I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 129 Scandal Begins: 128

Chapter 129 Scandal Begins: 128
Gu Huaichun had already had opinions on Yan.

He is a high-spirited person, and he always prides himself on being from a professional school. He doesn't like opponent actors who are casual and not serious about their performances.

But Yu Yan belongs to the kind of actor who doesn't take filming seriously at all.

Zhou Yun and Yu Yan have filmed so many scenes against each other, but Yu Yan has never seen any of them filmed smoothly.

That crying scene went deep into Zhou Yun's heart and left a deep impression on him.

Zhou Yun felt that Gu Huaichun's attitude towards him had changed, probably because he felt that she was serious about acting?
In the evening, Zhou Yun was still filming on the set, and when he was taking a break in the middle, his phone suddenly rang several times at a very high frequency.

Zhou Yun picked up his phone and looked at it.

It was Li Yula's group, she had just been pulled into it, and there were several other actors in the group, including Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou.

Li Yu: Sister Xiaoxiao said she was leaving, but I can't hold her back, what should I do?
Li Yu: Her assistant is helping her pack up.

Li Yu: Should I tell the director?

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded when he saw several messages from Li Yufa.

Gu Huaichun on the side took the mobile phone from the assistant's hand, saw the news, sneered, handed the mobile phone to the assistant's hand, and drank water from the water glass.

Zhou Yun walked over and asked, "Have you seen the news from Li Yufa?"

Gu Huaichun hummed.

"Zhen Xiaoxiao, what does this mean? No more acting?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Gu Huaichun glanced at her, and said, "Are you serious? Her assistant can let Li Yu's silly girl see when she packs things up, and deliberately let Li Yu's silly girl act as a mouthpiece."

Sure enough, after a while, someone told the director that Zhen Xiaoxiao was leaving.

Lu Yuan dropped the horn for the second time and left angrily.

The director left, and the filming of the scene that should be filmed could not continue. Zhou Yun also called off work early and went back to the hotel.

In the car, Song Chi called.

"Is work done?"

"I was still filming, but I suddenly stopped work just now." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi asked, "Huh? Why? What happened?"

Zhou Yun said: "Yesterday, there was a conflict between two actresses in our production crew. As a result, one of the actresses wanted to leave just now. The director rushed over, and we called it a day."

Song Chi: "Is the trouble so serious?"

Zhou Yun: "I don't know how they will deal with it later."

"No matter how we deal with it, people will definitely not let them go." Song Chi said, "The blocking will also block people here, and they will leave after the filming of the trick. Otherwise, changing actors temporarily will cause too much loss. Your movie The executive producer Huang Zhonggui is famous for his cost."

Zhou Yun: "She doesn't seem to want to leave herself, she just pretends to be leaving on purpose for others to see."

"That's fine. At best, this person wants to make a fuss." Song Chi said in a relaxed tone, "There won't be any major problems. As long as the crew is not determined to leave, the crew will take care of it."

"This incident is a bit inexplicable." Zhou Yun said, "Even though Liu Pinran and the others came over last night, I thought the matter had been resolved."

"Then it must be that the problem has not been solved." Song Chi said, "That's why it happened with an excuse."

Zhou Yun: "Oh, let's not talk about this, what have you been up to lately?"

Song Chi said: "What else can I be busy with? I've been communicating with Director Jiang about "Questioning the Heart". We just went to see the scene together today."

"The scene that was built? What scene?" Zhou Yun asked, "By the way, you haven't even given me a complete look at the script of "Questing the Heart."

Song Chi said: "The screenwriter is still making the final revisions, making some adjustments to your character."

"Adjustment?" Zhou Yun asked, "Did you change my role?"

"It's not changing roles, your role has been adjusted, adding a layer of transformation to this role."

"Ah? Do you want me to add a play? Isn't this a bad thing?" Zhou Yun said so, but laughed, "Being so kind to me."

"It really has nothing to do with me. Director Jiang proposed it. He has high requirements for the script. He held a meeting before and adjusted the entire script structure." Song Chi said, "I have been working with him these days. Early preparations."

Zhou Yun said: "This is the rhythm for you to enter the producer."

"That's what it means. I can take this opportunity to learn something first." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Ambition is not small, classmate Song Chi."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Is Miss Zhou interested in joining in the future?"

Zhou Yun: "Brother, I have just signed with the company for one year, and I am a newcomer who has just debuted."

