I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 130 Scandal Begins: 129

Chapter 130 Scandal Begins: 129
For a program, especially a program produced by an unofficial platform, commercial goals and profits must be put at the forefront.

Zhou Yun knew that no matter how popular he was, he would definitely not be as good as Song Chi in terms of commercial value, let alone in terms of popularity flow.

The duration of the programs of the two of them is different, which was thought of from the beginning.

But for such a small amount, Zhou Yun didn't feel angry, but felt a little ashamed.

I don't know what the program group was thinking about. In the end, they only played a [-]-minute film in the first episode, but this made Zhou Yun doubt the significance of his appearance in this program.

Just to make a stunt with Song Chi?
Really embarrassing.

Many people were complaining in the video barrage, and Zhou Yun was so abrupt in this show that he seemed to have walked to the wrong set.

What is even more embarrassing is that at this moment, the photographer who followed her in "After We Had a Gossip" was still sitting in front with a camera on his shoulders, and the camera was still shooting at her.

The whole thing was recorded.

Zhou Yun could only smile and said, "I found out that I am really pretty."

Zhou Lan turned around and blinked at Zhou Yun behind the camera.

"Sleep for a while? Tomorrow morning you will be filming again, and it will take two hours to get to the hotel." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun hummed and took out the blindfold, "Then I'll sleep for a while."

Just finished speaking, the phone rang.

"Who doesn't want me to sleep so much?" Zhou Yun said to himself, put down the blindfold, picked up the phone, and the words "Song Chi" flashed on the screen.

"Boss, why are you calling me so late?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi let out a sigh and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "I stole all your shots."

"Thank you, everyone is pitying me now. Fortunately, it's not the other way around. If I have more shots than you, then I'm probably already scolded as a trending searcher." Zhou Yun laughed.

"Have you finished watching the show?"

"It's over, I went back to the crew's car overnight, just finished watching." Zhou Yun yawned as he spoke, "What about you?"

"I am still outside."

"Have you not dismissed your work yet?"

"No, drink with someone."

"Drink with someone and you call me? Have you watched the show?"

"Not yet, I've been busy, so I haven't had time to look at it."

Zhou Yun was surprised and asked, "Then how do you know that I have few shots?"

"Looked at Weibo, someone said it on Weibo." Song Chi smiled softly.

The two were silent for a few seconds.

If a person just saw relevant information on Weibo, he called you and didn't explain much, just mentioned it briefly and said a few words.

If a person wants to comfort you, but is afraid of hurting your self-esteem.

Zhou Yun groaned, "I wish I could show less scenes now. It's not like you don't know that I was scolded by so many people a while ago."

"They don't know you."

"Song Chi, you've only known me for a few months."

"Really? I feel like I've known you for a long time."

Zhou Yun's eyes trembled slightly.

She watched the night shadow and stream of light passing by outside the car window, and glanced at the camera inside the car. A few words stuck in her throat, and she wanted to say, but couldn't.

"It's really a friend, it's interesting." Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled, his facial features were immersed in a shadow, "But, don't speak for me in the future, Song Chi, the truth will always be true, and the false will always be false, don't Then use your power to help me rectify my name, I..."

She wanted to say, I don't want you to be involved.

But that's too ambiguous.

When the words came to my lips, I changed them, "I don't need it."

Song Chi was silent for a few seconds, and returned three words: "I'm sad."

"What's so sad, drink less and go back to rest early." Zhou Yun was afraid that he would be exposed more in front of the camera, so he said, "I'm dead too, I'm sleepy, and I have to film tomorrow morning."

"Well, hang up."

Some people really can't talk to him easily. Once they talk, the dams of their hearts are about to burst, and they are always in danger of being exposed.

Zhou Yun didn't know that Song Chi was in the same mood as her at the moment.

He made this call to Zhou Yun while his companion was going to the bathroom.

The wine was a little too much.

His control is stronger than the average person. When talking on the phone, his tone is still normal, but you can tell by looking at his eyes that he is a little drunk.

There is a layer of mist in the eyes.

There is often an urge to call Zhou Yun, but always restrain it.

At this time, the companion came back.

