I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 126 Scandal Begins: 125

Chapter 126 Scandal Begins: 125
Zhou Yun had some opinions in her heart, but she was new here and also had some scruples. After several days of filming, she didn't go to Lu Yuan.

While shooting and shooting, Zhou Yun got used to Lu Yuan's shooting style.

Lu Yuan likes to take short shots.Especially for some scenes with a lot of lines or complicated scene scheduling, Lu Yuan likes to break them down and shoot them segment by segment.This kind of filming is very cumbersome and laborious, but for new actors like Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun, it is indeed much easier to act.

The facial features of both of them are very photogenic, without facial paralysis, but often they can't grasp the degree.Laughing a little louder, or reading lines a little more hypocritically, these faults, through fragmented performances, actually gave them more room to hide their clumsiness.

At first Zhou Yun felt that Lu Yuan's aesthetics were problematic, but later, through slow observation, Zhou Yun found that Lu Yuan was really a very accurate director.The accuracy here is that what kind of effect he wants to achieve will be achieved in the fastest way.

There was a scene that required Yu Yan to shed tears, but Yu Yan couldn't cry.

If it is a strict director, he may find a way to analyze the character with the actor, let the actor walk into the heart of the character, and cry emotionally.

Lu Yuan didn't intend to waste this kind of time at all, and directly asked Yu Yan to change the way of acting.

Originally, Yu Yan was sitting in front of Zhou Yun, watching Zhou Yun weeping and begging for mercy.

Lu Yuan made Yu Yan choke, lowered her head, paused shooting, dripped eye drops, and wiped away her tears. Yu Yan raised her head again, her eyes were slightly red, and continued to speak lines. When she finished speaking, she paused shooting again. Let Yu Yan keep the eyedrops in his mouth and continue filming. The eyedrops rolled out of the eye sockets, and he read the lines, and the scene was successfully filmed.

Zhou Yun was amazed.

She also reminded herself that she must not lower the requirements on herself. In this crew, if she lowers the requirements on herself, no one will ask her.

When the scene was changed, Zhou Yun was sitting in his small chair, and heard Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou whispering beside him.

"If this scene continues to be filmed like this, I feel that I have learned acting in vain. What else do I need to learn to praise? I can use eye drops." Naturally, Gu Huaichun was the one who complained.

Yin Zhou's temper has always been gentle, and this time it was the same as before, and he only said: "The director must catch up with the schedule."

Gu Huaichun: "I can't stand this show even if I'm in a hurry. Yu Yan's performance is too fake. I don't know how Zhou Yun will continue. I'm convinced."

He probably felt guilty because of the mention of Zhou Yun's name, so he glanced at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun turned a deaf ear and looked at the script in his hand.

In fact, her ears were prickly.

She heard Gu Huaichun's words.

Although it wasn't his intention to praise her, this was the first time he had ever experienced it.

Zhou Yun snorted softly, thinking to herself, she has more skills.

Yu Yan came over suddenly.

She sat next to Zhou Yun, and said aggrievedly, "I'm sorry, Xiao Yun, it affected you just now, and I haven't been able to get into emotions."

What else could Zhou Yun say, he smiled comfortingly.

But at random, she saw Yu Yan took out her mobile phone, she didn't know what she was watching, it should be a funny video, and soon heard her laughter.

The next scene will be between the two of them, won't she review her lines at this time?

Even if there is no her in the next scene, how could she not feel guilty and ashamed when she acted so poorly just now that she needed eye drops?
The grievance and apology just now are like a joke.

Zhou Yun withdrew his gaze.

During lunch, the producer Huang Zhong came.

As soon as he appeared, Yu Yan flew over like a lark, and yelled coquettishly, "Mr. Huang, you finally came to see us!"

Huang Zhong smiled like a chrysanthemum, and said, "I'm not taking a break from my busy schedule. I thought I haven't been here for a few days, so why don't you come and have a look?"

The producer is the big boss, and all the main creators go to say hello.

Zhou Yun was no exception, calling Mr. Huang.

Huang Zhong said: "I have reserved a place for tonight, and we will have a meal together."

When the producer spoke, Lu Yuan had nothing to disagree with.

To be honest, Zhou Yun would rather stay in the crew and film than participate in this kind of dinner. He doesn't know everyone well, so there is nothing to participate in.

However, people are in the arena and cannot help themselves. There is always a need to force one or two things, and there is always a time when there is no choice but to compromise.

