I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 138 Scandal Begins: 137

Chapter 138 Scandal Begins: 137
During the busy work break, Zhou Yun has already started to study the script of "Questioning the Heart".

She plays the second female lead, Liu Rusu.

Song Chi had taken a fancy to Zhou Yun at first, and wanted her to play this role, not because of any personal relationship, but because he felt that Zhou Yun and Liu Rufu were too suitable for this role.

Beautiful, miserable and unwilling to admit defeat, it is very close to Liu Rusu's appearance of being reduced to a brothel but always arrogant and self-admired.

That's how Zhou Yun felt to Song Chi.

There are quite a few actresses who are good-looking, and there are actually quite a few actresses who can be called stunning in facial features, but stunning beauty is often alluring, and it is never a face that is alluring.

Zhou Yun went to the crew of "Ask the Heart" to set makeup.

A brothel girl, but she is as beautiful as a lady of a great family.Holding a scroll in her hand, she was sitting in a study room, her eyes downcast and whispering quietly.

When Jiang Xin saw Zhou Yun's makeup photo at the beginning, he said a word, there was water in Zhou Yun's eyes, but also fire.

Those who know Jiang Xin will know that Jiang Xin is very satisfied with Zhou Yun playing this role.

If filming "The Eighth Heartbeat" helped Zhou Yun, the biggest help was that Zhou Yun began to use the camera to imagine his own performance.

That night, Zhou Yun called Song Chi and talked about the role of Liu Rusu.

She said with a smile: "You are so virtuous and capable. There are two women who love you and will never change until death."

In the story "Ask the Heart", He Mu, played by Song Chi, has two important women in his life, one is his wife, and the other is Liu Rusu.

And Liu Rufu always put his liking and admiration in his heart for He Mu from the beginning to the end.

Song Chi laughed twice.

Zhou Yun could hear the exhaustion in Song Chi's voice.

"Is work over?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "It's time to call it a day, but I have to have a meeting with the director later to discuss the upcoming scenes."

Zhou Yun: "It's hard work."

"It's self-inflicted." Song Chi asked, "What about you? Are you done?"

"No, on the way to the next announcement, there is a public service advertisement to be filmed, and I will probably stay up until the early morning today." Zhou Yun said, "I told Sister Lan that I will join the group on the 15th, and I will give you the time." Bring something delicious."

The film "Questioning the Heart" was filmed in a very remote location. The crew specially set up three main scenes, and the cost of this part alone was not low.

Generally, costume dramas directly lease film and television shooting bases, but Jiang Xin and Song Chi are very demanding. They directly build high-rise buildings on the spot, find someone to design blueprints, and create several unique scenes.This kind of practice is rare in the current film and television drama production. The cost of renting a film and television base is far lower than building a house and setting it yourself.

Song Chi said: "The chef is invited here, you can order what you want to eat yourself."

Zhou Yun was shocked and couldn't believe it: "Damn it? So good?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "That's right."

Zhou Yun: "I'm envious."

Song Chi: "Don't be envious, you can also enjoy it after joining the group."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is Director Jiang very strict? I was reading some materials about Director Jiang. I heard that Director Jiang is very strict in training actors. He often gets angry on the set, and some actors have been scolded and cried by him."

Song Chi said: "He is a very strict director, but he is also a good director."

"I know, I liked watching TV series directed by him when I was young. When I was in college, I was surprised to find that many of the TV series I liked were directed by him."

"When will "The Eighth Heartbeat" be broadcast?" Song Chi asked suddenly.

"I don't know, I heard that it is expected to be at the end of the year, and Yuehai.com wants to broadcast it as soon as possible." Zhou Yun said, "I don't know what the effect will be, I don't even dare to expect it."

"How do you think you're doing?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun: "To be honest? To be honest, I worked very hard to act, but I don't know how the performance is. Unless I am a real genius, the actual effect may be like that. I told you , Lu Yuan's requirements are relatively low, and he doesn't have too many demands on us, as long as the script can be successfully completed."

Song Chi: "Successfully completing the script is not an easy task."

"Then you have to believe me, the smoothness we both talk about is not the same thing." Zhou Yun said, "I heard that they are looking for a screenwriter to write the second season, and it will be filmed soon, and it will follow the first season." After the broadcast is over, the second season will be broadcast immediately."

"Catch you sheep." Song Chi smiled.

Zhou Yun: "Helpless."

Song Chi: "It's okay, too many actors have accumulated and improved little by little."

"But aren't you a genius? It's as if you have experienced the accumulation and improvement of these actors."

"Do you think that geniuses don't have to work hard? With a blank mind, you can act casually and cry ghosts and gods?"

"If you say you are a genius, you really dare to take it."

Song Chi said: "A well-deserved compliment, modesty is too hypocritical."

Zhou Yun: "I can't go on, the girl is resigning."

"You won't be a fairy now?" Song Chi smiled.

