I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 117 Scandal Begins: 116

Chapter 117 Scandal Begins: 116
Xu Siyao said on Weibo: I was there last night, why didn't the sneak photographers take pictures of me? PS Although, I am really happy and excited to meet my idol Xiaoyun!Fortunately, I asked the waiter to secretly take a photo for me.

In the attached photo, three people are sitting at a table, which is exactly the same as the photo of the two that broke out on the Internet in terms of background and clothes.

Someone left a message on Xu Siyao's Weibo: You are from the same company as them, why do you ask the waiter to secretly take pictures for you?
Xu Siyao replied: Because I like Miss Xiaoyun very much, but I am too embarrassed to tell her, and I am too embarrassed to ask her for a photo, so I asked the waiter to take a sneak photo for me, woo woo.


Zhou Yun felt unbelievable, and his three views were shattered.

Song Chi called to gloat: "Why do I feel that you have been set up by someone?"

Zhou Yun said: "You feel right. For the first time, I feel that I am stupid."

"Then your reaction is a bit slow." Song Chi first taunted, and then said, "Who is that Xu Siyao?"

"A newcomer is about to join me in the filming of "The Eighth Heartbeat". The company wanted me to promote a sisterhood relationship with her before, but I rejected it. It's amazing that you can still rub so forcefully."

Song Chi said: "What is this? When you become more popular, after a few more years, you will find that there are countless ghosts and ghosts sticking to you."

"How do you hear your tone, you have a lot of experience."

"Don't interrupt, what do you want to do in this situation?"

"What can I do? In this situation, I can't jump out and say, no, you are lying, you are not my fan at all!" Zhou Yun said, "If I really do this, everyone will think I am a fool .”

Song Chi: "As long as you know."

Song Chi said again: "According to the normal routine, your company will arrange for Xu Siyao to be on the hot search soon, and from this time on, it will leave an impression on the public that Xu Siyao is your little fan girl , you are her idol."

"Is there a way to undo this bondage?"

"Yes, I have."

"any solution?"

"You said you didn't know her."

"It's fake when you hear it. We both work in the same company and we will be filming together soon. How could we not know her?" Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "Anyway, let me advise you, this kind of person, it's best to find a way to alienate her early, otherwise it will be a big trouble. Under the banner of your fan, you will do all kinds of things, and many things will even be with you. There is no half-money relationship, just because she said she is your little fan girl, you will be implicated."

"I'll go." Zhou Yun said.

The phone call with Song Chi was meaningless.

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, and when he thought that he was cautious before and after, and finally followed the advice of He Yong and Xu Siyao, he became angry, not only at them, but also at himself.

Just like what Song Chi said, Xu Siyao's hot search went up not long after.
The trending topic is: Xu Siyao speaks out to help Zhou Yun clarify the scandal.

It sounds like the two have a good relationship.

The relationship is not good, can you help clarify the scandal?
Zhou Yun was so angry that his teeth itched.

Zheng Xiaoju had no choice but to comfort her: "Sister Xiaoyun, don't be too angry."

Even Liu Yuan sent a message to ask Zhou Yun what the hot search was all about.

Zhou Yun felt that he couldn't just sit and wait for death.

She was about to call Zhou Lan when Zhou Lan's call suddenly came.

"Sister Lan, I can't just sit and wait for death so silently, I have to respond."

"I'm calling you to tell you about this." Zhou Lan said, "That's right, Xiaoyun, first, we have to respond to what happened last night, and second, we can't understand what happened last night. Slap He Yong and Xu Siyao directly in the face. Although I really want to do this, we can't. Third, we have to put Xu Siyao aside, and we can't take the initiative to have any relationship with her on the surface. My idea is, wait for us Discuss how to respond, but don't mention Xu Siyao, and treat it as if you don't know that Xu Siyao helped you clarify the scandal. If our guess is correct, Xu Siyao will definitely come uninvited and take the initiative to comment on your Weibo. The media creates a feeling that you have a really good personal relationship with you. You don’t reply a word, just pretend that this person does not exist, not only this Weibo, but also all her interactions with you on social media in the future. You don’t even need to respond, if a reporter asks you, just say that you don’t know her, that you don’t know her well, that you haven’t met her in person, you can say something to encourage her to cheer her up, and don’t give me anything else.”

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, Xu Siyao and I are going to join the filming team soon."

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me. I will communicate with the crew and try to arrange the two of you as far as possible." Zhou Lan said, "It's best to put her in group B."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is this okay?"

"When He Yong helped her in this scene, he specifically avoided characters who were in the same frame as you, for fear that she would be killed in a flash if she was in the same frame as you." Zhou Lan said, "Now I find that this approach is actually better. You don't have many scenes with her in the same frame, and many can be arranged."


Zhou Lan said, "Okay, that's it, I'll hang up."

Zhou Yun returned to the house from the balcony, and the camera of "After We Had a Scandal" squatted in its corner dedicatedly.

Zhou Yun smiled at the camera.

On the way to work, Li Yuning followed as usual.

Zhou Yun is wearing sunglasses.

Li Yuning asked: "Xiao Yun, can I interview you at this time?"

Zhou Yun took off his sunglasses and was still very cooperative, "No problem."

Li Yuning asked: "You are on the hot search again today."

"That's right." Zhou Yun shrugged helplessly, and said, "I'm also very strange. I'm always on the trending searches because of some things that don't exist."

Li Yuning asked: "Xu Siyao...is she an artist from your company?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Seeing Zhou Yun's expression, Li Yuning asked, "Is there something wrong with my question?"

"Yuning, I don't know her very well, so why don't you mention her? Actually, I have a lot of criticisms about me, and I don't want to have too much relationship with the little girl, so that those who don't like me will also hate her." .”

Zhou Yun did not expect to say these words so soon.

This was all drafted by Zhou Lan for her and asked her to memorize it, for fear of being asked about it by reporters with ulterior motives.

Li Yuning glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, thought for a while, and said to his headset: "Turn off the radio, Zhou Yun and I."

After a while, Li Yuning heard the voice in the headset and said to Zhou Yun: "We turned off the radio, can I ask, what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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