I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 125 Scandal Begins: 124

Chapter 125 Scandal Begins: 124
The days of leisure were not long. On the day of the opening, Xu Siyao did not rush back. The main actors were missing her, so the opening ceremony continued as usual.

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun didn't fight each other, but they had to stand together when they took a group photo.

She doesn't care if Gu Huaichun's face is smelly or not, but her smile must be bright and brilliant.

The boot stills will be posted on the official blog soon. This is the first time she has appeared in front of everyone since the scandal between her and Zhao Qin spread.

At this time, how could she not make herself look better.

Even the lipstick is a shade redder than usual.

Big group photo, group photo of main creators, group photo of main actors, group photo of male and female protagonists, single photo, all the way to shoot, Zhou Yun shot super professional standards with a stubborn attitude.

After the opening ceremony, the director arranged only a few cutscenes for the first scene, which was very simple, mainly to please a good omen, and hope that the next shooting scenes will go smoothly and not get stuck.

Song Chi sent a message to congratulate her on the launch of her new play.

Zhou Yun: I just turned it on, and you received the message.

Song Chi said: Your manager just posted Moments.

Zhou Yun: Really?I don't know, I'll take a look.

She clicked into Moments, and Zhou Lan had just updated a status.

There are also photos, a solo photo of her at the opening ceremony and a group photo of the entire crew.

The text is simple: Zhou Yun's new play "The Eighth Heartbeat" starts today.

He Yong has already liked this circle of friends, and left a message: Publicity arrangements.

Zhou Yun twitched the corners of his mouth, not wanting to read it, and returned to the chatting interface with Song Chi, and said: What are you doing now?
Song Chi said: What else can I do?work.

Zhou Yun: Do you still have time to chat with me at work?

Song Chi: You are backstage, so you are free, how is your life in the crew?I heard that you quarreled with the leading actor as soon as you joined the crew?
Zhou Yun frowned and asked: How do you know?Sister Lan told you again?

Song Chi: It's not me talking, it's fine if you usually talk badly to me, but you're still like a sharp-billed bird when you join the crew, be careful that everyone hates you.

Zhou Yun: You can't blame me, okay?You don't even know how much that bastard Gu Huaichun is!

Song Chi: Then there's no need to force them face to face.

Zhou Yun: He declared war first!Last time I heard it, his agent advised him not to show his face, you know what he said?He told his agent that he can't understand female stars like me who rely on traffic to get roles. It doesn't matter if he is some kind of talent. What qualifications do you have to say about me?I relied on traffic to get the role, so I stole his role?Because of this nonsense, in front of Yin Zhou and Xu Siyao, he yelled that the big star looked down on them, mocked me for not wanting to see them, and if I didn't fight back, I would be played by him. Hat off.

Song Chi: ... I can see how angry you are.

Zhou Yun: Stop talking, the more you talk, the angrier you get.

Song Chi: What's there to be angry about? I really see him upset, so I acted better than him. See the truth on the set.

Zhou Yun: When I think that I want to act as a couple with him, I get dizzy. I am really worried that the two of us will become enemies.

Conflicts and contradictions with Gu Huaichun are like sticking in their throats.

Especially after the filming of this movie started, the first two people could still ignore each other, but now they can't, Zhou Yun will inevitably get in touch with Gu Huaichun.

In the afternoon, she was finally going to shoot the first scene with Gu Huaichun.

In the play, two people have to act in the encounter scenes that almost all sweet pet dramas have.

When Zhou Yun was reading the script, he saw that Gu Huaichun was holding him around the waist again, and his heart suddenly felt bad.

This kind of emotion is actually unprofessional and should not appear.

Zhou Yun can only do work for himself, and convince himself to treat Gu Huaichun as a log.

Speaking of which, there will be a kissing scene afterwards, if he still cannot overcome his dislike of Gu Huaichun, there is no need to continue filming this scene.

Zhou Yun took several deep breaths, and when she heard someone calling her, she got up and went.

Lu Yuan was talking to the cameraman about the next camera movement, when he saw Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun coming, he waved and said, "Come here, I'll tell you two."

