I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 121 Scandal Begins: 120

Chapter 121 Scandal Begins: 120
"No, I don't want to."

The person who spoke was Xu Siyao.

She was wearing a shiny performance costume, and she had just finished recording the performance part of a web variety show as a flying guest, and was on her way back to the backstage lounge to change.

Her manager received instructions from the company to remind Xu Siyao to post on Weibo in support of Zhou Yun, but Xu Siyao refused without thinking.

The agent said: "You are Zhou Yun's little fan now, it is good for you to support her at this time to increase your popularity."

Xu Siyao rolled her eyes and said, "I was crazy to support her. Now people on the Internet are scolding her. What if I support her and get scolded?"

The manager kindly persuaded him: "It is certain that netizens scold you, but the more people scold you, the greater your popularity will be."

"I don't want to go the black and red route." Xu Siyao shook his head.

Manager: "This is not a black and red line. You were scolded for supporting Zhou Yun. It's not because of something wrong with you. It will be easy to clean up later."

Xu Siyao still shook her head, "No, I have to stay away from her at a time like this, don't mess around, what if I get implicated?"

The agent had nothing to say, so he had to reply to the company's people.

In fact, she thinks the company's proposal is right.

This kind of time is the best time for Xu Siyao to increase his popularity, even if he gets scolded, it's nothing.

The popularity has increased, and I will apologize impartially when I look back, saying that because I believed in my idol for a while, I was blinded, and I must be cautious in my words and deeds in the future, and what should be whitewashed will be whitewashed.

Who would hold on to such a little girl?

Didn't make any real mistakes.

The manager thought it was a pity, but seeing Xu Siyao's expression, he knew that she couldn't be persuaded, so he had to give up.
After the uproar of public opinion lasted for two days, Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun that all the work that had been negotiated before had been postponed.

Zhou Lan didn't say why, but Zhou Yun knew the reason.

Even though the company issued a statement, the wind direction of public opinion did not tilt towards her.Internet public opinion is often a wind direction. Some people lead the rhythm, and many people who don't know the situation are led to the rhythm.The so-called three people become tigers, the truly rational ones are always only a minority.

It's not that the partners don't approve of her, but they also have to consider the reputation.

Whether it is the program group or the brand side, in today's environment, they are most afraid of the word trouble.

Once an artist becomes a tainted artist, all work will face the consequences of being in vain.

They were cautious, Zhou Yun also understood.

The schedule was unexpectedly free.

Without a job, Zhou Yun only had to film the show "After We Had a Gossip".

The recording of this program is expected to go online at the end of the month, when the buzz will pass and the public's resistance will have passed its peak.

Zhou Yun was free, and his schedule of going to the company to take acting classes increased.

Zhou Lan was relieved to see that Zhou Yun offered to arrange more acting classes.

Li Yuning took people to the company to shoot.

When entering the company one day, Zhou Yun happened to meet Xu Siyao.

Xu Siyao's manager also took the initiative to say hello to Zhou Yun, but Xu Siyao passed by without looking sideways as if he hadn't seen Zhou Yun at all.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, thinking to himself, does this girl not even look like this?

There's also a camera filming it.

In the middle of the acting class, there was a break in the middle, Zhou Yun asked Zheng Xiaoju to order milk tea for the acting teacher and film crew, and then went to the bathroom by himself.

When he was about to come out of the compartment, he suddenly heard footsteps coming in from outside.

"Today Zhou Yun came to the company again."

"She has canceled her work recently. Come to the company to take acting classes every day. Doesn't it mean that she has a play that will start at the end of the month?"

The two people in the conversation are women.

Zhou Yun paused.

"I don't know if the matter between her and Zhao Qin is true or not."

"It's fake. I know about the show "Geological Tan". Didn't Zhou Lan help her get it? Zhou Yun wasn't popular at that time."

"Who knows, but now that the turmoil is so big, I don't know if she can survive it. I heard from my colleagues in the public relations department that they have been trying to change the direction of public opinion on the Internet these days, but several parties have They spent a lot of money to use this incident to suppress Zhou Yun."

"Our company finally became popular with a female artist this year. If she dies like this, it will be considered a really bad year for us this year."

