I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 124 Scandal Begins: 123

Chapter 124 Scandal Begins: 123
Zhou Yun's answer is frank, and frank answers always make people feel cute.

"Zhou Yun, good morning." Yin Zhou walked over early carrying a plate.

"Morning." Zhou Yun smiled at Yin Zhou.

"Who was that just now?" Li Yuning asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Yin Zhou, the actor who will play "The Eighth Heartbeat" with me."

"quite handsome."

"Yes, very handsome." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkled like little stars, "When I decided to act in this movie, the producer and director asked me what I thought about co-stars , I said, you must be handsome."

"Are you a face control too?" Li Yuning asked.

"This drama is a drama with very good looks." Zhou Yun emphasized, "It's sweet and pampering. Female actors can be ordinary, but male actors must be handsome."

"Why do you say that?" Li Yuning asked.

"Actors aren't handsome, how can female audiences enter the plot?" Zhou Yun laughed, "I have a friend who is also an actor named Yu Chu. She said something that I think is right. Some plays are for the audience Create a fantasy dream, the more unrealistic the dream, the more the girl's heart is pounding, I think "The Eighth Heartbeat" is such a play."

"I heard that you didn't really want to act in this movie at first?" Li Yuning asked.

Zhou Yun looked at Li Yuning in surprise, "You know all about this?"

She raised her hands in surrender and said, "Well, to be honest, it's not that I don't want to act in this drama, but I don't think I can act in it. I haven't had this kind of girlish feeling for a long time. I'm afraid I won't be able to act in it." , you also know that I am not that kind of very experienced actor, nor do I have a professional background in acting, if the acting goes wrong and it turns into a scene of a large-scale car accident, I would feel sorry for such a handsome actor on the one hand, and on the other hand I would feel sorry for the show."

"But you acted in this play again in the end, why?" Li Yuning asked.

Why?Because of the company's persecution, because of Yuehai.com's persistence, and because of various unsatisfactory reasons.

"Because the company said I could do it, and the producer also thought I could do it, so I acted." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Besides, the male actor is very handsome."

Joking aside, this interview is finally over.

"Sister Xiaoyun!" Suddenly, a girl's voice sounded.

Zhou Yun looked suspiciously and saw a little girl with a ball head.

Zhou Yun met her, and she is also an actor in this play, playing a supporting role.

The name seems to be... Yu Yan?
Yu Yan ran over with a friendly smile on her face and hugged Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was startled.

She has never been so close to Yu Yan before.

What is Yu Yan doing?
"Ah, are you recording a program?" Yu Yanhou asked belatedly.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to explain: "Yes, I'm recording a show."

Yu Yan's pupils were shocked, and she immediately covered her face with her hands, "I don't have any makeup on!"

After speaking, he turned and ran away.

Zhou Yun was at a loss.

She belatedly remembered that she didn't seem to be wearing makeup either.

Zhou Yun turned around and asked Li Yuning: "Am I looking haggard too? I don't seem to have any makeup on."

"It's good, you're so white." Li Yuning said.

Zhou Yun: "No, I have to go out later, I'll put on some sunscreen, wait for me."

Zhou Yun also ran away.

When you say sunscreen, you really only wear sunscreen.

She donned a bucket hat and sunglasses, and came down in a simple T-shirt, board shorts, and flip-flops.

Li Yuning thought that Zhou Yun ran up to put on make-up in a serious way, to appear exquisitely, but who knew that he just changed from a casual style at home to an ordinary student style.

Zhou Yun took Zheng Xiaoju to a nearby supermarket by taxi.

Because there are cameras following the shots, a group of people is mighty, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

Zhou Yun felt a little headache, and whispered to Zheng Xiaoju: "Later, if someone comes to ask us what we are doing, you can tell them that we are college students and we are shooting a short film."

Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise: "Other people will recognize you as Zhou Yun when they see you, right?"

"No, let me tell you, celebrities who are easy to be recognized in reality have to reach the level of Yang Mi and Zhao Liying. If you don't say it, no one will remember someone like me. What is my name."

The program crew who heard Zhou Yun's words through the headsets were a little at a loss as to what to say.

Many people slander you, do you think your hot searches in the past few months are for nothing?

Zhou Yun originally wanted to buy some snacks, but when he thought about filming soon, it was better to control his weight.

She bought some daily necessities, including toilet water and mosquito repellent water, which are necessary supplies on the set.

