of chapter)

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