It's hard to trust someone.

Zhou Yun trusted Song Chi, and Liu Yun trusted Zhou Yun.

Liu Yun thought about it for herself, and felt that she couldn't use her trust in Zhou Yun to ask everyone, because not everyone was like her and had the opportunity to get along with Zhou Yun day and night.

"What kind of person is Sister Xiaoyun? There are no adjectives to describe her, she is who she is."

Liu Yun once said this to her good friend.

"When you really like someone and admire someone, you will feel that every adjective loses its color when applied to her."

"She herself is the best adjective in the world."

With this idea in mind, Liu Yun stood firmly by Zhou Yun's side.

Zhou Yun and the crew of "Flower City" only took three days off.

Her time is tight.

"I'm very sorry, Jin Bo. I have to handle this matter personally." At that time, Zhou Yun called Xu Jinbo late at night and apologized to him.

Xu Jinbo said: "Xiaoyun, you go handle your affairs. The crew can coordinate it. I'm here, don't worry."

This is trust between friends.

Zhou Yunda made two things clear from the first moment he decided to come to the crew of "Love Holiday". First, to determine whether Song Chi was really tricked. Second, if it was determined that Song Chi was tricked, Someone was trapping her, and she wanted to give Song Chi the greatest support.

Finding the truth about this matter was actually not Zhou Yun's main idea.

She only needed such an action to show her support for Song Chi.

Song Chi still stayed on the set filming, as if he was not affected by anything. This was also the image he needed to present to the outside world.

No matter how lively you discuss this matter, it is just a trivial matter to him. Because it does not come true, it is a trivial matter.

Zhou Yun's trust and support for Song Chi is the most important support for Song Chi not to be swept away by crazy public opinion at this critical moment.

Zhou Yun's interview at the airport has been posted online and has been seen by many people.

Now, Zhou Yun is determined to find evidence that Song Chi was tricked. This is his attitude.

People in the hotel questioned and slandered him, but it didn't matter to Zhou Yun.

The same goes for other people’s doubts and slander.

Liu Yun gradually understood this.

That night, Yao Yuanfeng arrived.

Zhou Yun, Yao Yuanfeng, and Wu Chengbao sat together and met to discuss.

Regarding Song Chi's involvement in such a scandal, Yao Yuanfeng was no less anxious than Zhou Yun and Wu Chengbao.

Both movies "Love Vacation" and "Blood Diamond" have Song Chilai starring in them. If Song Chilai is in trouble, the pressure on Xindun will be great. "Who was behind the attack on Song Chi? Is there any news about this?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

Wu Chengbao shook his head and said: "We haven't found any news yet. The only clues we have are Lin Miao and Hong Wei, but these two people were taken away by the police for investigation. After the investigation, these two people refused to contact us. "

Yao Yuanfeng frowned and said: "Is this because they want to avoid contact without contact? One is the bait, the other is exposed. The division of labor is clear. Only by starting from the two of them can we find the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Yes, so, the obvious method won't work, and we can only take other paths." Wu Chengbao sighed, "The key to the problem now is that time is very tight, and we must find evidence of their trap as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be no conclusion on this matter, three people will become tigers, and this stain will remain on Song Chi for a long time."

"That's true." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Xiaoyun, the support you showed for Song Chi today has won the support of many people online, especially the fans of the two of you. I have to ask you to do this. Show your support for Song Chi more, otherwise, if the public opinion goes bad, it will be a devastating blow to Song Chi."

"That woman doesn't have any evidence to prove that Song Chi called her, but on the contrary, Song Chi doesn't have any evidence to prove that the woman wasn't called by him. In the end, this matter can only become a matter of public opinion and mother-in-law. In a state of reasonable debate, in the later stages, if decisive evidence has not been found to change the direction of public opinion, then public relations must be relied upon." Wu Chengbao said.

Zhou Yun said: "I got the surveillance records of the last seven days from the hotel. Let's have someone read them first. Pick out all the clips involving Song Chi. Mr. Wu, what happened to Zhang Cong's room card?" What's the same thing? Did he really lose his room key?"

Wu Chengbao said: "He said it was stolen. He originally put it in his coat pocket, but the coat was left in the lounge. Because it was the key card for Song Chi's room, he usually didn't need it, so he didn't check it in time until the incident happened. It was only then that I discovered that the spare key card he had left in his place had been stolen.”

"Maybe it was really stolen, but the room key was stolen. How did Lin Miao know which room Song Chi was staying in?"

"It's easy to get information. The hotel can check it, follow Song Chi, and see which room Song Chi has entered."

"Well, that's right." Zhou Yun nodded, "So, let's find someone to check the surveillance records first and see if Song Chi has been followed by anyone in the past few days."

Yao Yuanfeng looked at Zhou Yun doubtfully and asked, "Do you think that if Song Chi has not been followed in the hotel these days, there is either something wrong with the hotel or Zhang Cong?"

"Whether there is any problem with the hotel or Zhang Cong, I don't need to confirm it through the surveillance video. I just don't want to let go of any clues." Zhou Yun said, "Mr. Yao, your Xindun navy is very powerful. Song Chi has been Public opinion on the Internet depends on you to help."

"Don't worry about this. I will do it without your asking. We Xindun and Song Chi are now on the same boat." Yao Yuanfeng clenched his fists, "If I know who is setting a trap on Song Chi, I will I definitely can’t spare him!”

Yao Yuanfeng's ruthless voice made Zhou Yun suddenly think of another possibility.

The people behind the scenes took action against Song Chi, not necessarily against Song Chi, but also against people like Yao Yuanfeng or companies like Xindun, in order to discredit Song Chi and bring down their projects.

But this possibility is relatively small.

The filming of this drama has just started not long ago, and it is completely possible to change people at this time.

If the purpose is to bring down the project starring Song Chi, then we should wait until the filming of the drama is about to be completed, and the effect will be better.

Who is the mastermind behind this, and what is his purpose?

Zhou Yun returned to the room with such doubts and waited for Song Chi to come back.

He didn't sleep well last night, so Zhou Yun lay on the bed and fell asleep directly.

After an unknown amount of time, she heard the sound of the door opening.

"Song Chi?" She asked in a daze, and then heard Song Chi's answer.

"It's me." (End of Chapter)

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