After filming in the afternoon, I called it a day, went to the hotel to change clothes, and went out in simple short-sleeved shorts.

Before going out, I remembered to tell Li Yuning that tonight is a dinner party for the crew, so please stop following them.

When I arrived at the hotel, I looked at the other actresses from the film crew, but none of them were dressed as ordinary as her. Standing beside them, Zhou Yun looked like an assistant.

"Xiaoyun, you're dressed like this?" Yu Yan covered her mouth in surprise.

Zhou Yun took off his peaked cap and asked, "What's wrong with being dressed like this?"

"Mr. Huang also invited the leaders of the TV station and the boss of the advertiser tonight." Yu Yan said.

Zhou Yun frowned, "Huh?"

"Don't you know?" Yu Yan asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I don't know."

In a huge box, only two male actors came, Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou, but four or five female actors came.

Seeing the battle, Zhou Yun had guesses in his heart, felt very disgusted, and could only sit down.

How can it be?
Get up and leave?

In fact, it is okay, but it will offend people.

After a while, Huang Zhong and Lu Yuan accompanied them in.

A fat man with a big belly looked greasy and dirty, as if he had been rolled in a frying pan, and when he came in, his eyes turned to several actresses.

The other is a thin woman, probably in her early forties, very capable, but her words are all familiar with the world.

The actors at the dinner table stood up one by one, and Zhou Yun also stood up.

"Let me introduce you, this one, Mr. Liu." Huang Zhong introduced the fat man with a big belly.

"Hello, Mr. Liu." Yu Yan took the lead in opening her mouth delicately.

Several others followed suit.

This Mr. Liu's eyes suddenly poked Zhou Yun's face.

"This is Miss Zhou?!"

Zhou Yun wanted to sneak in, but he was called out.

"Hi, Mr. Liu, I'm Zhou Yun." She had no choice but to introduce herself gracefully.

"Sure enough, she's a beautiful girl who speaks with such a cultured temperament." Mr. Liu praised with his eyes narrowed.

Huang Zhong laughed loudly, and said, "That's right, B University's top student, can you find a second one in the entertainment circle?"

Just two sentences made Zhou Yun feel like the meat on the butcher stall, being judged by others.

Zhou Yun's smile was slightly stiff, and the dog beeped in his heart.

"Here, Director Cheng, the director of Songlintai Film Purchase Center." Huang Zhong introduced that capable woman again.

He looked at Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou, and said: "Xiao Gu, Xiao Yin, you must treat Director Cheng well tonight, make sure you entertain Director Cheng happily, and let our show be on the stars, and you will all be able to enjoy it." It became an instant hit."

Gu Huaichun smiled lightly.

Yin Zhou nodded gently and said, "Hello, Director Cheng."

This dinner meant a Hongmen Banquet before it even started, no, it should be called a wine pond meat forest.

Huang Zhong arranged for Gu Huaicun and Yin Zhou to accompany Director Cheng on the left and right. He originally wanted Zhou Yun to accompany Mr. Liu.

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "Mr. Huang, I can't drink, so don't let me sit next to Mr. Liu, so as not to spoil the fun."

Mr. Liu stared, "Can't drink? Why can't Ms. Zhou not drink?"

Zhou Yun just smiled and didn't speak.

Seeing Zhou Yun's attitude, Huang Zhong took Mr. Liu's hand and held it in his own. He smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, Xiaoyun never drinks alcohol. The boss of the company has told me so much. Tell me, isn't Xiaoyan quite good at drinking? Let Xiaoyan drink with you."

Yu Yan also sat down.

During this dinner, Zhou Yun didn't feel like he was at the crew's dining table, but more like he was in a certain bar club.

These people are not actors, but wine companions.

Endured until the food was almost finished, and I didn't know how many rounds of drinking, Huang Zhong said to go to sing K together.

Zhou Yun planned to take the opportunity to withdraw.

At this time, the little girl named Li Yu sitting next to her asked softly, "Sister Xiaoyun, can we not go?"

Li Yu is still a sophomore, timid.

In the toast just now, Li Yu was coaxed and toasted two glasses of wine, probably because he doesn't usually drink much, and his face was so red.

"Then you go back with me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Li Yu nodded.

"Then let's get ready to go." Huang Zhong said, "The car I ordered has arrived."

Mr. Liu walked ahead holding Yu Yan's little hand, and heard Yu Yan's crisp laughter from time to time.

