I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 119 Scandal Begins: 118

Chapter 119 Scandal Begins: 118
If you pay more attention to the entertainment circle, you will actually find a reality that cannot be ignored.

Beautiful female stars are always more topical and popular than handsome male stars, but they are often more demanding than male stars.

This is not necessarily something that can be summed up by a simple sentence of sexism, but a trend that has gradually been subtly condensed in the relationship established by society over the years, a trend that is both modern and vaguely implies certain stagnant ideas. atmosphere.

Women can be sexy, charming, playful, and have both sides, but they must be clean.She slept with a lot of people, it's an accusation that can be seen everywhere, maybe everyone has heard something like that in their circles, is there any proof?Not necessarily, is it true?no one knows.But such rumors will spread, and then, colored glasses will be put on like this.When you see her working overtime until late at night, say something, it's really hard.You see her working hard to achieve excellent results, to say the least, it's amazing.When you see her promotion and salary increase, say something, tsk tsk.

Not everyone turns a blind eye to such an environment, but often chooses to turn a blind eye because they have no solution.

Zhou Yun was angry because a girl accused a director, and because of the plausible sentence "he always uses the time spent abroad to lure unknown female artists to sleep with him", she spilled a whole plate of sand and sprinkled it on everyone. A female entertainer.

There must be evidence to say such a thing, right?

What about the evidence?
There is no evidence. I didn’t say that you must have slept with him. I just said that there is a possibility. I didn’t say it. You go to the person who said that. Also, why are you so excited?No one else is as excited as you.

Zhou Yun browsed the Internet, whether it was Weibo, Zhihu, Douban, or other social media, they were all discussing this matter.

Because of this incident, ghosts and snake spirits from all walks of life appeared, stayed up all night to publish a manuscript, and made a big inventory, but all the female stars who had contact with Zhao Qin were all inventoried.

How lively.

She appeared the most frequently, and her name often appeared in the title. As the most popular female artist at the moment, she grabbed the click traffic of netizens.

No sleep for one night.

But there is still work early in the morning.

While putting on makeup backstage, Zhou Yun could also feel the strange gazes cast by the staff from time to time.

The meaning implied in their eyes can be understood without saying.

There are several artists who attended this event together, but she is the most popular one right now.

According to the organizer's arrangement, she will appear in the last session.Zhou Yun also guessed that in this situation, she could easily be looked down upon by others, so she didn't go out early, and waited until the staff came to remind her before going out with the staff.

Walking onto the stage, there was indeed a burst of discussion below, which was immediately covered by a burst of cheers.

It is estimated that it was arranged by the organizer.

Zhou Yun also felt sorry, people originally wanted to use her to promote new products, but now, the criticism on her has grabbed everyone's attention.

Zhou Yun can only adjust himself, keep all emotions in his heart, keep a bright smile on stage, and cooperate with the host to promote new products.

She got off the stage and sat on the chair prepared for her by the organizer.

As soon as I sat down, I heard a low, yin and yang voice: "You still have the nerve to come out. If it were me, I would be ashamed to go out."

Zhou Yun looked in the direction where the voice came from, but he didn't find who said it.

Someone noticed her gaze, turned to look at her, met her gaze, and smiled friendlyly.

Zhou Yun smiled back.

There was a thorn in her heart, which made her uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun originally thought that this matter would eventually come to an end. How could a scandal with no factual evidence be so rampant?
But she underestimated the power of gossip.

Rumors about Zhou Yun sleeping with Zhao Qin in exchange for resources intensified.

Zhou Lan came to Zhou Yun's apartment in a hurry, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "Several companies have come to an end, and they are all contributing to the flames behind, trying to take advantage of this turmoil to step you down."

During this period of time, Zhou Yun was too popular, so popular that it made people jealous, which naturally made many female artists fearful.

It is normal for someone to take the opportunity to step Zhou Yun down.

But for Zhou Yun, this is a big crisis.

Fueled by someone with a heart, the rumors swept across the Internet with a destructive momentum, which meant that Zhou Yun would be directly nailed to the frame of shame.

Zhou Yun asked: "What about the company's public relations?"

"They are withdrawing hot searches, but there are a lot of people who end up there, and the company can't stop it." Zhou Lan said, "I contacted some self-media I know well, and they all gave me feedback. Someone paid a lot of money to please them."


"Of course they won't tell me this. However, this matter is getting bigger and bigger. We haven't responded yet. The people in the public relations department said that they will issue a statement in the name of the company tonight to deny this rumor."

"It should have been responded long ago." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "The wind direction before was not focused on you alone. If you responded at that time, it would instead attract all the attention to you alone. It's different now."

Zhou Lan's explanation also made sense.

Zhou Yun asked: "After the statement, what should we do? Can the statement stop public opinion on the Internet?"

Zhou Lan said: "To put it bluntly, we were implicated in this incident. It is difficult for us to prove that we have not done anything. In this situation, we must break out a bigger news and divert everyone's attention from this incident. Move away from the matter, or come up with conclusive evidence, so that those who pour dirty water on our heads have nothing to say."

"What's going on with Zhao Qin?"

"Actually, the little girl's revelations have been heard in the industry." Zhou Lan sighed, "Zhao Qin has held the trump card program "Geological Tan" for many years, and has indeed slept with many female artists, but to be honest, Everyone thought it was a matter of your own will, but they didn't expect Zhao Qin to threaten and lure you."

"It's disgusting, this kind of person." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan said: "Besides, the last time "Geological Tan" was recorded, wasn't it because Zhao Qin suddenly fell ill and went to the hospital? I saw a revelation on the Internet, and I don't know if it's true or not. It is said that the last time Zhao Qin The reason why he suddenly went to the hospital and caused the delay of the recording of the program was because Zhao Qin wanted Bawang to fight hard, but he was hit on the head by the other party, and his head was bleeding."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in shock.

"real or fake?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, it's just rumored on the Internet."

At this moment, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang.

Song Chi called.

At the same time, Zhou Lan's cell phone rang, and it was unknown who was calling.

The two looked at each other helplessly and smiled, and each went to answer the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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