"Seeing your shameless appearance, I deeply reflect on myself and decide to be more humble in the future." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "I believe your evil."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, and the smile on the corner of her mouth lasted for at least a few minutes. She didn't realize this until her face became stiff and she touched her cheek.


Are you so happy to call Song Chi?

There was a voice in Zhou Yun's heart asking this question.

Sometimes, even when there is no one around, you can be in a self-embarrassing situation.

Zhou Yun continued to read the script.

The more he looked back, the more Zhou Yun felt sorry for Liu Rufu.

The girl was too young, too wise, too stubborn, and too miserable.

The first time she saw He Mu was Miss Liu, and He Mu followed his master to her home to treat her mother.

Later, when her family was in decline, she was sold into a brothel, still stubbornly trying to survive.

Once, He Mu was taken to a brothel, and when the two met, their identities had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The two sat withered in the room until dawn, lighting the lamp beans all night, without saying a word.

The young man wanted to help the girl redeem her body, but his sleeves were empty, he was embarrassed and helpless.

After that, it was silent for several years.

She suffered from a sudden illness and struggled to the point of death. She refused to give up to survive, but was thrown out of the brothel to fend for herself. She met He Mu who concealed her identity to avoid disasters. She was taken back to the small courtyard by He Mu.

A doctor, a patient, day and night, more than ten days passed, raised his head and lowered his eyebrows, his pulse turned between his fingers, and his heart was full of emotion.

Liu Rusu complained that she was trapped in the brothel, and when He Mu regained momentum, she thanked He Mu and left alone.

Going around in the middle, the script only leaves blank.

When I saw He Mu again, she had become King Heng's favored concubine. When I found out that He Mu had married a wife, I was disappointed, but relieved.

He Mu was an aide of King Cheng. Because of several confrontations, King Heng suffered a disadvantage, and he also hated He Mu, and sent someone to kill him.

Liu Rusu learned of Hengwang's plan and secretly sent a message to save He Mu.

Knowing about this, King Cheng used it to threaten Liu Rusu and asked her to come out to meet her, but King Heng found out about it and led people to chase after him. He fled and hid in a small courtyard.

For a long time afterwards, Liu Rusu lived in this small courtyard.She didn't dare to go out until King Heng died suddenly, and set up a small stall to support herself.

Later, King Heng lost his power, and He Mu was also liquidated. In order to protect his wife and children, he had to entrust them to Liu Rusu.

At that time, with him by his side, many old hatreds stared at him, and there was no good life.

Liu Rusu nodded with a smile.

He Mu's wife had doubted and targeted her. She had no words to defend, but she promised He Mu, and she would do it no matter what.

Finally, when He Mu came back, she returned his wife and children to him intact.

She is still in this small courtyard, alone, in a small stall.

When I die, it is winter.

The temperature dropped suddenly overnight, He Mu came to deliver charcoal to her, and her enemies followed.

Liu Rusu opened the door against the cold wind, pushed him away and ran away shouting.

She tightly hugged the enemy's leg to buy him time to run.

He is just a doctor, with no power to restrain a chicken.

When he drew the knife to kill the enemy, Liu Rusu found out that the little doctor back then already knew how to hold a knife.

Liu Rufu used to care about innocence, but later felt that being alive was more important than innocence, and later felt that it would be nice if she remained innocent, but she knew that being alive was already a great blessing.

In fact, she has an obsession in her heart. Because of this obsession, she feels that many, many are not important, and it is not important to even say it, so she has never said this obsession in her life, so she is dying. Say it again, so she just smiled and said to him: "You have to live well."

These are the last six words she said, and they are also the six words she has said here. If she takes a step further, she can't do it anymore.


After reading the script, Zhou Yun's eyes were already wet.

She knew how good the script was, but the moment she finished reading it, she forgot that she was an actor, and she just felt a little uncomfortable.

She sent Song Chi a message, saying: I finished reading the script, I think you are crazy to want me to play Liu Rufu, but I will do well, thank you.

That night, Zhou Yun dreamed that she was sitting in the small courtyard she imagined, with a quiet sky above her head and quiet people in the courtyard. She was sitting quietly under the tree, enjoying the cool, thinking about people. , There is a smile on the face, there is regret in the smile, and there is indifference in the regret.

Many years later, Zhou Yun also remembered the day when she joined the group. On the way, there was a sudden heavy rain. She suddenly thought of Liu Rufu, and she burst into tears. Before it even started, the pain had already begun.She said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, when I act in the scene where I meet He Mu for the first time, I will definitely cry a lot."

Zheng Xiaoju asked puzzledly: "Why, did He Mu bully Liu Rufu the first time we met?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "No, He Mu didn't bully Liu Rufu, but when Liu Rufu met He Mu for the first time, he said He Mu was dumb."

"Ah? Why?" Zheng Xiaoju asked.

"Because she asked He Mu a lot of questions, and He Mu didn't speak."

"Then why are you crying, Miss Yun?"

Zhou Yun said: "Because Liu Rufu didn't know until a long time later that He Mu is a mute, and she is also a mute."

(End of this chapter)

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