I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 139 Scandal Begins: 138

Chapter 139 Scandal Begins: 138
Zhou Yun didn't expect that after joining the group, the first person he saw was not the director or Song Chi, but Su Yan.

Zhou Yun has been in the entertainment industry for almost two years, and has met all kinds of people, but Zhou Yun only met a woman like Su Yan who openly kicked her at the recording site of the show just because she didn't stand in her team.

At that time, she was a little-known starlet, so it was not surprising that Su Yan wanted to vent her anger on her head.

Liang Zi ended up like this.

Su Yan didn't even think that in just a few months, Zhou Yun's popularity was as fast as a rocket, and her popularity was so close to her. Not to mention, even the play "Questioning the Heart" that she worked so hard to win, Zhou Yun couldn't help it. It took no effort to get it because of Song Chi.

In terms of fan positions, Song Chi is the first, Su Yan is the second, and Zhou Yun was not as popular as he is now when he signed the contract. Chengqian Entertainment also knows that "Questioning the Heart" is not something they can force. Zhou Yun's ability to play the second female lead was already a piece of pie in the sky. He didn't ask for a fan position, and finally gave Zhou Yun a five.These Zhou Yuns don't really matter.

Su Yan has read the script, and knows better that she is nominally the heroine of this play, and Zhou Yun is just the second female lead. No weaker than this girl.

The core protagonist of "Questioning the Heart" is He Mu played by Song Chi, and everyone else develops around the role of He Mu.

Not to mention that the person playing the role of Liu Rufu was Zhou Yun, even if it was someone she didn't know, Su Yan would be extra vigilant.In this play, Liu Rusu's character is the biggest rival of her character.If Su Yan had the ability to revise the script, she would even directly delete the role of Liu Rufu from the script.

The two meet.

Su Yan didn't talk to Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun didn't say hello to Su Yan. The two passed by as if they didn't know each other.

When Zhou Yun saw Su Yan, what he thought in his head was, sure enough, nothing is smooth sailing.

Zheng Xiaoju said in a daze, "Sister Xiaoyun, why do I feel that the person just looked at you like a knife?"

"The eyesight has improved." Zhou Yun boasted.

Zheng Xiaoju looked bewildered.She didn't know why Zhou Yun praised her for saying a word casually.

Zhou Yun entered the room.

The crew usually lives in a hotel, which is the most trouble-free.

But "Questing the Heart" was built in a remote location, and there were no big hotels nearby, and even small hotels couldn't accommodate their large crew.In the end, I had to compromise and rented a hotel in a small town a little closer.The environment of the hotel is average, but fortunately, the whole thing is covered by the film crew, and no outsiders come in and out.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I thought the living environment this time would be better than "The Eighth Heartbeat"."

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "There is no way, the modern drama filmed in "The Eighth Heartbeat" was filmed in the urban area, "Questing the Heart" is different, the set is too far from the urban area, if you want to live better Living in the urban area, it takes a lot of time to commute back and forth, the crew is not stingy, but time is more important than the accommodation environment, I think the room is clean, as long as it is clean and hygienic."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "Miss Xiaoyun, it's fine if you don't think the environment is mediocre, I don't care."

Zhou Yun: "Let me tidy up first, Xiaoyu, you can ask, if I want to go to the set, when will I have a car."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and went.

Zhou Yun tidied up first, and soon, Zheng Xiaoju came back and told Zhou Yun that a bus would go to the set in an hour.

An hour later, Zhou Yun took Zheng Xiaoju on the bus and went to the shooting site.

This is the first time Zhou Yun saw the set in reality.They built a special house, He Zhai, which is the place where He Mu's family lived in the play. About one-third of the scenes in the play were filmed in this house.Next to He Zhai, a small courtyard was specially built. This is where Liu Rusu, played by Zhou Yun, lived. Except for the brothel, Liu Rusu's most directorial scenes were filmed here.

In fact, this kind of small courtyard is no better than a palace, and the construction cost is relatively low.Jiang Xin and Song Chi insisted on setting up their own sets, because the sets in the film and television base can't be old, they are visually new.Jiang Xin pursues a sense of reality in the visual picture, so whether it is scenery or makeup, Jiang Xin adjusts it time and time again.

Zhou Yun still remembered that when he tried on the clothes for the first time, Jiang Xin frowned on the spot. One was that the clothes were too new and not old-fashioned, and the other was that the styling didn't fit Liu Rusu's identity and was too gorgeous.

In fact, many costume dramas now have this problem.However, this is actually related to the aesthetic orientation of TV drama audiences. To be gorgeous and good-looking is a problem in the development stage of film and television dramas. In essence, TV dramas are created to satisfy certain fantasies of the audience.There used to be a TV station that felt that the film crew made the heroine's makeup too ugly-under the premise that the heroine played the role of a beggar at the time, the TV station felt that even if the heroine was a beggar, the audience would not want to see her dirty Xixi look.Facts have also proved that this view is correct from the perspective of ratings.

But the beauty and ugliness of characters and the beauty and ugliness of drama are not the same thing.

Jiang Xin has his unique aesthetic vision.

Some people are dull in shooting, but they are really dull.Some people's photos are dull, which is the beauty of bamboo stick straw sandals.

After three adjustments, Zhou Yun finally settled on her makeup.The final shots were also very good. One of them was the picture of her sitting in the study and reading a book. In the hazy light and shadow, Zhou Yun was wearing plain green clothes. The texture of the clothes was not just made. There are traces of grinding, but it is clean and tidy. It can be seen that he is a person who usually keeps things in order and pays great attention to the details of life.She actually put on makeup, but it wasn't perfect. Her eyebrows didn't look like ink strokes, without a trace of real mess, but they were more straight than in reality.Her face was not flawless like white porcelain, and even the texture of the skin itself could be seen, but it was more contoured and purer than in reality.Her hair was simply tied up in a bun and pinned with a simple silver hairpin.The whole still photo presents a real sense of plain beauty, and a single still photo captures the core characteristics of the character Liu Rufu.

Zhou Yun loves this still photo so much that he even set it as his mobile phone screen saver.

A single photo captures a self that Zhou Yun has never seen before.

Zhou Yun stood at the entrance of his small courtyard, pushed open the wooden door, and looked in. There was no one in the small courtyard, the sun was shining inside, and there were noisy voices nearby, but it was very quiet inside.

"How is it?" Song Chi's voice sounded behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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