Sure enough, someone came forward and asked, "Are you recording a program?"

"No." Although Zheng Xiaoju was very skeptical, he resolutely carried out Zhou Yun's request, "We are college students, here to make a short film."

Zheng Xiaoju had a childish face, and the aunt who came to ask said oh, believing it.

"You college students now have a big battle."

Zheng Xiaoju smiled and said, "Seriously."

Auntie is gone.

There were a few aunts in front of her who seemed to be with her, but the aunt shook her hand and said disgustedly: "It's just a group of college students making a short film. It's nothing to watch. I'm going back to play cards."

Li Yuning: "..."

Zhou Yun couldn't stop laughing.

After buying good things and returning to the hotel, Li Yuning and the others don't have to follow along.

A camera was set up in the hotel room to record in real time.

Zheng Xiaoju helped Zhou Yun take out the things he bought and put them away in different categories, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you still going out today?"

Zhou Yun said: "Don't go out, it's fine."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Then do you want me to stay here with you?"

"No, what's the matter, are you okay?"

Zheng Xiaoju smiled shyly and said, "I am a fellow villager here. If I have nothing to do today, I want to find him."

"A fellow?" Zhou Yun looked at her gossipingly, "A fellow or an old friend?"

Zheng Xiaoju's cheeks were slightly red, "It's my hometown, sister Xiaoyun, don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Yun laughed, "Okay, you go, I don't want to delay your lifelong event."

Zheng Xiaoju's cheeks turned redder.

"Miss Xiaoyun!"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore." Zhou Yun said, "Goodbye."

Zheng Xiaoju left happily.

Zhou Yun looked at the sunshine outside the window, sighed, and said, "It's already June, what a sunshine."

She sent a message to Yu Chu: I want to fall in love too.

Yu Chu:?With whom?

Zhou Yun: No matter who it is.

Yu Chu: Spring in your heart?
Zhou Yun: I want to walk in the sunshine holding hands with the person I like.

Yu Chu: Tanning together?
Zhou Yun: Block the warning.

Yu Chu: If you want to fall in love, don't you have handsome guys chasing you?
Zhou Yun: But I can't talk about it, I can only think about it.

Yu Chu: Why can't we talk about it?Because of career?
Zhou Yun: Otherwise?

Yu Chu: That's right, you're only twenty-three years old, falling in love affects your intimate scenes.

Zhou Yun: It's not because of the intimate scenes!
Yu Chu: So, the filming of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is very good. It can comfort your heart that wants to fall in love through filming.

Zhou Yun: You don't know yet, Gu Huaichun and I had a falling out, the kind that tore our faces apart.

Yu Chu: What's going on?How did he offend you?

Zhou Yun looked up at the camera, making sure that the camera could not capture his WeChat chat records, and then continued: He can't understand me, and satirized me in front of others.

Yu Chu: This man's mouth is really cheap.

Zhou Yun: I should strongly recommend you to play "The Eighth Heartbeat" with me, and you can play together in the crew.

Yu Chu: I don't want to get involved in your war if you don't lose money.

Zhou Yun: No sense of loyalty.

Yu Chu: Be wise and protect yourself.

Zhou Yun smiled, threw the phone on the sofa, continued to read the script, and acted in front of the mirror by himself.

At noon, Yin Zhou sent a message to Zhou Yun, asking: Do you play badminton?

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and said: Hasn't Xu Siyao not joined the group yet?

Yin Zhou: I want to learn first?I don't know how to do it yet.

Zhou Yun: That's true, but is there a badminton court here?
Yin Zhou: There is a gymnasium. I asked about it, and they can arrange a coach for us.

Zhou Yun: Well, when shall we go at noon?

Yin Zhou said: Do you want to eat lunch first, or take a rest after lunch?
Zhou Yun thought for a while and said: How about having lunch first and taking a nap before going?
Yin Zhou: Okay, I'll make an appointment with you at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun: Perfect.

Zhou Yun was not the kind of person who liked sports before, but if someone asked her to join her, she would go and would not refuse, unless it was the kind of sports she disliked very much.

The more important point is that the relationship between her and Xu Siyao can basically be described as incongruent, she ignored people who wanted to take advantage of her before, but now she thinks it's normal that they don't want to talk to her.But the leading actor, Gu Huaichun, couldn't even get along with her. The relationship between the main actors and two of them was not very good. Zhou Yun felt that he still had to properly manage the relationship with his co-actors.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Zhou Yun was about to go downstairs.