"The future will last forever," Song Chi said.

"That depends on your performance." Zhou Yun smiled.

Talking to Song Chi always feels very relaxed.After one day of filming, Zhou Yun was actually a little tense, and at the same time he was a little bit out of energy, but chatting with Song Chi, the whole person's state slowly relaxed.Even Zheng Xiaoju was attracted by her laughter from time to time.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Xiaoju looked at Zhou Yun's smile and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you calling Song Chi again?"

Zhou Yun: "How do you know?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Because you can only smile so brightly when you call him."

"Really? Such an exaggeration?" Zhou Yun didn't even realize that, after being exposed by Zheng Xiaoju, his cheeks were slightly red.

"But Song Chi is really handsome, no wonder Miss Xiaoyun you like talking to him." Zheng Xiaoju nodded seriously, "If my friend is also so handsome, I can't help but make video calls with him every day."

"You make me sound like I'm a face control."

"Ah? Miss Xiaoyun, aren't you?" Zheng Xiaoju looked surprised.

Zheng Xiaoju's surprise made Zhou Yun not so sure that he was not.

When Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, he accidentally ran into Yu Yan in the corridor.

Wearing simple jeans and a T-shirt, Yu Yan walked forward while looking down at her mobile phone.

Zhou Yun called her.

Yu Yan raised her head, "Xiao Yun."

"You..." Zhou Yun looked at her hesitantly, "Are you all right?"

Yu Yan's complexion was uglier than in the morning.Although she was wearing makeup, she couldn't hide the tiredness in her eyes.

"It's okay." Yu Yan shook her head, "You rest, I'm going down."

Yu Yan's room is not on this floor.

Zhou Yun couldn't help wondering, what is Yu Yanlai doing at this level?
Suddenly someone opened the door in front, wearing slippers and shorts, not even a shirt.

Zhou Yun turned around and saw Gu Huaichun.

She was stunned.

Gu Huaichun was still holding a handbag, Zhou Yun had seen it from Yu Yan's hand.

She looked at Gu Huaichun in surprise.

Gu Huaichun also looked at her in surprise.

Zhou Yun went to see Yu Yan again, Yu Yan walked back blankly, walked up to Gu Huaichun, took the bag, turned and left.

Not a word explained.

Zhou Yun thought of the indescribable voice he had heard several times.

She looked at Gu Huaichun in disbelief, and didn't recover for a while.

After Gu Huaichun experienced a brief surprise, he had already returned to his normal expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Are you following Yu Yan?" Zhou Yun approached.

Gu Huaichun shrugged his shoulders, his handsome face was full of "so what" indifferent expression.

"It's not a lover, don't get me wrong."

"Then you?" Zhou Yun blushed.

Gu Huaichun said: "Everyone takes what they need."

Zhou Yun took a step back in shock, refreshing his understanding of Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun frowned slightly, "Why are you acting like I'm a scumbag?"

Zhou Yun: "I'm sorry, my three views have been shocked."

She fled in despair and hurried back to her room.

Zhou Yun had long been curious about who the woman in Gu Huaichun's room was, but she never asked.Not to mention that the relationship between her and Gu Huaichun was not considered good, even if it was good, this kind of matter would not be asked.She is a girl, he is a boy, and some questions are ashamed to ask.

Think about Gu Huaichun's "what's the matter" expression just now.

Zhou Yun immediately told Zhou Lan about the embarrassing things he encountered.

Zhou Lan couldn't help laughing on the phone.

"You just smashed it?"

Zhou Yun covered half of her face with one hand. It was already a July night, and the wind was hot. She stood on the balcony, her hair fluttering in the wind.

"I was so embarrassed at the time that I wanted to dig a hole and get in." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, you don't even know that Gu Huaichun even complained to me during the day today that Weiyan is not professional in filming, and her acting skills are terrible."

Zhou Lan: "But Yu Yan is pretty."

"I really don't understand, are they dating?" Zhou Yun expressed his shock in an astonishing tone, "Whatever you say, you can get what you want, thanks to him being able to say it."

"I'm not wrong." Zhou Lan seemed to understand.

"That's right?"

"Both young men and women have needs. This kind of thing is quite common in the crew." Zhou Lan said, "Haven't you heard of couples in the crew?"

"I've heard of it as an anecdote."

"In the future, if you enter a few more groups, you will get used to it." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "Why does it sound like I'm inexperienced and made a fuss?"

