There is no point in escaping.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

"Song Chi and I are the kind of people who won't lie to each other. If one day he or I cheat, we may hide it from other people, but we will definitely be honest with each other. If we don't love each other, we won't love anymore. There is no need to continue to force it, this is our consensus, so I asked him the truth, and he told me that he did not betray me, so I believe him, and I can’t respond to the rest right now, because I don’t know more than you do.”

Zhou Yun bowed to everyone.

"We are still in a hurry, so please let me go for now." A wry smile escaped Zhou Yun's lips.

Reporters who were familiar with Zhou Yun felt unbearable when they saw the wry smile on Zhou Yun's lips, let alone Zhou Yun's friends.

Zhou Yun has been in the industry for so many years, and he has always encountered disturbances, big and small, but he has never seen Zhou Yun smile so bitterly.

What kind of person is Zhou Yun?

No matter what happens, he will never admit defeat. God will kill God if he stands in his way, and Buddha will kill if he stands in the way of Buddha. He will never compromise.

Today Zhou Yun smiled bitterly.

In the bitterness, there is a desire to speak, but it is difficult to speak.

So, no one asked any more questions.

It was their duty as media reporters to come here in the early morning, but their understanding and familiarity with Zhou Yun also made them feel unbearable about Zhou Yun's mood at this moment.

Speaking of which, to Zhou Yun, she was a victim.

It happened late at night.

Public opinion fermented the next day.

Many people wake up from their sleep, wash their faces and brush their teeth, change clothes in a hurry and go out to catch the subway, bus, or drive themselves to start the day's work.

On the way, everyone habitually checked Weibo, listened to the news, and looked at the group chat messages that they missed because of sleep.

When they saw the news that Song Chi was suspected of being a prostitute in a hotel, their first reaction was disbelief. They thought it was fake news and a marketing account making headlines and causing trouble.

However, out of instinctive curiosity, everyone will still click in to take a look.

When they saw the live broadcast recording and saw the woman emerging from Song Chi's room, they didn't believe it and began to be a little confused.

Song Chi's company has issued a statement as soon as possible, saying that Song Chi didn't know what happened. He briefly described what happened and stated that he had reported the case to the police.

But another video also popped up. It was the woman who appeared in the live video. Her name was Lin Miao.

She cried so much in front of the camera that she was given the key to Song Chi's room, so she appeared in Song Chi's room.

Who is Song Chi?

The most popular star in the country is Zhou Yun, and Song Chi became famous earlier than Zhou Yun. Later, he and Zhou Yun became husband and wife, and the two began to dominate the entertainment industry.

Zhou Yun's performance in the past two years has been overwhelming, but Song Chi is no less generous.

He didn't win the award because he had already won many awards, and it would be much more difficult to win the award the second time.

Before the film and television industry elevated Zhou Yun to the throne, Song was already sitting on the throne sooner or later.

Such an actor, who used to have a perfect image and rarely saw bad news, is now involved in such a scandal.

In just one morning, Song Chi shot to the top of the trending searches on various social platforms.

Yao Yuanfeng felt very anxious.

Why did this happen when Song Chi was filming "Love Vacation"?

Yao Yuanfeng and Song Chi have collaborated on two films, both of which are major projects targeting the international market.

Everything was going smoothly, but at this moment, something like this happened to Song Chi!

Yao Yuanfeng angrily asked the company to suppress public opinion and reduce the popularity, but this method only works when the topic has not yet risen. Now that public opinion has formed, a spark can start a prairie fire, how can it be suppressed?

The filming of "Love Vacation" is still going on as usual.

Song Chi also went to the set anyway. The immediate statement issued by his company made many people choose to believe her for the time being, but everything the woman named Lin Miao said in front of the camera caused another group of voices to accuse Song Chi.

Obviously, only Song Chi and the hotel had the room card and key to the hotel room. If they hadn't given them to them, how could this woman have entered Song Chi's room?

The debate continues to spread online.

The secretary knocked on the door and entered.

Yao Yuanfeng raised his head.

"Mr. Yao, Zhou Yun has arrived at the set of "Love Holiday"." The secretary reported to him.

Yao Yuanfeng nodded, "Then let's go there too."

The atmosphere on the set of "Love Holiday" today was very bad, or in other words, there was an unusual silence everywhere.

Song Chi's accident made everyone on the crew afraid to speak loudly on the scene.

If the main actor has an accident, if it gets serious, the entire project might be stopped.

They didn't even expect that Song Chi would come to the studio to film today.

"Zhou Yun is here!" Someone said, and everyone else looked up.

Zhou Yun is really here.

After learning the lesson at the airport, after she arrived, she did not come to the set as soon as possible. Instead, she went to the hotel first, changed a set of clothes, put on makeup, put on sunglasses, and was fully armed before setting off with Zhou Lan to the Su crew. .

At this time, everyone was staring at her, and she didn't want to give others the impression of being "injured" and "embarrassed."

She also didn't want to show her weakness.

When she came to the set of "Love Vacation", Zhou Yun was actually a little timid the moment she got off the car, but the moment her feet stepped on the ground, she put away all her timidity. No matter how much criticism she had, she had to face it head-on.

Everyone looked at her, and all their eyes fell on her. At this moment, it was like a light on her back.

Zhou Yun straightened his back and walked through the crowd expressionlessly.

Song Chi also got off his RV.

The two people were several meters apart, their eyes intertwined.

Some people at the scene even took out their mobile phones and secretly filmed the scene.

Will Zhou Yun get furious, or what?

In everyone's minds, didn't Zhou Yun just come to raise an army to punish others?

Just when everyone was waiting to see Zhou Yun's reaction, Zhou Yun suddenly opened his hands towards Song Chi and waved to Song Chi to come over.

Only Zhou Yun truly felt sorry for the tiredness and embarrassment in Song Chi's eyes at this moment.

Song Chi walked over.

Zhou Yun showed him a distressed smile and hugged him.

Even though Zhou Yun wore high heels, Song Chi was naturally a head taller than him.

But Song Chi rested his head on Zhou Yun's shoulder and hugged Zhou Yun's waist with his hands, like a big dog.

Zhou Yun patted his back.

"It's okay, I'm here." Zhou Yun whispered in Song Chi's ear.

Song Chi raised his head, looked at Zhou Yun, and smiled.

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