"Little Chi, you drink well."

The companion is a man in his early forties, well maintained, with a ruddy complexion.

Song Chi came back to his senses and smiled, "I'm happy to have a drink with you."


In the early morning, Zhou Yun finally arrived at the hotel.

Zhou Lan and the others lived on the lower floor, so they got out of the elevator first.

After Zhou Yun arrived at his own floor, he walked out of the elevator and turned into the corridor, when he heard a rustling sound suddenly, and when he saw it, his whole body was frightened, and his legs trembled.

In front, Gu Huaichun and Yu Yan were embracing and kissing each other. Gu Huaichun held Yu Yan with one hand, and took out the room card from his pocket with the other hand, fumbled to open the door, and the two entered. The door clicked shut.

The two of them didn't notice Zhou Yun's appearance the whole time.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

It's not that Zhou Yun has never seen this kind of scene in reality, but he has never seen this kind of impact on her heart.

Why can these two people ignore each other during the day and hunt like hungry wolves late at night?

Zhou Yun returned to the room, took a shower in the bathroom, dried his hair, and came out of the bathroom. Sure enough, he heard the familiar voice again.

This time, Zhou Yun couldn't bear it anymore, and finally added Gu Huaichun's WeChat account, and said: "Do you know that the sound insulation of this hotel is very poor?" ! ! !
She threw the phone on the bedside as if discouraged, charged it up, lay down on the bed, and covered her head with the pillow.

Sleepy or really sleepy, although the sound insulation effect of the hotel is not good, but the sound insulation effect of the pillow is very good, Zhou Yun fell into a drowsy sleep, and felt that the alarm clock rang not long after closing his eyes.

After a while, Zheng Xiaoju also came in.She has another room card in her hand, she can directly swipe the door and come in.

"Sister Xiaoyun, wake up and go to the set."

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed like a corpse, with expressionless face and sleepy eyes.

"I'm so tired I can't even get up."

Zheng Xiaoju patted Zhou Yun's head as if comforting a child, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, wake up, you're already up."

Zhou Yun looked at her and said, "You came back with me yesterday, why are you so refreshed?"

Zheng Xiaoju smiled brightly and said, "Because this is my job, and I get paid."

Zhou Yun slapped himself on the face, "That's right, I've already been paid, so get up."

Talking to himself, Zhou Yun got out of bed, and as if he finally came to his senses, he yawned for nearly ten seconds.

very quiet.

After Zhou Yun yawned, he saw Zheng Xiaoju blinking at him with big eyes.

"what happened?"

"Sister Xiaoyun, your yawns are really long."


It was not yet full light.

Zhou Yun went out with drooping eyes, just in time to bump into Gu Huaichun who was also going out.

Gu Huaichun's complexion was not quite right, he hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yun didn't realize it at first, but when he walked to the elevator door, he suddenly remembered the message he sent to Gu Huaichun last night.

She woke up instantly.

Gu Huaichun should have seen the news, right?
Zhou Yun suddenly felt embarrassed to look at Gu Huaichun's face again.

The two of them did not speak from entering the elevator to exiting the elevator.

After getting into the chartered car of the crew, Zhou Yun suddenly thought of a serious problem.

The video camera in her room is always on, at most sometimes the lens is covered with clothes, but the sound cannot be covered.

If she could hear voices from next door, did the camera record it too?
Thinking that the editor would watch and edit the film every day, Zhou Yun was shocked, and hurriedly told Zhou Lan what he thought of, and asked her to confirm with the program team that these clips must not be dialed out.

Zhou Lan didn't even think about this, so he came back with a string of words and said: If it really broadcasts, Gu Huaichun will die.

Zhou Yun: He didn't expect that there was still a camera in my room taking pictures [-] hours a day.

Zhou Lan: Do you want to scare him?
Zhou Yun: Forget it, let’s be kind.

Zhou Lan: Got it, I will tell the program team.

Zhou Lan: Mr. Huang also sent me a message, explaining why you had so few shots in the first episode broadcast last night, mainly because you had too many negative public opinions in June, and the platform also felt that it was not appropriate to broadcast too much of you Therefore, your appearances will be reduced, but starting from the second period, your film length will return to normal.