Zhou Lan: "Otherwise?"

"Forget it, I found that you can't understand me at all, so I hang up." Zhou Yun said.

"You talk to Song Chi, and Song Chi doesn't think it's a big deal." As soon as Zhou Lan heard what Zhou Yun meant, she knew that she was going to contact Song Chi.

I don't know when Zhou Yun had such a continuous and close relationship with Song Chi.

As a manager, Zhou Lan naturally hoped that this relationship would last as long as possible, but on the other hand, Zhou Lan always felt weird.

Zhou Yun: "I won't tell Song Chi about this, I'm crazy."

All shame.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun went to take a shower, put on a mask for himself, and posted on Weibo.

In recent days, the number of people scolding her has decreased significantly.

Zhou Yun didn't click on the private message, and didn't read his own comments. He just looked at the trending list, and there was nothing surprising, so he quit Weibo.

Unlike most young people, Zhou Yun doesn't like to post on Weibo.

It has nothing to do with her career, she has never liked posting on Weibo.

When the company signed a contract with her, they specifically checked her Weibo to see if there was any black history. If there was any, they should be deleted in time. As a result, Zhou Yun didn't post a few Weibo.

Zhou Lan sent a message to Zhou Yun, which is the arrangement for the next period of time.

I'm going to attend the premiere ceremony of "After We Had a Gossip" on Friday, and I can only return to the crew on Saturday.

I also made an appointment with Director Jiang to meet.

After the variety show is launched, it is estimated that there will be a lot of work.

Zhou Yun wanted to stay in the crew and not go out, but if she wanted to do this, the company would not agree.

The company needs her to make money, so how could she be allowed to push all those jobs away.

The accident in June had put her out of work for some time.

Zhou Yun charged the phone, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.


I don't know how the crew talked with Zhen Xiaoxiao. When Zhen Xiaoxiao appeared on the set again, she was full of joy and gave milk tea to everyone in the crew, as if nothing happened.

Zhou Yun paid special attention to the director's expression, and saw that the director's expression was also normal, as if nothing had happened.

It seems that Zhen Xiaoxiao's clamor to leave has just passed.

I don't know how she talked with the crew.

On the other hand, Yu Yan has also undergone great changes.

As if she had been reborn, she became silent on the set, and began to memorize the script seriously.

At least when Zhou Yun and Yu Yan played against each other, there was basically no situation where Yu Yan couldn't read his lines.

While observing Yu Yan curiously, Zhou Yun also followed Gu Huaichun and Yu Yan curiously.It's just that when these two people usually appear on the set, they basically don't communicate with each other, and they don't even have an ambiguous look in their eyes. It's really hard to tell that these two people had sex.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to tell others about this matter, and he was bored in his heart alone.

After filming on Friday morning, Zhou Yun left the crew to catch up with the afternoon activities. In the evening, he met Director Jiang and had a serious chat about character creation and understanding of acting.

After chatting with Director Jiang, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

The first issue of "After We Had a Gossip" has been online for an hour.

Zhou Yun sent Director Jiang away and stood in the parking lot, waiting for the driver to bring the car over.

Zhou Lan immediately told Zhou Yun about the performance of this show.

"There are several trending searches, and the topics are highly discussed, but the discussion is mainly focused on Song Chi. Because there is not much content on your side in the first episode, the key word for netizens' comments on you is beauty. "

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Then, should I just finish the vase seriously?"

Zhou Lan said: "That's pretty good. The program team didn't broadcast what you said in the interview because of your incident in June. I'm afraid it will cause controversy again. Your footage will slow down in the second episode." Slow down."

"Song Chi is the big star, this show must focus on him, I understand."

"It's good that you understand. I'm afraid you have a knot in your heart. You really didn't have much content in the first issue."

When Zhou Yun heard Zhou Lan say this, he became a little curious. How many shots did she have, and Zhou Lan needed to be reminded like this.

The car is coming.

This variety show is broadcast on Chestnut Video.

Zhou Yun opened the chestnut video, and the screen recommendation was this program.

She put on her headphones and clicked on the program.

The car is heading to Zhejiang, and the journey is long.

Zhou Yun watched the first episode of the video in the car, and understood why Zhou Lan had to vaccinate her in advance.

The content about her in the first issue is indeed very little. In the [-]-minute feature film, her part should only have [-] minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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