Li Ci did not expect that a little later, when he was ready to go to bed, he suddenly received a call from Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun?" Li Ci answered the call in shock. He never expected that Zhou Yun would call him at this time.

Zhou Yun: "I'm sorry to bother you so late. I think you just finished the broadcast, so you shouldn't have slept yet?"

Li Cidu had already sat up from the bed.

"No, no, you called me so late. Is there something wrong?"

Ever since they collaborated on "Ding Feng Bo", Zhou Yun and Li Ci have never collaborated again.

Later, when Li Ci's career failed to recover and he reached rock bottom, he asked Zhou Yun for help. Zhou Yun was willing to help and gave him a role. However, Li Ci finally gave up because he refused to play a supporting role.

At that time, Zhou Yun only thought that he and Li Cidao were different and did not conspire with each other. Later, they had no contact with each other anymore.

I still see him in his circle of friends often.

Zhou Yun did not delete his friends.

Later, he left Chengqian and signed with Zuo Jing, which surprised Zhou Yun.

Later, he started doing live broadcasts.

Zhou Yun did not expect that Li Ci would become popular again through live broadcasts.

But the route has completely changed. In the past, Li Ci was a traffic figure and an idol sought after by thousands of girls. Now, Li Ci has become an anchor who relies on gimmicks to maintain his popularity.

But no matter what, Zhou Yun was also very emotional when he saw that Li Ci still stayed in this industry and did not leave.

She knew that Li Ci often talked about her in the live broadcast room.

However, she didn't pay too much attention.

Since she can be consumed by so many media and paparazzi, why can't she be consumed by people who have worked with her before?

As long as he doesn't talk nonsense.

Zhou Yun never thought that one day he would need to find Li Ci and ask him for help.

This matter does not require standing support, but the guidance of public opinion.

Zhou Yun thought about this matter for a long time. The top priority was not even to find the mastermind behind it, but to control the development of online public opinion.

Otherwise, at the current rate of development of public opinion, it would easily have a huge impact on Song Chi's existing work.

Wu Chengbao said that after this incident, several fast-moving consumer goods brands that had been settled before directly canceled future cooperation.

This is just a small thing and has little impact.

It's nothing more than making less money, but if the situation continues to expand, it won't be the impact of making less money.

Zhou Yun hopes to solve this matter through Li Ci and his identity.

"I don't need you to directly help Song Chi clarify the truth. I just need you to tell everyone how many possibilities there are for this matter." Zhou Yun said to Li Ci, "It's up to us to say this, and everyone will be preconceived. They think we are making excuses and don't believe it, but it's up to you to make everyone think about the possibility that there are other possibilities in this matter. You just need to make everyone temporarily doubtful about this matter and not directly conclude that Song Chi is a prostitute. That’s it, okay?”

Li Ci took a deep breath and said: "Xiaoyun, you have already called me. What else can I say? Of course I am willing to help you. When I asked you for help, everyone rejected you. You also agreed. It was because I was ignorant at the time and rejected you later. But, are you okay with yourself? When something like this happens, is there really something wrong with Song Chi? "

"No." Zhou Yun said categorically, "I have already watched the hotel's surveillance video, and I have also done some investigation. I have made my own judgment. Now I just need to wait for the investigation results from the police. It's just Before this, we didn't know how long it would take, and I can't let such rumors continue to spread and affect Song Chi." "Okay, I understand." Li Ci said, "Leave it to me."

Zhou Yun only slept for five hours again.

However, if she was allowed to sleep for a little longer, she really wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

My heart is full of anxiety, but my face cannot yet show it.

Wearing sunglasses and a full-on suit, she was escorted to the airport by Zhou Lan, Liu Yun and a group of bodyguards.

This time she was well prepared and no media reporter could stop her.

However, Zhou Yun took the initiative to stop, took off his sunglasses, looked at the media reporters and smiled slightly.

"Xiaoyun, can you tell us about the latest progress of your visit to see Song Chi this time?"

"Is Song Chi a prostitute? How will you deal with your relationship with Song Chi?"

"Will you divorce Song Chi?"


They asked questions one after another, and Zhou Yun had no time to answer them.

But she was not in a hurry, and waited patiently for them to ask questions one after another before saying, "Thank you for being so concerned about this matter. Regarding my husband's matter, I will give him a simple response first." , in fact, he has already responded. Let me repeat it again. First, the woman who appeared in my husband’s room, Lin Miao, my husband had never met her once before and did not know her. Second, no matter what How did she enter my husband's room and lie down on my husband's bed? Before my husband found out, she had no idea. Third, what is the truth of this matter? The police have been involved. I believe the police We will investigate and find out the truth. Please be patient and let us wait for the results of the police investigation. The response to this matter is the above. Other than that, I will not make any further response to this matter. I know that my husband His character, after meeting him this time, I have confirmed this even more."

Zhou Yun thought to herself that she had never said "my husband" so many times in front of everyone.

Too many sentences.

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he nodded with a smile, and then put on his sunglasses again.

"Thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest early. I'm going back to the crew for filming." After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he nodded to them.

Seeing that she was about to leave, the reporters immediately started a commotion and continued to ask questions.

"If Song Chi hadn't given him the room card, how did Miss Lin Miao enter Song Chi's room?"

"Ms. Zhou, can you give us some answers?"

"Do you believe that Song Chi is based on your emotional foundation, rather than seeing evidence that proves Song Chi is innocent?"


Zhou Yun ignored these questions, raised his head proudly, and entered the airport under the escort of bodyguards.

She finally became the artist she least wanted to be.

Zhou Yun's response undoubtedly ranked first on the hot search list on this day.

Zhou Yun's trust in Song Chi also aroused a lot of heated discussion.

A blogger who specializes in discussing women's topics raised a question: Why do top female stars like Zhou Yun disappoint us in matters between men and women?

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