I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 120 Scandal Begins: 119

Chapter 120 Scandal Begins: 119
Song Chi called to inquire about something that was hotly discussed on the Internet.

"What the hell is going on with you? I just came back from disconnecting from the Internet, and I saw you popping such a big melon. Who did you offend and get blackhanded like this?"

Zhou Yun said: "You ask me, who should I ask, oh, I'm getting annoyed now, don't add fuel to the fire."

"Do you want me to support you?"

"Please, don't do it, don't add fuel to the fire." Zhou Yun said, "Our company is already preparing to issue a statement."

"Is it really unnecessary?"

"If you support me, it won't do you any good other than getting your fans to join the army attacking me. In this kind of scandal, your friends' support is useless for clarification except for being ridiculed. You'd better not go into this muddy water."

Song Chi: "Do you know why Zhao Qin went to the hospital that night?"

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi mentioned it once before, but didn't make it clear.

Zhou Yun thought of the revelation on the Internet that Zhou Lan had told her.

"You were really beaten?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi was surprised and asked, "You actually knew?"

"There were rumors on the Internet that he wanted Bawang to force his bow that night, and his head was smashed."

"Haha, who is so talented?" Song Chi said, "It's not that simple, let me tell you this, he himself has been too indulgent these years, and because of filming programs, he always stays up late, has irregular work and rest, and his body is broken. I almost belched on the bed that night, and was rushed to the hospital, not by someone beating me."

Zhou Yun: "...It deserves it."

Song Chi: "Zhou Yun, let me remind you that this kind of scandal cannot be clarified at all, and the focus can only be shifted as soon as possible."

"I know." Zhou Yun said, "It's just that there are too many people who hate me now, and they won't let me go easily."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Chengqian Entertainment's official statement came out.

Strongly condemn the rumor-mongering behavior of certain marketing accounts, deny the relationship between Zhou Yun and Zhao Qin, and at the same time clearly write about the situation before and after Zhou Yun recorded "Geological Tan", etc.

Zhou Yun originally planned to post a clarification on Weibo in conjunction with this statement.

The original content that Zhou Lan edited for her was: people sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

When Zhou Yun was preparing to release it, he always felt that this sentence was not strong enough.Why do those who are rumored need to use such an innocent tone to clarify that this is a rumor?She wanted to condemn him righteously, but she also knew that her identity did not allow her to do so.If you really want to get back the public impression, you can't bring overly unhappy emotions.

It's just that she thought about it for a while, and added a sentence at the end of the content: rumors don't need evidence, how can the clearer clear himself?
Zhou Yun's Weibo immediately became the most popular Weibo in real time.

Ironically, for a female star, the topic that attracts the most attention is often not her appearance or her works, but her emotional turmoil, especially scandals.

——People like you, don’t you just rely on sleeping all the way up?What kind of white lotus is it.

Seeing such comments, Zhou Yun felt as if he had been hit hard by a hammer.

She put down her phone, and had the urge to reply to this comment, and it would take a few thousand words.

But the moment the fingertips touched the phone screen, another sense of powerlessness was transmitted along the nerve endings to the limbs.

What if I replied?
How can it be?
Apart from being happy, besides satisfying one's desire to go back, can it have any real effect?
No matter how much you say, it doesn't make sense.

In their eyes, you are already an unbelievable person.

Why are you popular?
Do you think you are qualified to be famous?
What makes Zhou Yun feel powerless the most is that this is also her seven inches of land.

She also felt guilty.

Why is she so red?
If it wasn't for Song Chi, would she be so popular?
The answer is well known.

Zhou Yun opened a bottle of red wine, poured it into a glass, and slowly, the glass bottomed out.

Her eye sockets were already red.

The phone suddenly rang.

It's Song Chi.

Why is it Song Chi again?

Zhou Yun looked at the display of the caller's name on the screen, and tears that had been stored for a long time rolled out.

"Hello?" Zhou Yun's voice was hoarse.

"You...you're crying, right?" Song Chi's tone still sounded a little playful, but there was a little more hesitation in the playfulness.

Zhou Yunming's eyes were red, but he said, "You're the only one crying, and I won't cry even if you cry."

"It's good to have this temper. I see that your Weibo is full of smog, so I came to ask you if you have been affected."

"Following Weibo? I don't read comments very much, and I rarely go to Weibo." Zhou Yun said, "You too, use less internet, don't be an internet addict."

"You still need to teach me a lesson." Song Chi snorted softly.

Zhou Yun: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I'm going to die."

"Don't hang up yet." Song Chi said suddenly.

There was a hint of guilt in his voice.

Zhou Yun: "What did you do?"

"I... couldn't hold it back just now, and I supported you on Weibo. As expected, I was also besieged." Song Chi laughed loudly.

Zhou Yun was stunned for two seconds, "Are you a pig? I told you not to support me."

Song Chi: "I couldn't hold back, I was impulsive."

Zhou Yun: "Brother, didn't you make your debut much earlier than me? Didn't you remind me not to be impulsive? Can you set an example for yourself?"

"I knew you would lose your temper. I'm dead. I've finished my apology. Bye."

Song Chi hung up as soon as he said it, and escaped faster than a mouse.

Zhou Yun looked at the phone screen in surprise, and didn't recover for a long time.

After clicking on Weibo, I realized how lively her Weibo was when she drank alone to relieve her worries.

Amidst the scolding of her siege and crusade, Song Chi reposted her clarification Weibo that caused heated discussions, saying.

"People who know you will always believe in you. I know what kind of person you are. Those who are clear will clear themselves, and there is no need to prove themselves."

Looking at these short sentences, Zhou Yun cried and laughed.

She covered her eyes with one hand, covering the welling tears.

This night, the city presents a night scene of fiery trees and silver flowers as always.

is prosperous.

In this ever-flowing world, no matter how big a person's difficulties are, they are just tiny dust.

After Song Chi was angrily complained by Luo Yuhu, he didn't refute anything.

Of course he knows everything, does this sympathy mean anything?Will it help Zhou Yun get rid of his stigma?Or is it beneficial to help Zhou Yun reverse the trend of public opinion on the Internet?It's not that simple. If a torrent can be formed in the chaotic world of the Internet, how can one's own strength be able to contend.

It's just that at that moment, he didn't want to see that tiny speck of dust being completely submerged by the torrent.

He wants that tiny speck of dust to know that in this ever-flowing world, there is another speck of dust beckoning to you.

(End of this chapter)

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