I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 116 Scandal Begins: 115

Chapter 116 Scandal Begins: 115
He Yong's plan today is actually very simple. If Zhou Yun's unwillingness to cooperate is very firm, then change his mind, stop marketing Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao's sister CP, change the relationship, let Xu Siyao be Zhou Yun's little fan girl Well, create a topic of "idols and fans", so that the two can be tied together.

There are naturally many reasons why He Yong chose Xu Siyao, but the most important point is actually convenience.Xu Siyao and Zhou Yun will soon join the group to film the same movie, which is a ready-made talking point.As long as the operation is good, not only will Xu Siyao's popularity follow Zhou Yun's, but it will also increase the popularity of "The Eighth Heartbeat", which will benefit the subsequent broadcast data, as well as the two actors Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao.

But what He Yong didn't expect was that Zhou Yun would be so vigilant that he would interrupt and fool him even to sign the autograph.

But fortunately, fortunately, he arranged something else.

He Yong smiled slightly, because he knew how decisive Zhou Yun's attitude was, so he didn't try to make Zhou Yun let go.

After dinner, He Yong asked Zhou Yun if he wanted to send her back.

Zhou Yun shook his hand and said, "No, I've already sent the driver over."

"That's good." He Yong nodded.

Xu Siyao was suddenly anxious at this moment, wanted to say something, but dared not say it, her eyes looked anxiously at He Yong's face.

He Yong acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Seeing it, Zhou Yun thought to himself, Xu Siyao probably felt a little anxious because she saw that she ignored her again today.

She just didn't know, and when the driver arrived, she said goodbye to the two people, got in the car, and went home.

As soon as Zhou Yun left, Xu Siyao said anxiously: "Mr. He, she won't sign for me, what should I do? Is this all in vain?"

He Yong couldn't understand Xu Siyao's style, and said: "You are not likable, what can you do?"

Xu Siyao's eyes were red with grievance, and she looked at He Yong with her mouth pursed.

Seeing this, He Yong thought to himself, after all, it is a little girl, it is normal for her to be unable to calm down because she has not experienced anything.

It is not normal for someone like Zhou Yun who is becoming more and more unclear about his mind.

He Yong's tone softened, and he said, "Okay, don't worry about it, I made second-hand preparations, so don't worry."

Hearing what He Yong said, Xu Siyao showed a surprised expression.

"I knew Mr. He had a way!"

Xu Siyao's eyes were filled with admiration, and He Yong felt relieved.

There are many reasons for choosing Xu Siyao, the most important one is because she is sensible.

Unlike Wei Ruxue and Zhou Yun, they are disobedient and difficult to control.


Zhou Yun returned to the apartment and went to the balcony to call Zhou Lan. There was no camera assembled for the show on the balcony. She wanted to report to Zhou Lan about the dinner with He Yong.

"You mean, he just let you back? Didn't say anything?"

"Maybe he saw that my attitude was more determined, so he didn't pester me any more."

"He's not this kind of person. Don't be fooled by his appearance. If he backed down so easily, he wouldn't be in the position he is today." Zhou Lan didn't breathe a sigh of relief like Zhou Yun, "I think He has other plans."

"It's not like buying and selling by force, is it? Is it possible that they don't respect my opinion and directly speak for me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "If you really refuse to cooperate, this topic will definitely not be discussed."

Zhou Yun said: "That means that if I disagree, this matter cannot be done."

"That's what it says."

"That's fine. I'm going to take a shower. I'm really exhausted after eating." Zhou Yun complained.

As a result, on the second day, Zhou Yun found himself on the trending searches.

The trending topics are also incredible.

#周云Suspected Exposure of New Romance#
I clicked in and took a look. What's more ridiculous, it turned out to be some candid photos. The photos were of Zhou Yun having dinner with He Yong last night.

The two people sat facing each other, and the moment of shooting was also a coincidence. It was the time when the two were talking and laughing at Yan Yan.

Zhou Yun never thought that one day he would have a scandalous relationship with He Yong.

what's the situation?
Is it paparazzi?
Thinking of this, Zhou Yun was happy, and said, "He Yong's face is so black when he sees himself on the hot search."

Zhou Lan said on the phone: "Don't be in a hurry, I asked a few familiar marketing accounts, and one of them told me that he also received these photos in his private message, and sent them to him early in the morning. , It was posted by a water account, think about it, if it was taken by a paparazzi, would he send this kind of photo to the marketing account for free? Doesn’t it make money?”

Zhou Yun put away his smile, "What does this mean? It wasn't taken by paparazzi?"

"From the information I have so far, no."

"That's strange, is it a passerby?"

"It's possible."

"Then I'll post on Weibo to clarify." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "Don't worry, don't you find it strange?"

"What's weird?"

"This matter has been on the hot search. He Yong has not responded yet. According to common sense, he should also call us at this time."

After Zhou Lan's reminder, Zhou Yun realized that it was indeed the case.

Although this matter can embarrass He Yong and Zhou Yun is quite happy, but it is indeed a bit abnormal.

He Yong saw that there was an unwarranted scandal about him, shouldn't he go berserk sooner?Make people quickly withdraw the trending search?
Zhou Yun's face suddenly collapsed, "He Yong didn't do it himself, did he? Stirring me up? It shouldn't be. There's no need to involve yourself in it."

Zhou Lan suddenly sneered.

"What's the matter? Why are you sneering suddenly?" Zhou Yun felt that Zhou Lan's sneer was a little scary.

Zhou Lan said: "Look at Weibo, the company's official Weibo has clarified."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yun immediately picked up the tablet and opened Weibo to have a look.

The meaning of the company statement is actually very simple. It means that Zhou Yun was not photographed on a date with his new boyfriend for dinner. The man in the photo is He Yong, an executive of Chengqian Entertainment. There is also Xu Siyao, another female artist of the company.

There was a bang in Zhou Yun's head, and he understood everything in an instant.

Fortunately, she was still complacent and blocked Xu Siyao back.

In fact, He Yong had already dug another hole for her to jump into.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and scolded: "He Yong, that bastard, is quite brazen!"

Zhou Lan said: "I suspect this is only first-hand, and there will be more later. You said yesterday that He Yong said that Xu Siyao wanted to ask you for an autograph. I suspect that they want to make Xu Siyao your fan, little fan girl. With this Identity binds her to you."

Just like what Zhou Lan said, within five minutes, Xu Siyao posted a new Weibo.

(End of this chapter)

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