I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1146 Getting Started

Yin Lin was wearing a white shirt and her hair was wavy.

Many people have the feeling that since Yin Lin won the Best Actress Award, her image and temperament have changed a lot, becoming more majestic and beautiful.

The media all use the words "popularity nourishes people" to describe Yin Lin.

She announced her new movie project with a smile, which naturally attracted much attention.

What has attracted more attention this time is that the producer of this project is Zhou Yun.

"Zhou Yun is the producer and you star. This kind of cooperation is very rare. How did you two talk about this cooperation?" asked some media at the scene.

Yin Lin said: "Actually, it came from an unexpected chat. I went to visit the class and talked about how I couldn't find a suitable script. She recommended me a novel she had read and said that she thought the character in it was quite suitable for me. , I was really moved after reading the novel. She originally advised me to develop this project myself, but I really had no experience, so after discussing with her, I decided to ask her to help. Of course I will also participate in the production, but mainly Still rely on her.”

"Does this mean that Zhou Yun's production company will have more forms of cooperation like this in the future?" Another media outlet immediately asked.

Yin Lin: "You have to ask her about this. However, when Xiaoyun founded this company, she already had a project that she did not star in. If I remember correctly, isn't it "The Prophecy Child"?"

Generally, actors set up production companies so that they can participate in the production of their own starring projects, but Zhou Yun's production company is not centered around her.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that because Yin Lin announced this cooperation project, her production company would immediately attract the attention of capital.

There are two capital companies that want to invest in the company.

People were obviously very optimistic about this production company and offered a high price.

However, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan discussed this matter and decided not to accept any capital intervention in the initial stage.

On the one hand, at this stage, no matter how high the bid is, it is only so high. After all, the only independently produced film is "The Prophecy" and has not accumulated its own film library.

On the other hand, they do not want to be influenced by capital to affect the development of the company.

In April, in addition to filming on the set, Zhou Yun also shot two magazine covers.

There is no way to push this aside. She has too many endorsements and needs to fulfill her duties as a spokesperson.

Zheng Xiaowen also contacted her several times. Zhou Yun did not stop paying attention to her, but made it clear to VX that they would not get back together.

The magazine cover like this one was bought for her by the D family.

Zhou Yun is also happy to cooperate with the D family in the future.

The VX incident gave Zhou Yun a blow.

No matter how much objectivity and realism you tell idealists, it is meaningless. You have to let them hit the wall once before they will understand the pain of hitting the wall.

Zhou Yun also felt it.

in business.

It's such a simple truth. If you don't fully practice it and instead invest yourself emotionally, you will only be hurt in the end.

This is not the relationship between people, and VX is not something Zheng Xiaowen can control.

The brand that belonged to her in the beginning no longer belongs to her.

Then, just when everything was calm, a storm arose in an unexpected place for Zhou Yun.

Song Chi has just finished filming "The Order" with Yu Zhiyang, and is now filming the remake of Xindun's "Love Vacation".

Still using the original name.

The other three actors filming with Song Chi are all mature actors who have already become famous.

It can be seen from the cast that Yao Yuanfeng is working hard to enter the international market.

There are actors from four countries: Song Chi is from China, Nakajima Sui is from Japan, the actress who plays Song Chi's couple in the film is from the UK, and there is another one from the United States.

Although the cast is very international, the production team is a serious New Shield filming team. Yao Yuanfeng personally came to the scene for several days to ensure that the shooting went smoothly.

Because of the growth of the Chinese film market, and the Chinese market that is inseparable from the two popular movies "Killer" and "The Killer" at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, several actors from different countries are very cooperative. Any act of showmanship or bad temper occurs on the set.

This made Yao Yuanfeng quite worry-free.

As a result, not long after Yao Yuanfeng left, Song Chi had a huge situation.

That night, Song Chi finished filming and returned to the hotel. On the way back, he made a video call with Zhou Yun.

When they arrived at the hotel, Song Chi hung up the phone, went upstairs, swiped the room card and entered.

The hotel room was booked for him by the crew, and he had been staying there for a while. It was very messy, with various items placed in it, and it was not tidy.

Song Chi went to the bathroom first, and when he came out after using the bathroom, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

After a second look, I realized something was wrong.

His room is a suite, with an office room outside and a bed inside.

But now, the door leading to the inner room is open.

Song Chi had the impression that when he went out, he had already closed the door.

Why did it open again?

Did you forget to close the door?

Song walked over hesitantly, and as soon as he reached the door, he saw a scene that made his blood boil.

On his bed, there was a naked woman lying across her side. She looked at him with charming eyes, her eyes flowing like water.

There was indeed a physiological reaction at that moment, almost instantaneously.

At the same time, a pinprick-like sense of crisis emerged from his brain.

He roared: "Who are you?!"

The sound startled her, and her face was filled with panic.

"Didn't you find someone to arrange for me to come in?" She asked instead.

Song Chi turned around and left, strode to the door of the room, opened the door, and was about to go out, but was blocked by a man holding a mobile phone.

"Everyone, I've already finished dinner and gone back -" The man who was doing live broadcast on his mobile phone was talking when he suddenly bumped into Song Chi. He was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of surprise, "Oh my god! Oh my god! My friends! Guys, have you seen it? We actually met Song Chi by chance! Wow, Song Chi is really a god, he is really handsome!"

The man's exaggerated voice made Song Chi feel a headache.

This can't be a coincidence.

What a coincidence.

Everything that happens at this time will not be a coincidence.

Song Chi was about to retreat to the room and close the door.

At this moment, the woman in the room chased her out. She only wrapped her body in a bath towel, with a humiliated expression on her face, and said: "It was obviously you who called me here, why are you pretending to be so big now?" Wolf!"

This scene was completely recorded by the man's live broadcast.

At this moment, the live broadcast room exploded.

Song Chi's face was so dark that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

He has followed the way of others.

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