I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1147 Airport Containment

The ringtone of the mobile phone woke Zhou Yun from his sleep.

She subconsciously glanced at the time on the upper left side of the phone screen, which read 11:27 pm. It was not very late, but people who knew her routine would not call her at this time.

Looking at the name of the caller, it turned out to be Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun was surprised and answered the phone.

"Xiaoyun, something happened." Zhou Lan's voice sounded deeper than ever, which made Zhou Yun feel uneasy, "Something happened to Song Chi."

The first five words made Zhou Yun feel uneasy, and the last five words made Zhou Yun's heart sink directly.

At this moment, in the flash of lightning, all Zhou Yun was thinking about was that as long as it was not a matter of life and death, it was nothing.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun felt that his voice was trembling at this moment.

Song Chi directly called the police, which no one expected.

Including the hotel manager who came after hearing the news, and the producer of "Love Holiday".

He didn't wait a second longer before calling the police.

"Don't let these two people go." When the producer of "Love Vacation" arrived, Song Chi pointed at the man doing the live broadcast and the woman who appeared in his room and said indifferently.

The producers had no idea what was going on or who these two men were. But Song Chi said so, of course he wanted to help Song Chi.

As a result, the man who started the live broadcast immediately expressed his resistance excitedly.

"Who are you? Are you trying to infringe on our right to personal freedom? Song Chi, even if you are a big star, you have no right to do this to us!" He shouted loudly, regardless of the time. Yes, many people are already asleep in the hotel, and they may even be deliberately trying to make the city full of noise.

Song Chi looked at him with a stern expression, but didn't say a word.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi found it incredible that such a thing happened.

But this is a set, specially given to Song Chi.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were at home, while Song Chi and Wu Chengbao were at the hotel, holding a video conference.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao both looked tired, and it was obvious that they had not slept in the meantime. Such a thing happened, which caught them off guard.

At the beginning of the video conference, Wu Chengbao briefly explained the matter, and then said very seriously to Zhou Yun at the other end of the video: "Xiaoyun, you must believe Song Chi. He really just returned to the hotel after filming today. , tomorrow there will be various media saying that Song Chi cheated or cheated on her, and we don’t even know what the woman will say now, so don’t believe it.”

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi.

"Song Chi, let me ask you, what exactly is going on?"

Song Chi looked helpless and said, "Things are just like what Old Wu said just now. I..."

Song Chi didn't even know how to explain it.

It seems that no matter how you say it, it is full of weirdness.

As soon as he entered the hotel, there was a naked woman lying on the bed. This was his room, but he didn't know what was going on.

No matter how I heard this, I thought it was outrageous.

Zhou Yun saw the helplessness on Song Chi's face, and she believed that he was not acting.

"I believe you, don't worry, I won't be affected by the noise outside." Zhou Yun said, "I have asked for leave from the crew. Sister Lan and I will come to see you on the flight tomorrow morning. Don't worry, We face it together.”

Song Chi looked surprised.

"Don't delay your filming."

"I have to handle this matter personally." Zhou Yun said, "Whether it's rationally or emotionally, I don't believe you will betray me, but I have to see you with my own eyes before I can be sure. Moreover, this If someone really wants to set a trap for you behind your back, then I can't stay out of it, and if you dare to use such despicable methods to deal with you, I won't allow it."

Song Chi had a wry smile on his face, but nodded.

"it is good."

In order to catch the earliest flight, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan went out at five o'clock in the morning.

After the video call with Song Chi, neither of them slept well. This incident happened so suddenly that no one knew what was going on. Zhou Yun certainly believed in Song Chi, but she couldn't 100% eliminate all doubts.

After being together with Song Chi for so many years, nothing like this has ever happened between the two of them.

In the car going to the airport, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were silent all the way.

It's not appropriate to say anything at this time.

When they arrived at the airport, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan got out of the car and were suddenly surrounded by a group of reporters.

Everyone rushed to block their way, and the microphone was stretched out in front of them.

"Xiaoyun, are you going to see Song Chi?"

"Ms. Zhou, have you heard about what happened to Song Chi? What do you think about the appearance of a woman in his hotel room?"

"Xiaoyun, have you contacted Song Chi? Is there anything you can disclose to us?"


It's 6:12 in the morning and the sun hasn't risen yet.

At the empty airport entrance, the cold wind is blowing.

Because he was so upset, Zhou Yun even forgot to put on his sunglasses and hat before getting off the car.

Now the whole face is exposed to these lenses.

Zhou Lan stood in front of her, protected her, and said loudly to these reporters: "Everyone, we are catching a flight. Please give way, otherwise we will not be able to catch up."

How can the media reporters be willing to squat here so early in the morning when they can't do anything?

They surrounded them relentlessly, talking all over the place.

"Reply a word or two."

"This is so shocking and so many people are paying attention."

"Yes, Xiaoyun, many people are waiting for your reaction."


The incident happened suddenly, and there were no bodyguards.

Zhou Lan looked at these reporters who refused to let them go. Their heads were as big as cows, but he was helpless.

We can only enter by force.

Zhou Lan lowered his head and tried to push the person in front of him away with his hands, "Sorry, please give way!"

Zhou Yun suddenly stretched out his hand and held Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan looked at her unexpectedly.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "Sister Lan, let me respond."

When she said this, the media reporters at the scene instantly became excited, and their eyes began to light up.

Zhou Yun faced them and said: "I just learned about this and have already contacted Song Chi. He is my lover. At this moment, I trust him unconditionally. What is the specific matter? I We need to go and communicate with him face to face to find out. Please give us some time. As artists, I know that if something like this happens to us, it is inevitable to be discussed and paid attention to by everyone. But while we are being discussed and paid attention to, The truth also needs to be clarified.”

A reporter immediately asked: "Xiaoyun, if Song Chi really cheated on her, what would you do?"

Zhou Yun's eyebrows felt stinging. (End of chapter)

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