"That's right. At the beginning of the year, Ning Yao terminated the contract and left, which caused the group's stock price to drop. I heard that Mr. He was called to the headquarters and scolded by the chairman."

"Wei Ruxue also refuses to renew her contract."

"There are no female artists who can do it."

"I hope Zhou Yun can hold on."


Zhou Yun hid in the cubicle until the two left before she came out.

Unexpectedly, I didn't hear others talking about her right and wrong behind her back, but the content of the conversation didn't make people happy.

It was gloomy.

In the evening, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan made an appointment to have dinner at a restaurant.

Zhou Lan greeted Li Yuning, and this dinner will not be recorded.

Li Yuning was also easy to talk, nodded, collected his things and returned to the car.

Zhou Yun had such a big event, Zhou Lan must have told Zhou Yun if it was inconvenient to put it on the show.

Similarly, Zhou Yun had such a big event, which the program crew never thought of.

Some of the material recorded these days is much more than expected, and there is no shortage of hot spots in the show.

When they were all gone, Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Lan, Sister Xiaoyun, I'll wait for you in the car."

Zhou Lan stopped Zheng Xiaoju and said, "Stay here, there are some things you should listen to."

Zheng Xiaoju said oh, and then sat down.

"We have done what we should have responded, and we have also sent the lawyer's letter, but with little effect. In the next period of time, I suggest that we keep a low profile for a while, and we are about to join the filming team, and wait for this matter In the past, some public activities will be resumed slowly," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun nodded, no objection.

Zhou Lan said: "Xiao Yun, don't take this matter too seriously. All popular stars will inevitably be hacked. This is the only way to go."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Even Zheng Xiaoju could tell that Zhou Yun was in a very bad mood.

"Sister Lan, you don't have to worry about me, I will adjust my mood by myself, but I can't do it now if I don't say it to my heart." Zhou Yun smiled bitterly and said, "I'm hungry, let's eat first. "

Zhou Lan heard what Zhou Yun said, so he couldn't say anything more.

After eating, they left the restaurant and were about to go back. At the door of the restaurant, they met a couple who were just about to come in for dinner.

When the wife saw Zhou Yun, her complexion suddenly changed, and she hugged her husband's arm tightly.

The meaning is complicated and complicated, and simple and obvious.

Zhou Yun heard the wife say in a low voice, "Did you see that? The person just now seems to be the female star who slept with the director."

She smiled self-deprecatingly.

Can't explain, can't refute.

Even though he encountered such a situation, Zhou Yun did not allow himself to live in seclusion.

It's not that she doesn't care, she still feels uncomfortable in her heart, but she forced herself to go out normally, go to the company to take acting classes, participate in the reading session of "The Eighth Heartbeat", meet Zheng Xiaowen, communicate about the costumes in the play, and invite Yu Chu Come to the house for dinner and record "After We Had a Gossip".

She doesn't pretend to be in good shape and unaffected, but she pulls herself together and doesn't give up easily.

Yu Chu stayed at home with her all day, playing video games, watching movies, and went to the supermarket to buy vegetables together, and then came back to cook, stir-fry, talking and laughing.

When night fell, Zhou Yun sent Yu Chu downstairs.

Yu Chu said, "Shall I walk with you?"

A photographer followed them.

Zhou Yun took Yu Chu's hand and said, "Okay."

"Actually, it's pretty good. You've been so busy in the past few months and you've been too tired. It's time for you to rest for a few days and get enough energy to go to filming." Yu Chu said.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Yu Chu didn't go any further.

"When will you shoot "The Eighth Heartbeat"?" Yu Chu asked.

"It will be filmed until the end of September."

"That's quite a long time. I'll visit the class when I'm free."

"Okay, but you're going to join the group soon, right? Where's the time?" Zhou Yun said, "Draw me a big cake again."

"I don't have many roles in the next play, so I have more time." Yu Chu said, "If you want to eat or want anything, just tell me and I'll bring it to you."

"I'm making modern dramas, not going to the wilderness." Zhou Yun laughed.

"I want to give you warmth with good intentions, but you still hate it." Yu Chu squinted.