Zhou Yun: Well, good.

She put down the phone.

It will take half an hour from the hotel to the film duration, Zhou Yun wants to take a nap for a while.

Gu Huaichun's voice suddenly came from the front.

"Why did you come back so early?" There was still resentment in Gu Huaichun's voice.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes, "Huh?"

Gu Huaichun: "Didn't you ask for leave and leave?"

"Come back when you're done."

Gu Huaichun snorted and stopped talking.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, then came to his senses, "You thought I wouldn't come back last night?"

Gu Huaichun didn't say a word.

“The soundproofing of this hotel is really not good.”

"Okay, you don't need to talk about it." Gu Huaichun didn't want to hear any more.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Are you shy?"

Gu Huaichun became angry from embarrassment: "Why are you ashamed?!"

Zhou Yun frowned strangely, "Last time you didn't care at all, you acted like you didn't care, but now you're shy? Is your reflex arc too long or something?"

Gu Huaichun: "Are you annoying?"

Zhou Yun laughed uncontrollably.

Upon arriving at the set, Gu Huaichun quickly got out of the car, as if he didn't want to stay with Zhou Yun for another second.

Zhou Yun twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a sense of pride in turning defeat into victory.

She sat down in the dressing room with ease, and the makeup artist who was waiting for her smiled and began to put on her makeup.

Zhou Yun yawned and continued to catch up on sleep. Not long after he closed his eyes, he suddenly heard the whispers of two staff members next to him.

"I heard that Xu Siyao will come today?"

"It seems that she arrived last night."

"It's finally here. All the other actors are here, and she's the only one who came so late."

"Okay, don't talk about it, she and Zhou Yun belong to the same company, and they are junior sisters."


Zhou Yun thought to himself, what kind of little junior sister is this.

But Xu Siyao actually joined the group.Zhou Yun was a little surprised that he didn't get the news at all.Zhou Lan didn't tell her, so he probably didn't get the news in advance, otherwise, Zhou Lan would have reminded her in advance if he knew about her relationship with Xu Siyao.

Just as he was thinking, the door of the dressing room was pushed open again.

Zhou Yun heard a familiar voice.

"Miss Xiaoyun."

Xu Siyao is here.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little depressed, she wanted to catch up on her sleep and squint for a while, why is it so difficult?
Zhou Yun opened his eyes, looked at Xu Siyao walking in from the mirror, and said, "You're here."

Xu Siyao said: "I wanted to ask Miss Xiaoyun to have dinner with me last night, but I didn't expect you to ask for leave to go out."

Zhou Yun asked, "Did you arrive yesterday?"

"Yes." Xu Siyao sat down on the seat next to Zhou Yun, "Oh, I've been really busy recently, originally the company wanted me to join the group a few days later, I feel embarrassed that it took so long. "

"It's good to be busy." Zhou Yun smiled lightly.

"Sister Xiaoyun is also very busy recently, right? I heard that you have to shoot seven or eight scenes every day." Xu Siyao said, "I think your complexion has turned bad."

Zhou Yun looked at himself in the mirror, did his face turn pale?You are blind.

"Really?" Zhou Yun yawned softly, "So sleepy."

The make-up artist said appropriately: "You squint for a while, I'll call you after I finish my makeup."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhou Yun closed his eyes.

Now that I have closed my eyes, I don't need to talk to Xu Siyao anymore.

And in just one morning, Zhou Yun managed to make Gu Huaichun discover the fact that she didn't like Xu Siyao.

At noon for lunch, Xu Siyao didn't join them, and asked his assistant to buy takeaway, and went to the lounge to eat.

Gu Huaichun ordered the food, and the first thing he said when he sat down was, "Do you not like you, little junior sister?"

For a moment, Zhou Yun didn't know whether to answer the question of "dislike" first, or to point out that the title "Little Junior Sister" is incorrect.

"You... aren't embarrassed anymore?" Zhou Yun decided to make Gu Huaichun uncomfortable first.

Gu Huaichun immediately stared, "Are you finished?"

"It's not over." Zhou Yun laughed happily.

