I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 127 Scandal Begins: 126

Chapter 127 Scandal Begins: 126
Zhou Yun slept until ten o'clock in the morning and woke up.

If the alarm clock wakes me up, it's okay, I can still be woken up by the alarm clock, but I'm afraid the alarm clock won't wake me up.

After hastily washing up, she went directly to the crew to put on makeup with her plain face up.

In the car, Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, what are you doing so early? It's stated in the announcement that your film will be filmed in the afternoon."

Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, I'm staying in the hotel."

When going to the set, Zhou Yun was happy to prepare in advance, and he was able to play against people.

After working together with Gu Huaichun for the past few days, although she was still at odds with each other, they had a tacit agreement with each other.

This refers to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan's shooting technique treats them like elementary school students too much, taking one shot after another, as long as there are no major mistakes.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to work hard on himself and make demands on himself.

Coincidentally, Gu Huaichun had the same idea.

On the first day, the two didn't fight each other, they jumped out of the script during the acting, but the final effect was better than the script.

The two of them knew each other well, so they put aside their prejudices for the time being, and would use the opportunity to speak to the director to express their thoughts.

As soon as Zhou Yun arrived on the set, he immediately went to greet the director.

Seeing her, Lu Yuan was surprised and asked, "Why are you here now?"

Lu Yuan did not expect Zhou Yun to come so early.

"Come and prepare in advance, grab the crew's boxed lunch." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Today's play is set up in the shed.

Gu Huaichun drank alcohol yesterday, and got up early today, Zhou Yun saw him, and saw that his eyes were a little less radiant than usual.

The two still didn't say hello, just pretending that the other didn't exist.

"Xiaoyun is here." Yin Zhou followed closely behind, as sunny as ever.

He was in good spirits, and he couldn't tell that he drank more than Gu Huaichun last night.

Zhou Yun said in surprise, "Where did you buy the hangover soup? The effect is pretty good."

Yin Zhou laughed.

Gu Huaichun suddenly turned his head and gave him a blank look, as if he disliked Yin Zhou's laugh too loudly and made him noisy.

The director explained to the two what he was going to shoot for the next shot, and sure enough, it was still the same as before, shooting one shot after another.

Zhou Yun sat behind the monitor, watching the screen with the director.

Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou deserved to be graduates of professional colleges. The two of them went through the play once, and after communicating for a while, they passed again.Of course, Lu Yuan's one-way standard is already there, and it's easy to do one-way.It's natural for the two of them to act together, especially Gu Huaichun. Although he is very arrogant, his acting has a very natural atmosphere, whether it's lines or eyes.

Similar to the characters of most male protagonists in sweet pet dramas, Gu Huaichun in this drama also belongs to the kind of person who is usually colder and less talkative.

Yin Zhou is the kind of male number two who shows his emotions and chatters.

Ten sweet pet dramas, nine male one male two are all configured like this.

In fact, in Zhou Yun's opinion, the scene just now could be performed better.But Lu Yuan already felt that enough was enough, and it could be broadcast, so let's just say it.

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling uneasy about his performance in this drama.

She didn't know the effect of her previous performance.

At noon, Zhou Yun went to eat first.Because it was shot in a studio, a small cafeteria was specially prepared.Zhou Yun finished eating and sat at the corner of the long table.This cafeteria is dedicated to the main creators, and ordinary staff and actors are not here.At present, the main creators are basically filming there, and Zhou Yun is the only one on the table.

After a while, Gu Huaichun suddenly came.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhou Yun, as if he didn't expect Zhou Yun to be here.

Zhou Yun did not expect that Gu Huaichun would come here alone.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, would Gu Huaichun turn around and leave?

With Gu Huaichun's usual personality, it might not be that he would not do this.

But to her surprise, Gu Huaichun struggled a bit, and went to order food and sat down to eat, but he sat far away from her, it seemed that he was doing it on purpose.

He acted like he didn't want to talk to her, so of course she didn't bother to talk to him.

This picture looks kind of inexplicably weird.

The male lead and the female lead in the crew sat at the same table to eat but ignored each other, as quiet as strangers.

Passing staff saw this scene and were not surprised.

Although no one said it clearly, it was basically clear that their male lead and female lead did not get along.

The atmosphere of silence lasted for a long time.

It was Gu Huaichun who finally broke the silence.

"Shooting the quarrel scene this afternoon, do you want to discuss it?"