"Don't come here. If you hadn't given me a phone case of the same style as Song Chi's, I wouldn't have had such a fierce affair with him."

When she and Song Chi were first rumored to be having an affair, some people said that it was because Zhou Yun and Song Chi's phone cases were both "big red and purple" models.

Yu Chu screamed and said, "It's been a long time, and you're still talking about it."

The two laughed together.

Zhou Yun really likes Yu Chu and regards Yu Chu as a friend.

In the past few months, Zhou Yun's career and situation have undergone earth-shaking changes, but Yu Chu has always maintained her way of treating Zhou Yun, which has not changed.In a state where the surrounding environment is changing rapidly, it is sometimes a comfort to have such a constant friend.

As time passed, the rumors about Zhou Yun and Zhao Qin on the Internet finally gradually disappeared.

In the end, Zhao Qin issued an apology statement and announced that he had left the "Geological Tan" program group, and the dust settled.

Did Zhao Qin and Zhou Yun ever have sex?Is this thing true or not?There are no answers to these questions, and, of course, no one needs answers.

Certain public perceptions have been formed.

Everything tends to be calm.

Zhou Yun joined the group three days in advance and started preparing for the filming of "The Eighth Heartbeat".

In the past half month, what happened to Zhou Yun has affected Zhou Yun's work a lot, but for "The Eighth Heartbeat", it is nothing.

From preparation to filming to launch of a film and television drama, the timeline is often longer.

For this kind of unconclusive rumor, there is enough time for a film and television drama to wait for its influence period to pass.

It's just that Zhou Yun's "redness" has been discounted, and her image has been greatly affected. In the showbiz, which is used to praising the high and depressing the low, her situation after joining the group has also been affected.

Producer Huang Zhong had specially prepared a separate lounge for her before, and asked people to queue up for an hour or two to buy Internet black tea for Zhou Yun to drink.

Seeing Huang Zhong again this time, Huang Zhong's attitude towards Zhou Yun was also a little contemptuous.

The words on the face are still nice, just look for him if you need anything.

But Zhou Yun could feel the change in attitude.

Zhou Yun stayed in the hotel prepared for her by the crew.The entire crew has a total of hundreds of people, covering three floors.Zhou Yun's floor is basically full of actors, and her room is the best suite, which is the treatment of a heroine.Because she entered the group a few days earlier, there are not many people staying on her floor, and it is even a bit deserted.Not many artists will enter the group early, unless there is no other work these days.

After tidying up the room, Zhou Yun picked up the notice that Sister Lan asked the crew to come, and looked at the scenes that were filmed at the beginning, so that she could prepare in advance.

Suddenly, a panting was heard from the next door.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened, and he looked to the next door in disbelief.

The indescribable voice grew louder and harsher.

Zhou Yun never imagined that she would encounter such a situation on the first day she joined the group.

The first time I encountered it, I didn't know what to do, I was at a loss, and I felt a little ashamed, so I couldn't ask others for help.

Zhou Yun could only send a message to Zhou Lan, asking: Sister Lan, who lives next door to me?

Zhou Lan said: I don't know, I'll go and find out.

After a while, Zhou Lan replied: Gu Huaichun.

Ask again: What's wrong?
Gu Huaichun's face with regular features and heroic features appeared in Zhou Yun's mind. He snorted and sent a message to Zhou Lan: Young people are full of anger.

Zhou Lan understood it in seconds, expressing the shock of the same item: In broad daylight?

Zhou Yun: I really didn't see it.

Zhou Lan: Actually, they are all young people, so it's normal to do this kind of thing.

Zhou Yun: The soundproofing of this hotel is poor. Do you think I should send him a note to remind him?
Zhou Lan: Are you threatening him?
Zhou Yun: Sister Lan, I am listening to the sound of the bed calling to reply to your message.

Zhou Lan: ... Let me remind his agent, I heard it when I passed by his door.

Zhou Yun didn't want to continue to sit here and listen to the play, so he tidied up, put on a mask and left the room.

She originally wanted to go to Zheng Xiaoju's room to stay for a while, but when she got off the elevator, she ran into Lu Yuan, the director of the play.