Gu Huaichun stepped forward with a straight face, but Zhou Yun turned a blind eye.

"Wait, Xiaoyun, you will trot over here, and Xiaogu, you will come over there, and when you reach the corner, you will bump into him naturally." Lu Yuan confessed, "I will take a long shot from the corner, I happened to see the two of you meet one left and one right, and then bumped into each other, OK?"

Zhou Yun understood.

Gu Huaichun nodded, agreeing.

When trying to shoot, something went wrong.

For the first time, Zhou Yun ran fast, and when she reached the corner, Gu Huaichun hadn't reached the corner yet.

The second time, Zhou Yun ran a little slower, as if in slow motion in the camera.

It's not a matter of two actors.

One runs and the other walks, so the speed is different.

However, Lu Yuan already knew that he would know such a problem. According to the two trial shots just now, Gu Huaichun's starting point was advanced by half. In the camera, Gu Huaichun's distance from the corner was half shorter than Zhou Yun's.

"Ok, that's it, try again." Lu Yuan said, "Three, two, one, start!"

Zhou Yun ran forward with a smile on his face.

According to the script, she just found out that she had got an offer to join the company at this time, and she was very excited.

Zhou Yun ran to the corner, turned to the right, and bumped into Gu Huaichun who was walking by.

She lost her center of gravity and took a step back.

"Cut!" Lu Yuan shouted.

Gu Huaichun immediately covered his chest with his hands, and looked at Zhou Yun unkindly, "Did you do it on purpose? Hit so hard?"

Zhou Yun's own head also hurt a bit from the bump, just now he bumped into a button on Gu Huaichun's clothes, and it happened to resist it.

Gu Huaichun found fault, Zhou Yun didn't bother to talk to him, and turned to the other side.

After watching the replay, Lu Yuan nodded and said, "Ok, it's over, the next one."

Is it over?Zhou Yun was a little shocked.

so sloppy?

Zhou Yun didn't react, Lu Yuan called them over to talk about the next scene.

"Wait, you hit Gu Huaichun directly from Xiaoyun and start shooting, don't lean back, you still have the meaning of wobbly and unstable center of gravity, Xiaogu, remember to hug Zhou Yun's waist in time ,do you know?"

Gu Huaichun's face was a little ugly, and the corner of his mouth twitched, but he still nodded and agreed.

Ready to shoot.

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun were almost completely close to each other.

This is the director's request, because the shot starts from the moment they hit each other.

"Three, two, one, start!"

Zhou Yun leaned back.

"Stop!" Lu Yuan said, "No, Xiaoyun, don't stand upright like a zombie, you were knocked down!"

"Sorry." Zhou Yun blushed slightly.

Suddenly a sneer was heard.

You don't need to ask to know it's Gu Huaichun.

Look at the joke.

Zhou Yun cursed inwardly, laughing and laughing.

"Three, two, one, start!"

Zhou Yun fell backward again, his face full of panic.

Gu Huaichun followed closely and put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist.

The eyes of the two met.

Gu Huaichun immediately looked away.

"Cut!" Lu Yuan yelled Ka again, "Two people take a rest in place."

Someone came forward to lay the track.

"Xiao Gu, wait until you frown slightly, Xiao Yun, you will maintain an expression of surprise and astonishment throughout the whole process, and then be a little bit shy."

After Lu Yuan finished speaking, after the track was laid, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "All departments are ready!"

Gu Huaichun looked at Zhou Yun expressionlessly: "Bend down."

Only then did Zhou Yun realize that he wanted to continue filming just now.

She said, "Help me first."

Gu Huaichun: "Taking advantage of me?"

"Who is taking advantage of whom?" Zhou Yun asked angrily.

"What are you two doing?" Lu Yuan was a little annoyed when he found that the two of them were still talking in the camera.

Zhou Yun shut up.

Gu Huaichun stretched out his hand reluctantly, and gave Zhou Yun's waist a virtual support.

"Can you hold me up? Are you responsible for my fall?" Zhou Yun said.

