I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 137 Scandal Begins: 136

Chapter 137 Scandal Begins: 136
On the night of returning to the crew of "The Eighth Heartbeat", Zhou Yun developed a high fever without any warning.

Fortunately, Zheng Xiaoju went to find Zhou Yun that night, wanting to give her the notice for the next day, swiped the door and went in, only to find Zhou Yun collapsed on the ground.

The ambulance rushed all the way and took Zhou Yun to the hospital.

After checking, there was no other reason, but overwork, and the air conditioner was turned too low when I went to bed at night, and my body protested.

But Zhou Yun can't take a good rest in the hospital, and the finale will be completed soon. After the finale, several important tasks are packed up in the schedule, and it can't be postponed. In October, he will join the group of "Questioning the Heart".After she woke up, she saw Huang Zhong circling outside the ward anxiously. When she asked, she learned that if she didn't go back to filming, the filming of this scene would never be finished.

Zhou Yun also knew that he took a lot of leave in August and September, which also delayed the filming of the crew.

She could only go back to the set with a high fever, filming during the day and returning to the hospital for IV drip at night.

Xu Siyao still provoked her from time to time, but Zhou Yun didn't have the heart to talk to her at all.On the set, she felt that she could faint at any time, and she struggled through each scene, trying her best to perform her tricks well.

Even Gu Huaichun couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and asked her to come back after her fever subsides.Zhou Yun's strength to speak weakened quite a bit, and he said, "If I'm delayed for a day, the crew will have to wait for a day. How can I be ashamed to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every day?"

It is already the final stage of filming for this drama, and it is impossible to move other people's dramas over and shoot first.

Finally, his health improved, and Zhou Yun successfully persisted until the day he was finished.

Liu Pinran came again, holding a large bouquet of flowers, and holding a trumpet to praise Zhou Yun's professionalism at Zhou Yun's farewell ceremony.

This movie is Zhou Yun's first leading role, there are too many helplessness and twists and turns in the middle, on the day of filming, Zhou Yun feels even more emotional.She said to Gu Huaichun privately: "I am not very satisfied with this film, but I am very happy to act with you. I mean it seriously."

Uncommonly, Gu Huaichun did not come back with a poisonous tongue, but said: "I am the same."

The two smiled at each other.

At the very beginning, Gu Huaichun thought that Zhou Yun was an unjustly high-ranking female star. The two of them did not get along with each other.Who knew, after several months of filming and getting along with each other, in the end there was a little similarity.Both of them insisted on acting, had requirements, pondered each other, rehearsed together, and cultivated a tacit understanding and true friendship.

"Yin Zhou can't come back, he said, we should have dinner together before you leave." Gu Huaichun said.

"It's okay, there will be a long time to come." Zhou Yun laughed.

Leaving the crew, Zhou Yun felt lost and empty.

When passing the highway entrance, Zhou Lan said: "Liu Pinran posted a long Weibo to praise you."

After Zhou Yun heard this, he was not even interested in watching it.

But finally went to see it.

Liu Pinran wrote on Weibo: Zhou Yun finished filming today, I am very moved. She is the most dedicated actress I have worked with in recent years. She has a high fever and insists on filming on the set. She is never late. She is also a very good partner. Actress, never picky about the boxed lunches prepared by the crew, she shoots night scenes when she says she shoots night scenes, she cooperates very well, she is very popular during this time, and she became popular overnight, but she hasn't changed in any way, I highly recommend it to all my colleagues This actress can act, has aura, is dedicated, and is easy to cooperate with. I also highly recommend this actress to the audience. Her future is limitless.

Attached is a group photo of him and Zhou Yun today.

Zhou Yun put down his phone, looked out of the car window and smiled.

Zhou Lan said: "He is trying to ease the relationship with you, and he is trying to show his kindness to you inside and out."

Zhou Yun pulled out the blindfold and said, "Sister Lan, I'll squint for a while."

After leaving the crew, I have more schedules, but fortunately, I don’t have to stay focused all the time like I was in the crew, and I can relax between rushing to the scene.

Until this time, Zhou Yun finally got the revised and complete script of "Questioning the Heart".

"Questioning the Heart" has been low-key shooting for several days, without much publicity.

Zhou Yun had previously set the time to join the group in October, and the specific time has not yet been set, and the producer has been asking, and wants to make arrangements earlier.

It's just that Zhou Yun is the most popular right now, and He Yong thought that if he joined the group one day later, he would be able to receive one more day of business. Otherwise, once he joined the group, he would not be able to release it until the beginning of next year. It might not be as good as it is now.

Such contradictions always exist.

Zhou Yun is not an artist who eats wind and drinks dew, and knows that in the commercial market, there is no reason for profit to make way for art, but the commercial market should also abide by the agreement and have the spirit of the contract, so that it can last longer.

After finishing another shoot, Zhou Yun left the studio and said to Zhou Lan, "Sister Lan, don't take any work after October [-]th. I plan to join the team on the [-]th."

Zhou Lan was replying to someone on WeChat, when he heard Zhou Yun's words, he was taken aback in astonishment, "So suddenly?"

Zhou Yun said: "People didn't urge me, but I can't keep procrastinating without giving people a definite answer, right? This drama is very important to me, and you know that I can act in this drama entirely because of Song Because of the delay, I don’t want to delay joining the group and cause him a burden.”

Zhou Lan was a little embarrassed and said, "The problem has already been arranged for you on the 12th and 14th."

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning.

"What job?"

"It's all advertising shooting, and it's already connected with the brand."

Zhou Yun said: "Then it will be until the 14th. I will join the group on the 15th. Sister Lan, you can talk to "Question Heart"."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"But we set the time to enter the group so presumptuously. When He Yong finds out, maybe he will be angry."

"He won't." Zhou Yun has figured out how these people behave, "As long as I'm still popular, he won't be angry, at most he thinks that I don't obey discipline, but it's not a day or two that I don't listen to him thing."

If it weren't for the accidental hot search with Song Chi, Zhou Yun's way of acting would have been locked in a small dark room by He Yong long ago.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "You just have to figure it out yourself, and I will coordinate the rest of the matter."


Zhou Yun got into the car and went to catch the next announcement.

Getting busy, day and night, the deepest feeling is that I can't even remember the days clearly.

Very unrealistic, Zhou Yun felt that he was changing scenes every day, and spent most of his time on the road, and then, he got rich benefits from various jobs.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun that she was on the latest financial report of Chengqian Entertainment. So far, she has become the company's most profitable artist this year.

This is very vulgar, but it also makes Zhou Yun's position in the company more stable, and even He Yong cannot easily shake it.

(End of this chapter)

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