I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1151 Not willing to add fuel to the fire

Song Chi came to the bedside and saw Zhou Yun lying on the bed, opening his eyes sleepily and looking at him.

"Have you just finished filming?" Zhou Yun asked in a vague voice.

Song Chi nodded and said, "We just finished filming."

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed and asked, "What time is it now? I just wanted to lie down for a while, but I fell asleep directly."

"It's been a hard day today." Song Chi squeezed Zhou Yun's palm and looked at the latter's face with gentle eyes, "I heard that you have been traveling to various places and met a lot of people."

"You must show your attitude to everyone and don't let them make a fuss." Zhou Yun said, "Hurry up and take a shower and rest. I heard from Wu Chengbao that you will continue filming tomorrow."

"Yes." Song Chi nodded, but his eyes fell intensely on Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but laughed when he saw Song Chi's look.

Zhou Yun hooked Song Chi's neck.

Song Chi fell on Zhou Yun's body.

Warm and fragrant like jade.

After Yao Yuanfeng returned to the room, he told the secretary who followed him: "Go and investigate and find out what the backgrounds of Lin Miao and Hong Wei are. You may not be able to find out with that kid Wu Chengbao's methods."


"You also tell Zeng Ying that the "Blood Diamond" project will be suspended for now."


Yao Yuanfeng waved his hand, and the secretary left.

Yao Yuanfeng unbuttoned the cuffs of his sleeves, rolled them out, and exposed his forearms.

Even though he spent most of the day in an air-conditioned place, he was still a little hot at this moment.

Stifling heat caused by irritability.

He stood outside the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the night scene outside the building. Except for the downstairs, everything else was dark, and some lights could be vaguely seen.

The location of this hotel is not very prosperous.

At that time, the crew chose to shoot here because of the leisurely atmosphere of this small town.

Yao Yuanfeng took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a leisurely puff.

In the past few years, the development of Xindun has been closely tied to Zhou Yun and has developed very well. Especially Zhou Yun's "Female Killer" series has become Xindun's most profitable film project. The good situation has made Yao Yuan Feng had forgotten his original intention of implementing the producer-centered system in Xindun, which was that he did not want to be too closely tied to one or two movie stars.

Now, something happened to Song Chi, the filming of "Love Vacation" is in jeopardy, and the preparation of "Blood Diamond" has to be suspended.

Xindun's filming plan for this year has put a lot of money into these two projects, and now the plan has been directly disrupted.

The so-called eggs cannot be put in one basket.

However, this is the situation now.

Song Chi is the leader among the younger generation of actors. If you don't work with him, who will you work with?

Who else can afford such an international project?

For the first time, Yao Yuanfeng felt that there were too few actors available.

For many partners, the couple Zhou Yun and Song Chi are a headache - no matter how good their work attitudes are and how cooperative they are, they stand in a high position and have the right to speak and make decisions. It's them, most of the partners are begging them to do things. However, these two people are still a couple. Put together, they are one plus one, which is greater than two. In the Chinese film market last year, the box office of the movies starring the two of them accounted for more than one-third of the total box office, which is extremely terrifying.

Whether Zhou Yun or Song Chi, everyone loves and hates them. What I love is that there are such awesome actors who can carry the box office alone. What I hate is that there are only a few actors like them. Things are rare and the same is true for people. Of course everything was fine when Song Chi was in trouble. Now that something happened, Yao Yuanfeng had to consider the possible losses that would follow.

A "Love Vacation" has now cost hundreds of millions of yuan. If it were really invested, it would be a blood loss for him.

No matter how much we talk about going into the international market, we cannot give up our base camp.

The domestic market is the largest market for "Love Holiday".

If Song Chi's status was not high enough and Zhou Yun was standing beside him, Yao Yuanfeng would have already started to think of replacing Song Chi.

The truth is not important, what is important is the project "Love Vacation".

Factors that are too risky must be eliminated as soon as possible.

This is the principle that Yao Yuanfeng has practiced to this day.

Now this principle cannot be practiced.

In Li Ci's live broadcast room, many people spoke in the barrage, asking him what he thought about Song Chi.

Li Ci's talk about the entertainment industry in the live broadcast room has become a major feature of this live broadcast room. Tens of millions of fans flock to this live broadcast room every day just to listen to him gossip or comment on the latest entertainment news. .

As early as the first day after this incident happened, many people came to Li Ci's live broadcast room to inquire about the situation.

In everyone's eyes, Li Ci was once a top-notch person. He had extensive connections in the entertainment industry and was well-informed.

But Li Ci never spoke about it and ignored everyone's appeals throughout the process.

So after Li Ci's live broadcast ended, many people went to Li Ci's social platform to leave messages, asking him why he didn't comment on this matter and whether he was pretending not to see everyone's appeal.

Li Ci was also speechless, thinking, since you know that I will not comment on this matter and pretend not to see it, why did you come over and ask?

Regarding this matter, Li Ci really didn't know what to say.

From a rational perspective, there is nothing that can be analyzed now, and the information currently exposed cannot prove anything at all.

It may be that Song Chi went whoring, it may be that Song Chi was tricked, or it is even more likely that Song Chi was "jumped by the immortal".

It's all possible.

As a result, after the live broadcast today, the platform suddenly contacted him and expressed the hope that he could make some comments and opinions about Song Chi during the live broadcast tomorrow.

Apparently, even the platforms have noticed this popularity.

Li Ci thought to himself that two-thirds of the people in his live broadcast room wanted to listen to this.

Li Ci, who has been ups and downs for several years, really doesn't dare to talk nonsense now.

Especially related to Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

In the past six months, Li Ci has been gathering a lot of feathers about the couple, trying to gain popularity and attract traffic to his live broadcast room. He also often talked about some past things, but in addition to the initial reason for saying some things that should not be said , was given a warning by Zhou Lan, and they never interfered or stopped him again.

You know, for many of the celebrities he mentioned, their teams came to send messages, hoping that they would not be mentioned again in the future, especially those who directly posted Weibo to scold him.

In comparison, Li Ci talked a lot about Song Chi and Zhou Yun, and commented on many of their film and television dramas. There were praises and criticisms. Neither of them came to hold anyone accountable, and they had a kind of carefree attitude. .

At this time, Li Ci was not willing to add fuel to the fire.

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