Huang Zhong looked back at Director Cheng, saw that she was chatting with Yin Zhou, so he ignored her.

"Mr. Huang, Xiaoyu and I will go back first." Zhou Yun took the opportunity to say to Huang Zhong.

"Go back?" Huang Zhong frowned, "It's too embarrassing for you to go back at this time."

Zhou Yun had long been dissatisfied, and said, "We're not just kidding."

"Grandma, you're not joking, but we want to sell movies." Huang Zhong said in a low voice, "If you don't want to drink, I'll block it for you, so you can't give me face. If you stay with me for a while, everyone will It's coming for you, if you don't go, what's going on?"

Zhou Yun: "Look at the man in front of you, the lust is already in his eyes."

Huang Zhong chuckled, "Where is this?"

Zhou Yun squinted at Huang Zhong and said, "It's disgusting."

Huang Zhong: "Grandma, you think I'm disgusting, but please give me this face. The two of them add up to tens of millions."

When Huang Zhong talked about this, Zhou Yun could only compromise.

"You find someone to take her back first," Zhou Yun said.

Huang Zhong glanced at Li Yu, nodded without talking nonsense, "This bag is on me."

At KTV, Mr. Liu held Yu Yan's hand, raised the microphone with the other hand, found Zhou Yun, and said, "Miss Zhou, you can't drink alcohol, so you can always sing a song for us to listen to?"

Zhou Yun wouldn't turn his face away when he got here, and said with a smile, "Okay, what does Mr. Liu want to hear?"

"I want to hear everything you sing."

So Zhou Yun clicked the song "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau".

She sang the breaking sound of the [-]th bend of the mountain road with the momentum of breaking a bamboo and swallowing mountains and rivers. The more broken the sound was, the more she roared upwards, successfully suppressing the laughter.

After the song was sung, Mr. Liu was dumbfounded.

He might not be able to figure out how Zhou Yun, a beautiful woman like a fairy, could sing so majesticly and heart-piercingly.

Zhou Yun held the microphone, faced Mr. Liu, and asked, "Mr. Liu, do you like my song "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"?"

Mr. Liu was speechless for a long time, and said, "...I like it."

Zhou Yun giggled, put down the microphone, and sat on the edge of the karaoke stand, "Tell me what song you want to order, and I will order it for you."

Sit in a corner, away from right and wrong.

In the middle, when everyone started singing, Zhou Yun slipped out of the private room in the name of going to the bathroom, and hid in front of the window at the end of the corridor to breathe.

The stars are always twinkling.

Zhou Yun was so fascinated that he didn't even know that someone was walking behind her.

"Is this the first time you have encountered such a scene?"

Zhou Yun was startled, turned his head abruptly, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Yin Zhou.

"It is you."

"What a surprise."

"You suddenly appeared behind me, like a ghost, of course I was frightened!" Zhou Yun said.

Yin Zhou laughed.

"Did you drink a lot?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yin Zhou nodded, "It's okay, I'm not drunk, you are not loyal enough to hide alone."

"Oh, don't mention it, I know it's this kind of dinner, and I want to get up and leave."

"That's too embarrassing."

"Yeah, that's why I've wronged myself until now." Zhou Yun pursed his mouth in tears.

Yin Zhou: "Then your company protects you very well. In our place, drinking is a skill that must be learned."

Zhou Yun frowned, "Can it still be like this?"

"Because you have to compete with many people, and if you want to stand out, you have to figure out your own way." Yin Zhou said with a sigh, "You are very lucky."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, compared to other people, he was indeed lucky.With Zhou Lan's protection, she did not participate in this kind of wine game in the year she debuted, and she was so popular that she was caught off guard.

"Aren't you going back?" Yin Zhou asked.

Zhou Yun said: "When I go back, I have to listen to them crying like ghosts and howling like wolves."

Yin Zhou shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then I'll go back first."

"Ah, then I'll go back with you." Zhou Yun said.

"You can't just leave Xiao Gu there alone." Yin Zhou laughed.

"You're quite polite."

At twelve o'clock in the evening, it was finally over.

Yin Zhou sent Director Cheng to the car, and said goodbye with a smile.

Turning her head, she saw Yu Yan staggering to the side of the car with his shoulders and backs with that Mr. Liu.

"Mr. Liu, be careful not to touch your head." Yu Yan sent people to the car.

The driver stood by.