"Director Lu?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he saw him.

Lu Yuan: "Are you going out?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "You also live on this floor?"

"No, I'm looking for Xiaogu, I have something to talk to him about." Lu Yuan said.

Zhou Yun's expression brightened immediately.

"Are you looking for him? Director Lu, why don't you look for him later, he is probably busy now."

Lu Yuan was a little surprised, didn't think much, nodded, and asked, "Why did you come so early? Didn't you say you would join the group a few days later?"

"All work has been cancelled." Zhou Yun smiled, "You know that."

As if he had just realized it, Lu Yuan asked, "Because of Zhao Qin's incident? It's enough nonsense, and they can pass on things that have no shadows as if they were true."

Zhou Yun smiled resentfully.

"It's just right, let's have dinner together tonight, I'll call Shang Xiaogu and Siyao." Lu Yuan said.

Zhou Yun had no plans at night, so he nodded and agreed.

"By the way, didn't you say there is another show to film?" Lu Yuan asked.

"After We Spread the Gossip" program will film Zhou Yun's life in the crew, and this matter has been communicated in advance.

Because it is a modern drama, the confidentiality of the styling is not as high as that of costume dramas. On the other hand, the "Gossip" program crew will not enter the set to shoot, and they will only shoot after Zhou Yun finishes work, and the crew agreed.

Zhou Yun is the heroine, and she is more popular, which is also good for "The Eighth Heartbeat".

In the evening, when Zhou Yun arrived at the hotel Lu Yuan booked, he only saw Xu Siyao alone.

Xu Siyao was fixing her makeup. When she saw Zhou Yun coming in, she raised her head and glanced at her. She wondered if Zhou Yun was scolded by her manager for ignoring Zhou Yun in front of the camera. Don't put on a stranger's face anymore.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "Long time no see." After sitting down, he took out his mobile phone and didn't speak again.

Compared with Xu Siyao, who has exquisite makeup and is ready to appear on camera at any time, Zhou Yun doesn't wear makeup. Her own makeup skills are average. If there is no makeup artist around, she can at most put on foundation and lipstick for herself.It's just that a few people from the production team had dinner at night, so Zhou Yun didn't bother to do it.

The atmosphere of silence between the two waited until Gu Huaichun appeared.

Along with Gu Huaichun, Yin Zhou, the male number two of "The Eighth Heartbeat", is also a signed artist of Yuehai.com.

Both of them are handsome guys with well-defined facial features, and they can see the aesthetic orientation of the male artist signed by Yuehai.com.

As soon as the two entered, Xu Siyao got up enthusiastically.

"Brother Chun, Brother Zhou." Xu Siyao smiled very sweetly, "Hi, I'm Xu Siyao."

Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou should have known each other a long time ago, they greeted Xu Siyao with smiles one after the other.

Xu Siyao had never participated in the previous reading sessions, and this was the first time she met Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou.

Zhou Yun already knew them, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, Gu Huaichun looked down at his phone.

Zhou Yun also knew that Gu Huaichun had a problem with her, so he didn't show it on his face, and also looked down at his phone.

Xu Siyao's attitude was very active, and he chatted with Yin Zhou, and the chat was very heated.

Zhou Yun listened, Xu Siyao was asking Yin Zhou if he usually played badminton, and she wanted to find a ball partner.

Yin Zhou said: "I can't, but I remember Huaichun can fight."

"Really?" Xu Siyao looked at Gu Huaichun in surprise, "Brother Chun, how about playing badminton together in the future?"

Gu Huaichun raised his eyelids to look at Xu Siyao, and hummed with a lukewarm attitude.

Xu Siyao smiled happily, "Then I'll add you on WeChat, start a group, and call you in the group when I play basketball."

When Xu Siyao added them as WeChat friends, she seemed to suddenly remember something, and looked back at Zhou Yun, "Sister Xiaoyun, do you want to join us?"

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "No, I don't know how to fight."

Yin Zhou said: "I don't know how to fight either, why don't we learn together?"

Zhou Yun was about to speak when Gu Huaichun suddenly said, "He is a big star, how can he have time to play badminton with us?"

 [-] words are updated, and today there will be another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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