Zhou Yun knew from the beginning that the voice he heard was an illusion.

She looked towards Gu Huaichun in surprise, only to see that Gu Huaichun didn't even raise her head.

"You talking to me?"

Only then did Gu Huaichun raise his head.He looked sleepy and listless.

"You don't want to just pass by like this, do you?" Gu Huaichun asked.

Zhou Yun poked the pork ribs in his bowl with a spoon and said, "How do you want to discuss it?"

"Looking back, let's rehearse several times in advance." Gu Huaichun said.


That's it.

Gu Huaichun lowered his head again and continued to eat.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "Where's Yin Zhou?"

"It's being filmed." Gu Huaichun said, "He still hasn't filmed two scenes."

He didn't know what came to mind, and said, "Originally, these two scenes were filmed in the afternoon."

"Why did you mention that we are filming now?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun: "Because you came."

"Because I'm here?" Zhou Yun was surprised, "What do you mean?"

"You're the number one female lead, how can I keep you waiting on the set." When Gu Huaichun said this, his usual sarcasm was brought into his tone.

Zhou Yun suddenly realized.

She couldn't care less about arguing with Gu Huaichun, subconsciously felt guilty and embarrassed in her heart.

"I thought it would be sooner..."

Gu Huaichun put down his chopsticks, got up and left.

Zhou Yun: "..."

She couldn't eat anymore, so she put down her chopsticks and walked to her lounge.

Zheng Xiaoju was watching a variety show on her mobile phone inside, and when she saw her come back, she got up quickly and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, the coordinator sent a new announcement just now, your scene has moved to the front, and the filming will start at one o'clock in the afternoon Your play."

The new notice is moved forward by one hour from the previous time.

Zhou Yun sat down, feeling uncomfortable.

Originally, I thought that I would be more diligent and save some trouble for the crew, but who knew, it would even cause trouble.

She hesitated for a moment, picked up the phone, wanted to say sorry to Yin Zhou, but didn't know where to start.

In the end, I sent Yin Zhou an apology.

Just after posting, Zhou Yun suddenly heard the sound of arguing outside.

what happened?

"Xiaogu, go and have a look."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and went.

After a while, Zheng Xiaoju came back.

She said: "Zhen Xiaoxiao and Yu Yan were arguing, saying that Yu Yan didn't finish her makeup within the stipulated time, which took up her makeup time."

Both Zhen Xiaoxiao and Yu Yan are actresses in the crew, and they are both veteran actors who have filmed several films, and they are more experienced than young people like them.

Zhou Yun was surprised to hear the two of them quarreling.

"Aren't they usually on good terms?" Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju: "When I was chatting with people, I heard people say that the two of them seemed to be plastic sisters."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was surprised, "You can also find out about this?"

Zheng Xiaoju smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Everyone likes to gossip, but, Miss Xiaoyun, don't worry, I won't say a word about you to the outside world."

Since it was two actors quarreling, it was even more difficult for Zhou Yun to go out to watch the excitement.

At this time, it is not good to speak for anyone.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yun took the script and went out to find Gu Huaichun.

She met Yu Yan.

Yu Yan didn't see her, and walked past her with a stern face and a very ugly expression.

Zhou Yun guessed that Yu Yan was in a bad mood, so he didn't say hello.

It wasn't until I went to the set that I realized that Gu Huaichun was not there, so I turned around and found him in his lounge.

Gu Huaichun looked like he had just woken up from a dream, his eyelids were a little darker than usual.

Zhou Yun held up the script and said, "Let's talk?"

Gu Huaichun probably just remembered the agreement with Zhou Yun, so he said, "Wait a minute."

He went in to get the script, and followed Zhou Yun out.

"This is the first time two people have misunderstandings and quarrels, there is no need to quarrel too much." Zhou Yun put forward his own opinion, "From Lin Xiaosu's point of view, she likes you, but you misunderstood her She approached you because of your identity, she felt that you were insulting him, so she was anxious to speak, rather than quarreling with you, what she wants to do is to explain clearly. "

Gu Huaichun nodded and said: "My attitude towards you at this time is complicated. On the one hand, I also have a good impression on you, but on the other hand, I was instigated by others, thinking that you approached me for other purposes. I was betrayed, so I treated you indifferently, but because I like you, I don't want to get angry with you, so a cold and violent situation has arisen."