Gu Huaichun: "Your little junior sister is much sweeter than you."

Zhou Yun snorted coldly, "Then why don't you go have dinner with her?"

Gu Huaichun: "How can we say that we are also comrades-in-arms who have filmed together for so long."

"No, I'm a big star that someone didn't like at first."

"There's no end to it, let's talk about it. It's normal for me not to see you for the sheet music you put up at the beginning." Gu Huaichun said, "Why are you so fussy?"

Zhou Yun: "What score did I put up?"

Gu Huaichun did not speak.

He didn't like to see Zhou Yun at first, because it was related to Zhou Yun's scandal at the time, and Zhou Yun's non-professional college background. The most related thing was Xu Siyao's parachute as the second female lead, who stole a role that originally belonged to his friend.

He blamed this on Zhou Yun.

He hates these stars who rely on their popularity to crowd out the space of those who work hard to act.

But after this morning, he found that the relationship between Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao was not as good as he had expected, even a little hostile.

If Gu Huaichun really said these things and told Zhou Yun, he would not have to mess around in front of Zhou Yun in the future, and it would be best to just dig a hole and jump in to bury himself.

He hesitated and didn't say a word. After a while, he couldn't hold back, curious, "Aren't you from the same company as Xu Siyao? Why are you two secretly competing?"

"Am I competing with her? What kind of strength are you competing with? Don't put a hat on me if you are blind, I might as well compete with her." Zhou Yun said in a tone that wanted to compete with Xu Siyao to the end.

Gu Huaichun: "..."

He thought: Oh, woman.

Of course, at this moment, he only dared to think about it in his heart.

Zhou Yun said again: "Besides, a company has to have a good relationship, right? Are you brothers and sisters with Yue Hai's signed artists?"

"Of course we're not brothers and sisters, but if it wasn't for you, how could Xu Siyao be the second female lead?" Gu Huaichun asked.

Zhou Yun: "You ask me, who should I ask? She is not related to me, and I am trying to help her fight for the role?"

Gu Huaichun: "Your anger is unprecedented. It seems that you have a deep resentment towards her."

"It's none of your business." Zhou Yun pushed back angrily.

"She asked me to have dinner at night, and I'm thinking about whether to go."

"Would you like to go or not?" Zhou Yun put down his chopsticks, got up and left.

It is strange that the longer you know some people, the more you can vote for them, while the longer you know some people, the less you want to see that person in your heart.

What Xu Siyao is to Zhou Yun is the latter.

At first, because of He Yong's relationship, Zhou Yun didn't want to get in touch with Xu Siyao.Later, Xu Siyao took the initiative to approach her and showed her kindness, but she just refused and distanced herself, but did nothing.

Later, Xu Siyao repeatedly unilaterally created the illusion of being close to her on Weibo. Zhou Yun was just a little annoyed, but he didn't really take it to heart.

When she was caught in a crisis of public opinion because of Zhao Qin in June, Xu Siyao suddenly acted like she didn't know her, and Zhou Yun thought it was quite good, so he didn't have to worry about Xu Siyao's always showing favor .

She really didn't want to fire any CP with Xu Siyao, whether it was the sister CP that she wanted to fire at the beginning, or the later idol and fan CP.

Until today, Xu Siyao appeared on the set.

Zhou Yun began to loathe Xu Siyao from the bottom of his heart.

No matter what, she never attacked Xu Siyao.

Why did Xu Siyao mock her inside and out?
Zhou Yun has never been a little white flower who swallows his anger.

From the dressing room to the set, Xu Siyao put on the familiar corners of her mouth and said the heart-wrenching words in an intimate tone. Zhou Yun really wanted to grab something and throw it over for a few moments. How hypocritical to laugh.

Gu Huaichun could tell that Zhou Yun was quite surprised.

Putting down the chopsticks and leaving, partly because he didn't want to talk about Xu Siyao, partly because he put on this gesture.

At this time, Zhou Yun is more reluctant to see Xu Siyao bluffing in the crew under her banner than calming things down. She, a "senior sister from the same school", will not be able to escape if something happens.

Zhou Yun didn't want to let himself fall into this passive situation.

(End of this chapter)

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