I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 122 Scandal Begins: 121

Chapter 122 Scandal Begins: 121
Gu Huaichun's words were thorny, very unpleasant.

Even Yin Zhou didn't seem to expect that Gu Huaichun would speak like this. He looked at Zhou Yun with some embarrassment, and smoothed things over: "Zhou Yun must be very busy, but it's fun to play badminton together when we have time."

"How do you know that other big stars are willing to play badminton with us?" Gu Huaichun sarcastically said.

Yin Zhou didn't know what to say.

He didn't know why Gu Huaichun couldn't understand Zhou Yun so much, and satirized Zhou Yun face to face.

The smile on Zhou Yun's face had already disappeared.

Out of the corner of her eye, she also saw the meaning of gloating in Xu Siyao's hesitant expression.

"You know me well?" Zhou Yun said.

Gu Huaichun looked at her.

Zhou Yun looked at Gu Huaichun expressionlessly, and said, "I didn't say a word, and you just guessed that I didn't want to fight. Are you secretly in love with me? Think about my thoughts every day?"

Gu Huaichun was immediately stimulated, a little excited: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I have a crush on you!"

Zhou Yun: "Then where did you get the confidence to think that you know me well and know my answer?"

Gu Huaichun looked at Zhou Yun unkindly.

He didn't speak.

Of course he didn't understand Zhou Yun. What he said just now was just to ridicule Zhou Yun.

Who knew Zhou Yun turned black and white.

"Oh, sister Xiaoyun, don't be angry, brother Chun must not mean that." The scene was a little awkward, Xu Siyao suddenly stood up to explain to Gu Huaichun, saying: "Brother Chun must be worried that you, as the heroine, are very busy. , I don’t have time to play badminton with us, that’s why I said those words, don’t take it to heart.”

Zhou Yun glanced at Xu Siyao.

"You know what Gu Huaichun is thinking again? Do you like Gu Huaichun?"

Xu Siyao's cheeks flushed immediately, "I, I didn't, Miss Xiaoyun, why do you say that?"

"I just find it strange that one or two of you are not roundworms in other people's stomachs, and you don't have the ability to read other people's minds. How can you guess other people's minds so firmly? Apart from liking this person, you always think about this Man, I don't know what else is possible."

In fact, Zhou Yun really rarely conflicts with others.She's not the kind of person who likes to pick things up, even if someone offends a little, if it's not unintentional, she won't take it to heart.But what happened today can't be treated as nothing, otherwise she won't fight back when Gu Huaichun ridicules her face to face, how can she hold her head up in the next few months?
Of course Zhou Yun was unwilling to suffer this loss.

At this time, Gu Huaichun suddenly sneered.

"Sure enough, he is a big star. He got angry after saying a few words. If what I said just now offended you, please forgive me. That's just how I am. I speak badly."

Zhou Yun raised his eyelids.

"You are not a big star, so you don't get angry? I made you upset, do you forgive me? If you know that you speak badly, you should speak less."

A few words made Gu Huaichun's face turn green.

Xu Siyao and Yin Zhou on the side were dumbfounded, never expecting to encounter such a situation.

Yin Zhou, who wanted to smooth things over, thought of the scene of Xu Siyao being satirized by Zhou Yun just now, and swallowed the words again.

He was afraid that once he opened his mouth, he would be affected by the artillery fire.

Gu Huaichun sneered again, nodded, and looked very hard, as if he was discouraged, gritted his teeth and said, "You are amazing!"

Zhou Yun thought to himself, well, before the filming of the filming started, she officially broke up with the male lead.

I don't know how Sister Lan will look at her with hatred if she knows about this.

Sister Lan is like this, she will not like a person, but not liking will never be her primary consideration in making a decision.

Next time we will be filming together, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better to maintain the superficial harmony first.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, she usually has good patience, and it must be because of the recent events that made her irritable.

The atmosphere in the private room was completely frozen until Lu Yuan appeared before breaking the ice.

Xu Siyao called the director affectionately again, her voice was sweet and soft, as sweet as ice cream.

Yin Zhou also ran away as if in a panic, got up and hugged Lu Yuan.

Zhou Yun raised his head and saw Gu Huaichun looking at her, his eyes were full of undisguised disgust.

She staggered Gu Huaichun's gaze, stood up and greeted Lu Yuan.

"The director is finally here."

Lu Yuan didn't notice anything unusual at all, he apologized, and explained the reason for being late. It turned out that he was going to see the set with someone, and there was something wrong with the scene, so he was so busy that he came just now.

Several young people are newcomers, and they are all newcomers who have never acted before.

Lu Yuan didn't have high requirements for this movie, he just treated it as usual, a movie, finished filming smoothly, and handed over work.

And if a film wants to be filmed smoothly, it is natural that several leading actors should not toss.

At the dinner table, Lu Yuan talked about the general idea of ​​the drama and the expectation of its future broadcast, all of which were positive.

Several young people, except for Zhou Yun, are all unknown newcomers, eager to become famous.

For the first play in their lives, they are also full of expectations.

According to Lu Yuan's expectation, no matter what, these young actors should have entered the group with the intention of acting well in this drama and becoming popular.

But during the dinner, Lu Yuan always felt that the atmosphere was a bit off.

Taking a closer look, he found the problem.

It turned out that there was a bit of a disagreement between the hero and heroine.

This made him never think of it.

After dinner, Xu Siyao's nanny car came to pick her up. She has a variety show tomorrow, which was arranged by the company.

Xu Siyao will not join the group until after the official start-up.

She didn't have as many roles as Zhou Yun, so naturally she wouldn't spend all her time on the set.

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun went back to the hotel one after another, and lived on the same floor again, still having an awkward relationship next door.

She went in and took a look at Gu Huaichun, but she didn't expect that Gu Huaichun was also looking at her.

Gu Huaichun turned his head directly, snorted coldly, took out his room card, swiped open the door, walked in, and closed the door with a "bang".

It's like it's just for him to see.


Before going to bed, a friend requested to come over.

It's Yin Zhou.

I don't know who he got it from.

Xu Siyao didn't add her WeChat.

Zhou Yun approved the friend request.

Yin Zhou said: If you are interested, when I am learning badminton, I will invite you to play together?
Zhou Yun: All right.

She charged her phone, yawned, and put on a thermal eye mask.

Before falling asleep, thinking of Gu Huaichun's disgusting face, Zhou Yun thought to himself, or else he would record that indescribable movement from Gu Huaichun next time, and send it anonymously to Gu Huaichun, scaring him. kill him.

She imagined Gu Huaichun's astonishment and panic when he heard the recording, and smiled happily, feeling much better, and soon fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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