Zhou Yun nodded, "I think the tone is right, let's look back and see what Director Lu said."

"Let's go through it first." Gu Huaichun said.

Zhou Yun: "Have you memorized your lines?"

"Recite, go directly?"


Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun walked according to the script.

"Zhuang Zhou, I, did I make you unhappy?" Zhou Yun pressed his lips carefully, and looked at Gu Huaichun timidly.

Gu Huaichun pulled a plastic stool as a prop, sat on it, expressionless, "No."

"Then why do you always avoid me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun still said these two words: "No."

Zhou Yun felt aggrieved, and said, "You still said no, look at you now! Can you just tell me what's wrong with you?"

Gu Huaichun was silent.

Zhou Yun stopped and said: "I think it would be better for you to give the audience a feedback at this time. You are not really an iceberg man, and you don't have any thoughts for me. I have said so, and you must still have a little bit in your heart." In response, a frown, or a look."

Gu Huaichun hummed, "I see."

Continuing, after Zhou Yun finished the line just now, Gu Huaichun gave a little reaction, looked sideways slightly, and moved slightly with his expressionless eyes.

Zhou Yun took a step forward, stretched out his hand to pull Gu Huaichun's sleeve.

"Are you talking well?"

Gu Huaichun shook Zhou Yun's hand away according to the script's instructions.

"Very violent." This was Zhou Yun's subconscious reaction.

Gu Huaichun nodded: "Indeed, if a boy likes a girl in his heart, unless it's intentional, or he is naturally irritable, he shouldn't just shake off her hand, for fear of hurting her."

"Change it to get up and walk away, so that my hand will be freed naturally." Zhou Yun's eyes lit up.

Gu Huaichun nodded: "Yes."

"But in this case, the position will change again."

Gu Huaichun: "It's just changing from sitting to standing, not much change."

The two of them communicated and discussed while walking the show.

Zhou Yun realized that apart from other things, Gu Huaichun is actually a very good actor to cooperate with.

He has studied and understood the script carefully, and he does not read his lines according to the script. As he himself has always said, he comes from an academic school, and his foundation is better than many people.

At this time, Yin Zhou came over.

"Have you finished filming?" Gu Huaichun saw him first.

Seeing the two of them standing together, Yin Zhou was a little surprised. His eyes swept over the two of them, as if he wanted to ask how they got along so harmoniously, but he hesitated to speak.

"Yes, just finished filming." Yin Zhou said, "I'm going to eat first, I'm starving to death."

Gu Huaichun nodded.

Yin Zhou took two steps, stopped again, and looked back at them, "You two, shouldn't I stay here to persuade you?"

Zhou Yun was embarrassed.

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Gu Huaichun became angry from embarrassment: "Go eat your meal."

Yin Zhou smiled and left.

In the afternoon, it was the scene as soon as it came up.

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun told Lu Yuan their thoughts on the script.

Lu Yuan originally only wanted to finish the filming of this film, but when he heard that there was no big problem, he nodded and let them act according to their own ideas.

Walking through the live-action set, the two of them had a bottom line.

After a scene was filmed, Zhou Yun felt that the acting just now was a bit boring, so he went back to look for Lu Yuan.

"Director Lu, let's take another one. I didn't act well just now."

Lu Yuan said with a smile: "The acting is not bad, Xiaoyun, we are not making a movie, we have to catch up with the schedule, it is already enough."

Sure enough, it was this sentence again.

When the scene was changed, Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun sat together and waited.

"Shooting so fast, didn't it take three months?" Zhou Yun complained in a low voice.

Gu Huaichun said: "The sooner you finish the shoot, the earlier you get the money, the sooner you finish the shoot, the less you spend. Who do you think the money goes to?"

"..." Zhou Yun couldn't believe it, how could it be like this?

Gu Huaichun said: "Director Lu is famous for his strong cost control ability and fast shooting in Yuehai. Most of the urgent projects will be handed over to him."

Zhou Yun thought to himself that Lu Yuan's ability is indeed outstanding.

Actors have no emotions, can't act, it's simple, shoot one shot after another.

Can't even make an expression?Simply take a side view or a back view, and then find a voice actor to match the lines later.

All in all, there is no such thing as delaying the shooting because of the bad state of the actors.

It's just that this ability is not very meaningful for the quality of performance and drama that Zhou Yun likes.

(End of this chapter)

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