I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 128 Scandal Begins: 127

Chapter 128 Scandal Begins: 127
In the evening, Zhou Yun had two scenes with Yu Yan.

She wanted to find Yu Yan in advance to match the scene to be filmed tonight.Since Lu Yuan's request is so low, she can only serve snacks by herself.

Zhou Yun went to Yu Yan's lounge to find her.

Unlike Zhou Yun, Yu Yan did not have her own lounge, but shared one with Zhen Xiaoxiao.

Knock on the door and go in, Yu Yan is not there, only Zhen Xiaoxiao and her assistant.

Zhen Xiaoxiao had a cup of milk tea in her hand and was watching a TV series on her tablet.

"Hey, Xiaoyun, why are you here?" Zhen Xiaoxiao saw Zhou Yun with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Zhou Yun asked: "Is Yu Yan not here? I have something to do with her."

"Her?" As soon as Zhen Xiaoxiao heard Yu Yan's name, her expression changed, she seemed a little disdainful, she sneered, and her enthusiasm dropped, "I don't know, maybe I went to chat with another brother."

Zhen Xiaoxiao's words sounded particularly harsh.


The two had a quarrel at noon, and now their words are so barbed.

Zhou Yundang didn't understand, so he smiled and said, "Then I'll look for her later."

However, Zhen Xiaoxiao suddenly put down the platform and said, "Xiaoyun, don't get too close to Yu Yan, or you will be criticized if you get hurt, and the loss outweighs the gain."

Zhou Yun looked blank, not knowing what Zhen Xiaoxiao meant.

Zhen Xiaoxiao said: "You don't know yet? Everyone calls her sister kiln in private. You saw it last night. You just missed grabbing Mr. Liu's hand and touching her in the ditch."

She curled her lips in disdain.

Zhou Yun couldn't stand it anymore.She shook her head and said, "I'm leaving."

He didn't respond to a word of Zhen Xiaoxiao's words.

When he turned his head, blood rushed to the top of his head.

Yu Yan didn't know when she came back, so she stood behind Zhou Yun, her face expressionless, her eyes so calm that it made people feel scary.

Zhou Yun's whole body was numb and he was at a loss.

Yu Yan raised her hand and waved it, signaling Zhou Yun to get out of the way.

Zhou Yun took a step forward, grabbed Yu Yan's hand, and whispered, "Yu Yan, don't follow—"

Yu Yan pushed Zhou Yun aside and walked in.

Zhou Yun only felt that her eyes went dark, and within two seconds, she heard Zhen Xiaoxiao's scream piercing the sky.

Two words came to Zhou Yun's mind: Terrible.

She ran in to take a look, and the scene in front of her made Zhou Yun gasp.

Yu Yan threw Zhen Xiaoxiao to the ground directly, grabbed Zhen Xiaoxiao's hair, and at the same time tore at Zhen Xiaoxiao's face with the other hand.

"You like talking about me so much, why is your mouth so stinky!"

Yu Yan scolded while smoking.

Zhen Xiaoxiao's assistant screamed, "Yu Yan, stop! What are you doing!"

The assistant yelled loudly and tried to pull Yu Yan away, but he didn't know if Yu Yan was too fierce to pull her away.

Zhou Yun stepped forward, grabbed Yu Yan, and said, "Yu Yan, calm down, don't hit me, calm down!"

Yu Yan ignored it.

The person who heard the movement outside finally came.

The two men were stronger and pulled Yu Yan and Zhen Xiaoxiao apart.

Yu Yan was still scolding.

"Let me hear it next time, and I will tear your mouth apart!"

Zhen Xiaoxiao didn't say a word just now, but now that she saw a lot of people, her fighting spirit suddenly became high.

"You dare to do it, but you don't dare to be told? Sister Yao! When you held Mr. Liu's hand yesterday, why didn't you see you being so shameless!"

"Don't go if you have the ability! Why didn't you drink it during the toast yesterday, you have the same ability as Zhou Yun, don't drink it!" Yu Yan went back angrily.

Zhou Yun stood behind, completely dazed, unable to recover for a while.

Zheng Xiaoju came after hearing the news and dragged Zhou Yun out.

"Sister Xiaoyun, let's not stay here, it's too messy." Zheng Xiaoju dragged Zhou Yun back to the lounge, "You are really, you still don't run away when encountering this kind of thing, I heard people say that you even went to try to persuade the fight , what if those two women accidentally hurt you?"

Zhou Yun covered his face as if waking up from a dream, "Xiaoyu, isn't my face scratched?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "No, don't worry."

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

The farce quickly spread to producers and directors.

Huang Zhong is the executive producer and stays on the crew every three days.Liu Pinran didn't come often, except for the day when the machine was turned on, he basically didn't show up.But this time he came, and came all night with a very ugly expression on his face.