Gu Huaichun pursed his lips, but finally held on.

Zhou Yun lowered his waist slowly, letting himself gradually lose his center of gravity, and lifted one foot up.

Lu Yuan: "Start!"

The expression on Zhou Yun's face changed immediately, just as Lu Yuan said, surprised, stunned, and a little shy, his eyelashes fluttered slightly.

In fact, there is no need to act, being hugged by Gu Huaichun in this posture is a bit inexplicably shameful.

Gu Huaichun didn't need to act anymore, with a stern face, slightly frowning, looking down at Zhou Yun, this state is even more true to the role.

The camera circles back and forth twice.

This shot is done.

"Okay, the filming of this scene is over." Lu Yuan said, "I will shoot the single shot later."

Crews have already started laying the track for the next game.

Lu Yuan called Zhou Yun over.

"Wait to shoot your part, you should still be responsible for running. I will shoot two more scenes. You can find out the state of excitement and happiness after getting the offer. The requirement of the camera is to be beautiful and positive. When the time comes, run to Halfway, stop, give me a shot of raising my head to the sun and cheering, understand?" Lu Yuan said.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

It's not written that way in the script.

Isn't there a chance encounter between her and Gu Huaichun in the script?

Why are you still raising your hands to the sun and cheering?

so stupid?
Zhou Yun asked: "Raise your hands and cheer?"

Lu Yuan said: "Express your inner optimism, positivity and sunshine."

Zhou Yun: "Do you have to raise your hands and cheer? On the main road."

She felt ashamed.

Lu Yuan said, "Are you shy?"

"A bit."

"The role you play is not a shy girl." Lu Yuan said.

Zhou Yun: "...Okay."

Lu Yuan is indeed right.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Lu Yuan had been photographing her all afternoon.Gu Huaichun went directly to Group B and filmed his scene on the other side.They're all pretty normal cutscenes.

After filming in one afternoon, she filmed a total of seven scenes.

Changed four sets of clothes, three hairstyles, three lipstick colors, and acted in various states such as happy, sad, stern, and melancholy.

Lu Yuan finished filming all the subsequent walking scenes with the same environment and background.

All are fragmentary shots, no matter what kind of clothes or what state, the standard is only one word, beauty.

Zhou Yun has countless flaws in his heart, but he doesn't know where to start, so he can only cooperate with Lu Yuan.

In the evening, Gu Huaichun was called over again to film the scene where the two of them returned to the place where they met after being together.

This scene was written on the announcement sheet, and Zhou Yun had already prepared it in advance.

This scene is about her and Gu Huaichun who are in a period of passionate love, holding hands to revisit the old place together.

Zhou Yun was a little nervous.

To be honest, it has been a whole day of filming. From the morning to just now, she didn't say a single line, she just took some shots, and finally said her lines.

It's a sweet scene from the beginning.

Zhou Yun felt dizzy and at a loss.

After Lu Yuan explained to Gu Huaichun and Zhou Yun the effect he wanted, the rest was left to the two of them.

Zhou Yun discovered that Lu Yuan attached great importance to the feeling he wanted, but he didn't really care much about how to deal with the details as long as he didn't get the frame he wanted.

"How?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun held the script in his hand, looked down at the script, not looking at her, and said: "How else can I act, just act like this."

"Holding hands, eyes full of love, tired and crooked, just act like this?" Zhou Yun confirmed with Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun was finally willing to raise his head, looked at Zhou Yun squarely, and said, "I'm different from you. I graduated from a professional school. If you can't act, you can find a director to teach you."

Zhou Yun was very angry.

Start shooting.

Gu Huaichun took Zhou Yun's hand, turned into a gentle face, and said, "Are you tired from work today?"

"Tired." Zhou Yun nodded dejectedly, "I feel like I've lost my soul."

Gu Huaichun suddenly stopped.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

This is an action that is not in the script.

What did Gu Huaichun stop for?
I saw Gu Huaichun gently wiped Zhou Yun's forehead with his fingers, and said, "It's all covered with dust."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Because it wasn't the actions and lines in the script, Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer it, and was stunned in place.

