I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 136 Scandal Begins: 135

Chapter 136 Scandal Begins: 135
In mid-August, the latest episode of "After We Had a Gossip" aired on the Internet exploded.

The broadcast content is mainly about Zhou Yun.In June, Zhou Yun was deeply involved in the scandal with Zhao Qin, and it happened that the recording of the show had already started.The Internet is full of voices criticizing Zhou Yun.

In the show, Zhou Yun was sitting on the sofa in a daze, and suddenly received a call from Song Chi. She looked at the name of the caller on the screen, and shed a tear instantly.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

The camera cut to Song Chi. Song Chi's expression was actually a little nervous, but his tone was playful and relaxed. He asked, "You...are you crying?"

Zhou Yun's eyes were red, he suppressed his crying, and said bravely, "You're the one crying, and I won't cry even if you cry."

In the camera, Song Chi couldn't see Zhou Yun's red eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good to have this temper. I see that your Weibo is full of smog, so I came to ask you if you have been affected."

"Following Weibo? I don't read comments very much, and I rarely go to Weibo." Zhou Yun said, "You too, use less internet, don't be an internet addict."

We talked a few more words.

A guilty expression suddenly appeared on Song Chi's face, and he said, "I... couldn't hold back just now, I supported you on Weibo, and as expected, I was also besieged."

He laughed out loud.

Zhou Yun blamed himself: "Are you a pig? I told you not to support me."

Song Chi smiled: "I couldn't hold back, I was impulsive."

The more Zhou Yun blamed himself, the more annoyed he became: "Brother, didn't you make your debut much earlier than me? Didn't you remind me not to be impulsive? Can you set an example for yourself?"

"I knew you would lose your temper. I'm dead. I've finished my apology. Bye."

The phone hangs up.

This segment of the program was broadcast intact.

This piece of content was crazily circulated by all entertainment marketing accounts, and it was also hotly discussed on the Internet.

Once two people categorically denied that they were not in love or together.

But now, no one is willing to believe that the relationship between the two is innocent.

An emotional big V said firmly on his Weibo: "If you say that there is nothing between these two people, I absolutely disagree!"

The categorical attitude won the support of the vast majority of people.

And compared to the speculation about the two people at the beginning, more attitudes have become——

This pair of CP, I locked it!

There is a microblog posted by a microblog account that has become popular in a short period of time——

She cried and said she didn't cry, he smiled and said that he was also besieged, she blamed himself and called him a pig, he laughed and pleaded guilty, please tell me, this is not love, what is it?
The show "After We Had a Gossip" reached the top with absolute popularity.

Even Song Chi's fans who didn't want to see him fall in love couldn't stop the momentum this time.

In this world, the most powerful momentum will always be passers-by.

In just three days, Zhou Yun's fans increased by one million.This is a very scary speed.After two months, Zhou Yun reached the top again, even more popular than before the scandal.Because she has real fans, real fans, fans who like her, fans who support her.This is not a concept with pure traffic and popularity.

Liu Pinran personally visited the crew, treated Zhou Yun to dinner, and presented him with a very expensive ladies' watch.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun that it was a conservative estimate, and it was aimed at Zhou Yun. It is estimated that no less than ten brands will place advertisements in "After We Had a Gossip".

The roll call asked Zhou Yun's character to be implanted.

Liu Pinran personally sent the supplementary agreement to Zhou Yun's company, providing Zhou Yun with an extra payment, just to make Zhou Yun willing to complete these placements.

Zhou Yun was actually unwilling.

Because the script has to be revised, and some scenes have to be reshot, just to place advertisements.

The hard work of reshooting is second. After the advertisement was placed, the plot became nondescript. Zhou Yun was dissatisfied and protested. He Yong called her personally and gave her work.

Seesawing back and forth, Zhou Yun finally insisted on deleting those abrupt advertisements from the dialogue, only willing to insert advertisement shots, and it must be integrated into the plot without being obtrusive.

This is what Zhou Yun was able to do in the end.

Liu Pinran's face was full of joy. "The Eighth Heartbeat" has not yet been launched, and the rate of return has already ranked among the top few self-produced dramas on Yuehai.com this year. Even if the broadcast effect is better, you can get a higher advertising fee according to the contract.Undoubtedly, this will be his most profitable project in recent years.You know, Yue Hai's stock price has risen because of Zhou Yun and the movie "The Eighth Heartbeat", and all parties are satisfied.

By this time, Liu Pinran no longer underestimated Zhou Yun.He was very clear that he had offended Zhou Yun before, so he came to the set to meet and chat with Zhou Yun every few days, and invited her to dinner and gave her gifts every now and then.Zhou Yun didn't want to take it back, so he returned it, Liu Pinran sent it back, Zhou Yun sent it back again, Liu Pinran directly put the things at the door of Zhou Yun's room.

Zhou Yun has more work to do.

Too busy to get out of the group, business live broadcasts are arranged one by one.

I was busy until the end of August, Zhen Xiaoxiao and several other actors finished filming one after another and left the crew, then Yu Yan, and then Yin Zhou.

In fact, Yin Zhou still has some scenes to film, but Yin Zhou's previous film has already started, so he can't continue to wait for him, so he can only go to shoot there first.

In September, Gu Huaichun, Yin Zhou, Yu Yan and others also appeared in "After We Had a Scandal" because of Zhou Yun's relationship.

Several people unexpectedly gained the attention of fans of the huge show because of some scenes. For example, the scene where Yu Yan found out that Zhou Yun appeared on the scene without makeup after filming the show, turned around and ran away, and got a lot of girls. Resonance, for example, several animations of Yin Zhou playing badminton with Zhou Yun were edited by a group of fans, and marked with fields such as "looming abdominal muscles", which gained the attention of a group of girls, such as Gu Huaichun... …

Gu Huaichun's cold and venomous appearance was once criticized by many people, until later, Gu Huaichun's true appearance gradually became prominent, and more and more people liked him.

Compared with the few of them, the two episodes of Yu Chulai's visit to the crew and recording with Zhou Yun did not have any splashes, and the audience's attention was still on Zhou Yun.

In September, Zhou Yun signed a brand friendship agreement with VX, officially announcing the release of the film.

VX also officially claimed Zhou Yun's clothing sponsorship in the drama "The Eighth Heartbeat" on the official Weibo.

On the [-]th, Zhou Yun asked for leave from the crew and flew to Beijing to record a "Fashion Special" with Zheng Xiaowen and Wen Xi to learn about the development of the fashion industry in China and the design concept of VX. He and Xi took a photo together for the cover of a major fashion magazine, and unlocked his first cover of a major fashion magazine, as a VX brand ambassador.

(End of this chapter)

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