Li Yuning and the others also received the news in advance and waited for her outside the door.

Zhou Yun didn't bring his sportswear, and went out wearing the clothes he wore when he went to the supermarket in the morning.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel lobby, I received a message from Yin Zhou: I will wait for you in the lobby downstairs.

Zhou Yun looked up and saw Yin Zhou.

"I am coming!"

Yin Zhou changed into a standard sportswear and a peaked cap. He is a young boy, walking with wind.

"You are so fast." Yin Zhou laughed. He saw Li Yuning behind Zhou Yun and asked, "Are they going too?"

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you mind? If so, I will communicate with them."

"It's okay, what do you mind, I can still sit on a show." Yin Zhou said with a smile.

Zhou Yun: "Thank you."

"But I only hailed one car. There are so many of them, they may have to call another car." Yin Zhou said.

"It's okay, they have prepared their own car." Zhou Yun said, "Then let's go."

Yin Zhou said yes.

Zhou Yun and Yin Zhou sat in the back, and the photographer got into the co-pilot and turned around to take pictures of them.

"I called Yu Yan at first, but she said she didn't want to move, so it was just the two of us." Yin Zhou said.

"You don't know how to fight at all?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I have played a few times, and I can catch and serve, but my game is very average. I don't usually play badminton much."

"Me too." Zhou Yun said, "But it's not that I don't play badminton very much, I don't like sports very much. You should like sports very much, right?"

Yin Zhou has long arms and legs, and his well-proportioned muscles seem to be hyperactive at ordinary times.

"I played a lot of basketball with my classmates in school, but I played less after graduation, mainly going to the gym."

"Haha." Zhou Yun said, "Do male stars often go to the gym?"

"Aren't you going?" Yin Zhou asked.

"It's not that I don't want to go, but generally I would rather eat less than exercise more." Zhou Yun said truthfully.

"Fitness is good for your health."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then do you go to bed early?"

Yin Zhou: "Uh, I usually don't go to bed until after twelve o'clock."

"Going to bed early is also good for your health," Zhou Yun said.

Yin Zhou: "Hahahaha."

Only then did he understand why Zhou Yun asked him whether he went to bed early.

Zhou Yun hugged the ad-embedded doll onto his lap, "I'm sorry, I'm going to fight back out of habit again."

When they arrived at the gymnasium, the two got out of the car and walked in.Yin Zhou called the coach he had contacted before, and after a while, the coach appeared and took them to a badminton court.

The coach taught them very patiently. He first corrected the serving postures of the two of them, and then let them play a round directly.

The playing is naturally full of loopholes, there are no simple line changes, and it is difficult to do normal sending and receiving.

The coach mainly corrected their posture and pointed out Zhou Yun's problems, such as lack of strength, lack of strength in playing the ball, and the ball he hit was light.

After two hours of typing, Zhou Yun broke out in sweat.

"I'm so tired."

Yin Zhou came over with two bottles of drinks and handed her one.

"Thank you."

Yin Zhou sat down beside Zhou Yun.

"I haven't sweated so much in a long time."

Zhou Yun frightened: "Happy?"

Yin Zhou laughed again.

"Are you girls resistant to sweating?"

"No, no, it's just that I don't like to exercise or sweat." Zhou Yun said, "I think I must have gone to bed very early today, and I even suspect that my arms will be sore when I wake up tomorrow."

Yin Zhou said, "Why don't you wait for a massage?"

Zhou Yun was a little moved.It's just that she has already played a game with Yin Zhou, and if she goes for a massage together again, will the audience feel that there is a problem between her and Yin Zhou again when the show is broadcast?She shook her head, thinking that she was in danger, but indeed, she and Yin Zhou had just met each other not long ago, so it's better to keep a distance.

"I'm a little tired, so I won't go."

Yin Zhou nodded and said, "Then I will call a car."

After Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, the first thing he did was to take a shower.

There is one thing to say, it feels really good to sweat profusely and then take a comfortable bath.The tiredness is relieved, and the body wants to feel smoother. I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel good about myself.Zhou Yun didn't dare to drink anymore, fearing that the sugar content would be too high and he would gain weight, so he boiled water and made himself a cup of scented tea.I didn't want to go downstairs for dinner anymore, so I washed an apple for dinner.As she expected, she was sleepier than usual that night, so she yawned, closed the script, and went to bed.

Turn off the lights.

(End of this chapter)

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