"Okay, let's go." Gu Huaichun smiled softly at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun understood Gu Huaichun's eyes, he did it on purpose, wanting to see Zhou Yun make a fool of himself.

Zhou Yun snorted coldly in his heart, suddenly hugged Gu Huaichun's arm unexpectedly, and leaned towards Gu Huaichun.

This scene is not in the script.

Gu Huaichun trembled in fright, and looked at Zhou Yun in shock.

Lu Yuan behind the camera frowned.

"I want to eat candied haws." Zhou Yun said her prescribed lines, raised her head, pouted coquettishly, her eyes were full of sweetness for the person she liked, and there was a hint of provocation deep in her eyes.

Are you a professional college graduate?
When I was afraid of you?

Isn't it just intimacy?Who is afraid of disgusting whom?

"Can you treat me to dinner?" Zhou Yun shook Gu Huaichun's arm, acting coquettishly.

This sentence is not a line in the script, but added by herself.

Gu Huaichun grabbed Zhou Yun's hands, pulled them off from under his arms, sighed, sighed helplessly, put them back on Zhou Yun's thigh, and then raised his right hand, Patting Zhou Yun on the head, he said, "Where is the candied haws here? How about I go buy you ice cream?"

Gu Huaichun put both hands into his trouser pockets.

Zhou Yun stopped and did not go forward.

This is not the action in the script.

Gu Huaichun looked back at her.

"what happened?"

He turned his head away from the camera, and his face was no longer visible in the camera.

He immediately took this opportunity to threaten her with his eyes and mouth-shaped: "Don't be a monster."

Zhou Yun opened his hands and said coquettishly, "I can't walk anymore."

Blue veins appeared on Gu Huaichun's forehead.


Zhou Yun smiled brightly and said, "Can you carry me on your back?"

She smiled innocently.

Because of this laugh, Lu Yuan was about to yell, but stopped again.

Zhou Yun continued to smile, and the meaning in his eyes was accurately conveyed to Gu Huaichun's eyes: Don't you call yourself a professional actor?The director didn't yell "Ka", you won't be unable to continue acting, right?

Gu Huaichun sneered and warmed up naturally.

He walked up to Zhou Yun, turned his back, squatted down, with a helpless but doting expression on his face, and said, "Come up."

Now it was Zhou Yun's turn to struggle.

She thought that Gu Huaichun would not continue, but Gu Huaichun actually squatted down?

Zhou Yun didn't want to have more intimate contact with Gu Huaichun.

"Oh, get up, I just want to see if you are willing to carry me." Zhou Yun squatted down, hugged Gu Huaichun's arm again, pulled him up, and finally said the lines in the script, " Let's go and eat ice cream."


After filming this scene, Lu Yuan applauded and said, "This scene you played freely, yes, it's sweeter than the script."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, this is not sweet, it is a battle of wits and courage with Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun said: "Director, Zhou Yun always doesn't act according to the script, how can I act."

Damn, the villain actually filed a complaint first?

Zhou Yun said: "Didn't you touch my forehead first without following the script?"

"I added an action to highlight the intimacy between the two."

"The ones I added highlight the intimacy between the two people?" Zhou Yun replied.

Lu Yuan: "Okay, okay, I want to ask you this question too, if you have any ideas about the play, tell me in advance, don't just act out of the script, forget it this time, and you won't be allowed next time."

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun naturally said yes to the director.

After filming this scene, it's time to change the scene.

We ate ice cream together, took a walk, and there was a kiss scene that we almost got to kiss at night, but luckily we didn't.

The filming lasted until ten o'clock in the evening before the two of them called it a day.

Zhou Yun got into the nanny's car and went back to the hotel.

Zheng Xiaoju said excitedly: "Sister Xiaoyun, you did a great job!"

Zhou Yun was not satisfied with his performance at all, "Good acting? What's the point?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It's very beautiful. Besides, watching you and Gu Huaichun act is like watching an idol drama."

Zhou Yun: "... Xiaoju, do you know that the drama we are shooting now is actually an idol drama?"