Should it be filming normally or normally, it's just that Yu Yan's scene was supposed to be filmed at night, and it was temporarily adjusted.

After finishing work at night, Zhou Yun, Gu Huaichun, and Yin Zhou went back to the hotel in the car and talked about it.

Gu Huaichun gave full play to his sarcastic specialty, and fired a map gun as soon as he opened his mouth: "Women really can't get together, they fight when they get together."

Zhou Yun heard it harshly, and said: "What do you mean women fight when they get together, don't say that your men are like white lotuses."

Gu Huaichun: "At least I won't fight with Xiao Yin."

"Who knows if you will fight in the future."

Yin Zhou had no choice but to persuade the fight, "Enough is enough for the two of you, I think the two of you will fight before Xiaogu and I fight."

Zhou Yun snorted softly.

"Yu Yan and Zhen Xiaoxiao are amazing enough. When they fought on the set, did they even pull their hair?" Gu Huaichun asked Zhou Yun, the person involved.

Zhou Yun clasped his hands in front of his chest and lowered his eyes, "I know you very well?"

Gu Huaichun seemed to have just remembered that he and Zhou Yun were still in a hostile relationship, and when he realized it, he immediately turned his head back.

Yin Zhou patted Gu Huaichun's thigh, and smoothed things over with a smile, saying, "Boss Liu is here, so I don't know how to deal with this matter."

"How else can I deal with it?" Gu Huaichun twitched the corner of his mouth, "Each hit [-] boards, separate the two."

It's not uncommon for actors to clash on set.

The crew with some experience have encountered it, but the severity is different.

Undoubtedly, Zhen Xiaoxiao and Yu Yan had a worse plot this time.

When they arrived at the hotel, Li Yuning and the others waited for Zhou Yun at the hotel entrance.

After starting filming, Li Yuning and the others had much less time to follow the filming.

This is also what I said at the beginning, the normal shooting time is not shooting.At the end of the day today, Li Yuning also took pictures of Zhou Yun's rehearsal with Gu Huaichun after lunch. Whether these materials can be used or not will have to be consulted by the film crew.The filming officially started in the afternoon, and Li Yuning took people away.

"Did you just call it a day?" Li Yuning asked.

The camera's lens was aimed at Zhou Yun, and at the same time, Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou were also photographed.

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded and smiled, "Have you been waiting for me here?"

Li Yuning said: "Yes, I didn't shoot any material today."

Zhou Yun: "Sorry."

Because of the cameras, the three of them didn't talk about Zhen Xiaoxiao and Yu Yan anymore.

"The first episode of our program is about to air." Li Yuning said suddenly.

Zhou Yun was shocked, his eyes widened, "Really? When?"

Li Yuning said: "I'm going to show it next week, the previous material can be aired for almost four episodes."

Zhou Yun clutched his chest.

"What's going on, I'm suddenly a little nervous."

Yin Zhou laughed and asked, "Zhou Yun is treating guests to dinner."

Zhou Yun made an OK gesture, "Yes, please."

Suddenly the show was about to be broadcast, Zhou Yun didn't have the heart to care about Yu Yan and Zhen Xiaoxiao's affairs at all, and called Song Chi as soon as he got back to his room.

"The show is about to air!"

Song Chi asked, "Are you done?"

"Just after work was over, sister Yuning suddenly told me that the show was going to be aired, and I was shocked." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Song Chi smiled, "Wouldn't it be better to broadcast it earlier?"

Zhou Yun: "I've been filming on the set for the past few days, and I haven't paid attention to anything else at all."

"How did the filming go?"

"Working hard on filming." Zhou Yun suddenly sighed melancholy when he thought about his filming. He wanted to say a few more words to Song Chi, but also remembered that there was still a camera in the room, so he couldn't talk nonsense.

"Did the director scold you?"

"No." Zhou Yun thought to himself, if Lu Yuan could scold her for her bad performance, that would be fine.

Song Chi said, "Then you have to be prepared, Director Jiang is very strict."

Zhou Yun knew that Song Chi was talking about "Questioning the Heart".

"I know." Zhou Yun nodded, "I will be strong."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun suddenly received another call from Zhou Lan.

"Miss Lan?"

Zhou Lan said: ""After We Had a Gossip" is going to be broadcast, you know that?"

"Just found out."

"There will be an opening ceremony this Friday, and you need to attend."

"I want to film." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "I'll coordinate the time with the crew."

"Oh fine."

The next day, Zhou Yun set off for the set early in the morning.

In the same car were Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou again.

The three of them and Xu Siyao played [-]% of the scenes in this drama.

Xu Siyao hadn't joined the group yet, so the three of them were mainly photographed.

Gu Huaichun yawned five times as soon as he got into the car.

"You yawned, what time did you go to bed last night?" Yin Zhou asked.