Mr. Liu grabbed Yu Yan's hand and refused to let go, saying, "Let's keep drinking, Xiaoyan."

Yu Yan said: "Okay, Mr. Liu, continue to drink, but let go of his hand first, you are holding my hand, how can I drink?"

Mr. Liu let go of his hand with a smile.

Yu Yan pushed Mr. Liu inside.

"Mr. Liu, please sit down."

"I'll sit down, and you come up and sit down."

Yu Yan: "Well, I'll take a seat. I'll take another car. Wait a minute. You go back and have a good rest. Look at you, drinking so much."

"Not much, I don't drink much." Mr. Liu was obviously drunk.

Yu Yan: "Mr. Liu, be obedient, go back and have a good rest, let's go back and continue drinking."

"Go back and continue drinking." Mr. Liu grunted.

Yu Yan closed the car door, "Bye bye, Mr. Liu."

When the driver got into the car and was about to drive away, Mr. Liu suddenly put down the window.

"Keep drinking!"

Yu Yan: "Take a good rest first!"

She waved her hand to send him away, turned around, rolled her eyes, and stepped on high heels to Zhou Yun's side.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," she said.

Zhou Yun was startled, and hurriedly stepped back, "Don't scare me."

Yu Yan burst out into a clear laugh.

She hooked Zhou Yun's neck and leaned her whole body over, "But I'm really dizzy, please lend me a hand."

Only then did Zhou Yun feel that Yu Yan was really thin and light.

She supported Yu Yan and said, "Take it easy."

At this time, the car arranged by Huang Zhong arrived.

Zhou Yun helped Yu Yan into the car and went back to the hotel.

Zheng Xiaoju waited at the entrance of the hotel, picked them up, supported Yu Yan with Zhou Yun, and sent her back to the room.

At this time, Yu Yan's assistant hurried over to take over.

Zheng Xiaoju sent Zhou Yun back to the room and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, have you drunk today?"

"I didn't drink it." Zhou Yun shook his head, "But it stinks, I have to take a shower first, what about tomorrow's announcement?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "The coordinator has notified you that you will be filming someone else's scene tomorrow morning and let you rest."

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "Okay, then if I don't wake up at ten o'clock in the morning, you can call me."

Zheng Xiaoju said yes, and left.

Zhou Yun took a shower, dried his hair, and lay down on the bed, feeling tired all over.

She picked up her phone and wanted to send a message to Zhou Lan, but by accident, she clicked into Song Chi's chat box.

She asked: Have you participated in many wine and dinner parties?

Song Chi replied in seconds: What do you want to ask?
She said: I don't want to ask anything, but something happened tonight, and my heart is in a panic.

Song Chi guessed in seconds: Did the crew arrange a dinner for you to accompany?
Zhou Yun: You really have a lot of experience.

Song Chi: ...

Zhou Yun: Forget it, I won’t tell you anymore, I’m going to sleep.

Song Chi: You looked for me first, and now you won't tell me?
Zhou Yun: I don’t know what to say, everything you say seems to be hypocritical, and you are different, you became famous as soon as you debuted, even if you participate in dinners and drinks, it’s not you who are reluctant.

Song Chi: There are always unsatisfactory times.

Zhou Yun: Dog things.

Song Chi: I guess you are not scolding me?
Zhou Yun: Of course I'm not scolding you, I just want to scold someone, but I don't know who to scold.

Song Chi: Then scold me, it's not just a day or two before you treat me like a trash can.

Zhou Yun: I thought, why are there so many things to worry about?

Song Chi: People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed.

Zhou Yun: Give me a big knife, and I'll cut down this river and lake.

Song Chi: You think you hold the dragon-slaying sword in your hand.

Zhou Yun: What if I had the Dragon Slaying Sword?
Song Chi: There is no dragon-slaying sword for now, but if you look up at the sky now, the moon is still there.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She put down her phone, got out of bed, opened the curtains, and looked up.

In the dark night sky, a half moon hangs high.

Soft and clear.

Zhou Yun smiled.

She wanted to reply "Why are you so literary", picked up the phone again, and saw another message from Song Chi: If you don't have the dragon sword in your hand to split the night, look up at the moon, at least it's still there Shine light to comfort you.

Zhou Yun felt a little feeling, and at the same time felt that these words were a bit strange.

What she didn't know was that when Song Chi was writing this passage, there was another sentence hidden in his heart that he didn't say.

(End of this chapter)

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