I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 118 Scandal Begins: 117

Chapter 118 Scandal Begins: 117
Li Yuning said with a smile: "It's okay if it's not convenient for you to say."

Zhou Yun smiled embarrassedly, and asked, "Am I lying too much?"

Li Yuning also laughed, and said: "It can be seen that you have just entered this industry not long ago."

Zhou Yun sighed in a low voice, "Dao deeds are not enough."

Li Yuning said: "It's okay, I will gradually gain experience in the future."

Zhou Yun blinked his eyes, as if he got to know Li Yuning again, and said, "Our conversation just now sounds a bit strange."

Li Yuning nodded, smiled again, and said: "I have worked as an entertainment reporter and as a director of a TV station. I have been dealing with the entertainment industry all these years. Many of the hottest stars are as young as you when they first entered the industry. If it is astringent, it will be watertight at the beginning, and then it will become fine."

She added: "People from your company contacted us and said they hoped to mention Xu Siyao more on the show. It seems that we haven't reached a consensus on this matter?"

Zhou Yun was surprised and asked, "They still contacted you?"

"Yeah." Li Yuning nodded, "This is the instruction I received, so I think there is something wrong with what you said just now."

Zhou Yun was speechless, "I didn't expect that their hands are really long enough."

Li Yuning said: "Your company wants to take advantage of your enthusiasm to promote Xu Siyao?"

"Maybe it is, I don't know, and the company hasn't talked to me about it."

"That's good, we won't mention her in the future." Li Yuning nodded, expressing his understanding, gestured OK to the camera, and tapped his headset to signal that the radio could be turned on again.

While waiting for Zhou Yun to work, Li Yuning received a call from Huang Liping.

"Hello, Mr. Huang?"

Huang Liping asked: "Yuning, what happened just now? I heard from Xiao Yao that you asked him to turn off the radio for a while?"

"Well, there is a situation, Mr. Huang, you said yesterday that Zhou Yun's company asked us to mention Xu Siyao several times in the show, but Zhou Yun himself was unwilling."

Huang Liping was a little surprised, "Huh? What's going on?"

"It is estimated that their company wants Zhou Yun to take Xu Siyao with them, but Zhou Yun disagrees." Li Yuning said, "You said yesterday that you may invite Xu Siyao to participate in the recording of the show. I suggest you communicate with Xu Siyao in advance."

Huang Liping: "Don't tell her about it yet, I'll contact He Yong first."

Huang Liping hung up the phone.

I don't know how Huang Liping communicated with He Yong. That night, Li Yuning received a call from Huang Liping: "Xu Siyao will still come to participate in the recording of the show as usual, but don't tell Zhou Yun before she comes."

Li Yuning said in surprise: "Boss Huang, is this okay? When we first talked with Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun's side asked for it, so the guests who participated in the recording had to get permission from Zhou Yun's side."

Huang Liping said: "Zhou Yun's company agreed, but Zhou Yun had objections, and that was their internal disagreement."

Li Yuning: "Boss Huang, I still suggest communicating with Zhou Yun first, and arrange for Xu Siyao to participate in the recording without notifying her in advance, in case Zhou Yun..."

"What if? Is it possible that she can still lose her temper with us because of this matter? This is not our request, but her company's request. Besides, she is just a newcomer who has just become popular. If she is dissatisfied, she will be dissatisfied. Do we still have to do things based on her eyes?" After Huang Liping finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Li Yuning was a little helpless.

She has been working with Huang Liping for several years.

Huang Liping is a capable person, but she also has the common problem of capable people, that is, she doesn't listen to other people's opinions.

In fact, those in their line of work are more or less prejudiced against celebrities like Zhou Yun who rely on gossip, hype, and traffic.

As much as Huang Liping liked Song Chi, she hated Zhou Yun in her heart.

Li Yuning knew this.

It's just that making a show is all about gimmicks. No matter how nicely you put it, Huang Liping is actually playing the gimmick card.

Whether you focus on real life or don't pay attention to celebrity gossip, it's more about convincing the artist team to listen.

Li Yuning didn't feel that Zhou Yun was that kind of so-called female star after getting in touch with her in the past few days.

They will also communicate in private, how long can Zhou Yun be popular?
One month, two months?

A flash in the pan is the norm, Zhou Yun can persist until now, but it is not the norm.

Like them, Li Yuning once looked down on Zhou Yun, but now his view has changed.

After thinking about it, she decided to talk to Liang Tian.

If anyone in this team had the same opinion on Huang Liping as she did, it would be Liang Tian.


At night, Zhou Yun returned home and took a shower in the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Zhou Yun went directly to bed, turned on the bedside lamp, and continued to watch "Solomon's Perjury" until he felt sleepy and fell asleep in a daze.

When the phone rang, she thought it was morning.

At first glance, it turned out to be two thirty in the morning.

How could Zhou Lan call her in the middle of the night?
Something must have happened.It's not a trivial matter, otherwise, Zhou Lan wouldn't have called so late.

Zhou Yun's heart sank, he answered the phone, and asked, "Sister Lan?"

Zhou Lan's tone was very serious, and he said, "Xiao Yun, do you still remember where you were the night you went to record "Geological Tan"?"

""Geological Tan"?" Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment, unable to react, "Didn't the show fail to be recorded? The director is in the hospital."

"It's just that the director has a big problem. Someone broke the news with his real name. The director of this show, Zhao Qin, has had relationships with many female stars in the entertainment circle. He said that Zhao Qin hinted that these female stars would get more scenes in the show if they slept with him. Screenshots of the director’s WeChat chat history have been posted, and it’s early in the morning, but this hot search has already exploded, and someone has counted female artists who have appeared on Zhao Qin’s show, and you happen to be the last batch of female artists who recorded his show.”

Zhou Lan's speech was as fast as pouring beans, but Zhou Yun could hear clearly.

She subconsciously glanced at the cameras in the room.

Before going to bed at night, she covered the camera with her clothes, but the sound could still be heard.

Zhou Yun got out of bed and went to the balcony.

"Sister Lan, what do you mean? What does it mean that I happened to be the last batch of female artists who recorded his show? They suspect that I slept with him?"

A nameless anger burst out of Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "Yes, there are such voices now."

"Do they have any evidence to talk nonsense?" Zhou Yun said angrily.

Zhou Lan: "Don't get excited, I'm calling you because I need to confirm this matter with you, Xiao Yun, although I know your character, I still want to ask you, you and Zhao Qin really didn't get together Get over the bed, right?"

Zhou Yun: "No."

"Okay, I'll ask the people from the public relations department to help you control public opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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