Gu Huaichun said, "One o'clock in the morning."

"Why do you sleep so late?" Yin Zhou asked again.

Gu Huaichun said: "There is a play coming later, the director is calling me."

Zhou Yun sat at the back and listened to the two of them chatting one after another, and he was actually a little sleepy.

The photographer sat next to her with a camera on his shoulder and took pictures of her.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but yawned.

"Did you sleep very late yesterday too?" Yin Zhou turned around and asked.

"Too excited, didn't fall asleep." Zhou Yun said, "Nervous."

Yin Zhou smiled and said, "I thought you and Song Chi were filming this show together, but I haven't seen him after filming for so long."

Zhou Yun explained: "Originally each filmed its own film, but my life is really too dull."

She suddenly smiled at the camera and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I let you watch me strolling alone every day."

When they arrived at the set, the cameraman got out of the car with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun waved to the camera and said, "Goodbye, I'm about to start work, see you later."

The photographer turned off the camera and went back.

Today's shooting is still in the studio.

Zhou Yun had just finished styling and was about to find the director when he met Yu Yan at the door.

"Yu Yan."

"Oh, Xiaoyun, good morning." Yu Yan was not in a high mood, so she simply greeted her.

Zhou Yun and Yu Yan are not familiar, not the kind of relationship that can be discussed deeply, so even if the other party's face is already obvious, Zhou Yun can only pretend that he didn't see it, and it is difficult to ask: Are you okay?
It's clear that something happened.

However, in the rivers and lakes of the world, everyone sweeps the snow in front of their doors.

There is Yu Yan's play this morning, Gu Huaichun has two scenes with Yu Yan and one scene with Zhou Yun.

Very dense.

Generally, in overall planning, Zhou Yun will be accommodated first, and Zhou Yun's scenes will be scheduled for the best shooting time.

After being in the group for so long, Zhou Yun has never photographed in the early morning, but I heard that group B often shoots in the early morning.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a while, and decided to communicate with Yu Yan about her thoughts before filming the scene with Yu Yan.

Who knew that just as Zhou Yun opened his mouth, Yu Yan held his forehead with one hand, and said in low spirits, "I'm not in the mood right now, let's talk about it later."

There is no time to talk about it later.

During the official filming, not to mention the state of performance, Yu Yan even stumbled at the lines, and didn't memorize the lines at all.

Lu Yuan made a rare NG, and called Yu Yan over to talk.

But it didn't help, Yu Yan was still out of shape.

This is not a matter of one shot or two shots. Even Lu Yuan can't see it, which shows her appearance.

After NGing three times, Lu Yuan became impatient, so he called the screenwriter to ask Yu Yan to delete those scenes that could be deleted, and change those that could not be deleted.

Zhou Yun looked blank.

Yu Yan stood aside and heard what Lu Yuan was saying the whole time, but she only lowered her head, holding one hand with the other, without saying anything, her expression was lonely, her lips were tightly pursed.

"Yu Yan, do you want to rest and adjust?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Yan just said no, then turned around and left.

She left the set directly.

Ten minutes later, the assistant director came running over with an ugly expression on his face, and said to the director, "Yu Yan said that she is not feeling well today, so she doesn't want to shoot anymore."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan turned on the horn in front of the entire crew.

The horn fell to the ground and made a piercing sound.

"She doesn't want to shoot anymore? What is she doing in the crew? She doesn't want to shoot if she doesn't want to shoot. Who is she?"

This was the first time Zhou Yun saw Lu Yuan get angry.

All of Yu Yan's scenes could not be filmed, and the production crew, which has always been extremely effective, was rarely shut down for an hour, and finally adjusted the shooting plan.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun had prepared well in advance, so that he would not be unable to memorize his lines.

Of course, it's okay if you can't memorize the lines.

After Lu Yuan said it, he filmed it first, and then said something casually when he couldn't speak the lines, and dubbed it later.

At noon, Zhou Yun finally took a breather from the intense filming and went to have lunch.

It seems that the director has never been to the small cafeteria, and his assistant packed lunches and delivered them to the scene.

Zhou Yun ordered food and sat down, just after taking two bites, Gu Huaichun came.

"The director is angry again." Gu Huaichun said as he passed by Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun: "What's wrong?"

But Gu Huaichun went to buy food first, and then brought it back.

This time, Gu Huaichun sat down directly beside Zhou Yun.

"The director wants to transfer some of Yu Yan's scenes to Xu Siyao, but the overall planning is very difficult because Xu Siyao has not joined the group yet."

Zhou Yun didn't expect this matter to be related to Xu Siyao.

"The director is still angry with Yan."

Gu Huaichun sneered, "Yu Yan won't shoot if she says she won't shoot. She has no professional ethics at all. If you don't get angry with her, you'll get angry with someone else."

(End of this chapter)

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