Zheng Xiaoju blinked her innocent eyes and asked, "Really?"

Zhou Yun closed his eyes and didn't want to talk anymore.

"I'm very hungry."

Zheng Xiaoju said, "Ah, I bought a salad, would you like some now?"

Zhou Yun: "I want to eat barbecue."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "You told me that you can't eat this kind of food during filming."

Zhou Yun: "When did it happen?"

Zheng Xiaoju said, "A week ago."

"What? Why would I say something like that? Am I crazy?"

Zhou Yun questioned this matter all the way, returned to the hotel, and finally gnawed grass.

Before going to bed, Zhou Lan sent a message, asking: Today is the first day of filming, how is it?
Zhou Yun: Tired, and feel powerless to complain.

Zhou Lan quickly called.

"what's up?"

Zhou Yun said: "I feel like this movie will suck."

"How to say?"

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know what kind of film Director Lu wants to shoot. After one day, he took seven or eight sets of clothes like a model on a catwalk. They were all walking or in a daze. Only in the evening did they start shooting and speaking lines. The drama is another slot, Gu Huaichun really pissed me off."

Zhou Lan said: "Don't worry, this drama is not a serious drama in the first place. Lu Yuan wants to finish filming so many episodes in three months, so he has to catch up with the schedule. You have to understand him, he asked you to change seven or eight sets of clothes, is he trying to finish the cutscene of the same scene?"

Zhou Yun said: "Yeah, but let's not talk about a scene. He is filming a scene, and a scene is cut into several shots. Basically, we are not allowed to NG. As long as he can pass, he will pass."

"It's a TV series, not a movie. There are so many scenes, basically as long as it's not the highlight, and the acting is not too bad, it's normal to pass one or two scenes." Zhou Lan said, "Don't ask too much."

"I really don't ask too much, but I really have a guilty conscience when I act. I don't know if it's good or not." Zhou Yun said, "I have no confidence."

"You just have to play your own part." Zhou Lan said, "Whether a play is good or not depends on too many factors. You can guarantee that you will not lose the chain."

"I think it's hard for me not to lose the chain. At his request, today I raised my hands and cheered to the sun on the street full of people, like a fool."

Zhou Lan was speechless.

"Silly white sweet?"

"That's what it means."

"That would probably be scolded."

Zhou Yun said, "You finally understand."

Zhou Lan: "Why don't I go back and discuss with President Huang about cutting this shot."

"I hope it can be cut." Zhou Yun sighed, "Oh, I won't tell you anymore, I'm sleepy, and I have to get up early tomorrow morning to film."

"Okay, then you can rest."

"By the way, Miss Lan." Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something.

"what happened?"

"Did you tell Song Chi about my quarrel with Gu Huaichun?"

"No, why should I tell Song Chi this?" Zhou Lan said doubtfully.

"Oh, that's okay, I hung up."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, since Zhou Lan didn't say it, how would Song Chi know about her quarrel with Gu Huaichun?
Could it be that Song Chi also placed eyeliner in the crew?
Zhou Yun lay down on the bed with his limbs flattened out, and as soon as he closed his eyes, the image of her looking up to the sun and cheering appeared in her mind, and a sense of shame arose spontaneously.

She rolled on the bed, wanting to find a hole to bury herself in.

At the beginning, I didn't want to act in this play because I was afraid of acting like this. Who knew that Lu Yuan's aesthetics really liked this?

Zhou Yun was debating whether to talk to Lu Yuan and talk to him about her feelings.

I really hope I don't have to act so exaggerated in the future.

As she thought about it, she gradually fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, she was suddenly awakened by a familiar and indescribable sound, and also heard a man's heavy panting.

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed with a face full of disbelief, looked at the wall, and thought, is Gu Huaichun crazy?I haven't slept in the middle of the night, will I still be filming tomorrow?
She grabbed a pillow and threw it towards the wall, picked up the phone to find Gu Huaichun's phone and call him, and then thought that she didn't even have any contact information for Gu Huaichun.

 [-]-word chapter, very fat

(End of this chapter)

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