I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 140 Scandal Begins: 139

Chapter 140 Scandal Begins: 139
Zhou Yun turned around and saw Song Chi in ancient costume.

Song Chi's facial features are deeper than ordinary people's. To describe it simply, the outline is more obvious.This makes his face more three-dimensional in the camera.After changing into an ancient costume, the advantages of his facial features became more prominent. Without bangs, the importance of face shape and facial features gradually increased.

He was standing in the sunlight one meter away, with a smile on his face, like a painting.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise and asked, "Didn't you film?"

Song Chi said: "I'm filming Su Yan. I heard you're here. Come and have a look. Why didn't you go to the scene?"

Zhou Yun said, "I'll come here to have a look first."

"Your small courtyard." Song Chi smiled, "Go in and have a look."

He stepped forward and stepped over the threshold first.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked, "Can I go in now?"

"Okay, now we just set up a scene first, and there is no layout inside." Song Chi walked into the yard. As he said, there was nothing in the yard except a big tree. After the scenes where you were rescued, the people from the art team will come back and arrange the environment according to the environment where you have lived here for a long time."

Zhou Yun understood and nodded.

No wonder it looks a bit shabby here now.

In the script, Liu Rusu was thrown out of Ruyi Building after being diagnosed as incurable by the doctor invited by Ruyi Building due to a sudden illness.He Mu found out about this, found her, rented this small yard, and cured her illness.The two lived in this small courtyard for a while, and soon, He Mu was favored by King Cheng, and he entered the palace of King Cheng to work for him.Liu Rusu's identity aroused criticism from He Mu, and she left without saying goodbye.After that, He Mu bought the yard, but never entered it again.

In this part of the story, the layout of the courtyard should indeed be simpler.

While observing the small courtyard, Zhou Yun imagined how the story happened here in his mind. He imagined himself lying on the bed, watching Song Chi's back busy in the courtyard through the window...

Imagine the bitter taste of medicine and sunshine in the air.

Imagine that on a snowy winter day, she and He Mu were sitting in the house, talking at night by the fire.

Imagine a torrential rain, the two of them sat in the house and listened to the rain, the sound of the rain was like drumsticks, hitting their hearts densely.

Imagine that Liu Rufu looked at the man's back countless times, moved with emotion and confused, took a step forward, and took two steps back with concern.

"Song Chi, I really like the role of Liu Rufu, I like it very much." Zhou Yun stood under the steps, looked into the house ahead, and said, "You are willing to let me play this role, I am so happy. "

Song Chi smiled and said, "Then act well."

"I'm scared now."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that I'm not a professional school graduate, I'm afraid that my current acting skills are not good enough, I'm afraid that my experience is not rich enough, I'm afraid that I haven't played Liu Rufu well, I'm afraid that I will turn around and find that I have failed Liu Rufu and you. trust." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi shook his head.

"You are the most suitable person to play Liu Rufu."

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "I'm telling the truth, don't be angry."

"You say it."

Song Chi: "When I read the script, I found that although Liu Rufu is only a supporting role, she is not at all difficult. Her life experience, changes in her mood, her talent, appearance, temperament and conversation are all too special. She is too special. A lot of inner drama can only be given by performances, not lines. It is not difficult to find a similar Liu Ruju among the current actresses, but it is difficult to find a similar one. You know when I moved Have you thought about letting you play Liu Rufu?"

"When?" Zhou Yun asked.

"That time, in Hainan, you talked to me." Song Chi said, "Did you notice that you have a habit of talking?"

"What habit?" Zhou Yun asked.

"A lot of times, what you really want to say is habitually hidden behind what you say. You don't like to speak too directly and too clearly. I don't mean that you speak vaguely. I mean, a lot of what you say, listen Those who don’t understand can only hear the first level of meaning, and those who understand can figure out the second and third level of meaning. That’s what Liu Rufu said.”

Song Chi put his hands behind his back and looked seriously into Zhou Yun's eyes.

"Am i right?"

Zhou Yun was a little guilty, avoided Song Chi's gaze, bit his lip lightly, turned his head to look to the other side, "No, no."

Song Chi smiled and stopped asking.

"However, I am also very happy that you can like this role so much."

"It's hard to meet a [-]% best cast in a drama, but one more actor like this will make the drama better. Don't worry about your lack of experience. The production team of "Question Heart" are all the most professional people. You don’t have to worry about your performance being unqualified and the filming will be rough, Director Jiang is not Lu Yuan, he won’t give up until he pushes you to the end.”

After visiting the small courtyard, Song Chi took Zhou Yun to meet Jiang Xin at the shooting site.

It turned out that Jiang Xin happened to be directing Su Yan in a scene.

Su Yan's attitude in front of Jiang Xin was very low, and she seemed to be taught humbly. After the filming started, she acted again, but Jiang Xin was still dissatisfied, and she was still dissatisfied with the re-shoot.

Jiang Xin yelled to stop, called Su Yan over again, pointed out where she had to adjust just now, and asked her to rest for two minutes.

Su Yan's expression was a little serious.

In any case, Su Yan is an actor who debuted for many years and acted in many dramas, and now she is also a veritable first-line actor. On the set, her performances are NG again and again, and she is not recognized by Jiang Xin, and her mood is impatient stand up.

This is what she is going to debug.

Song Chi brought Zhou Yun to Jiang Xin.

"Director Jiang." Zhou Yun bowed slightly to Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin took off the earphones and patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder.

"finally come."

Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed, and said, "Well, I'm sorry, Director Jiang, I'm here."

Jiang Xin said: "Tomorrow there are two scenes for you."

Zhou Yun was taken aback, shook his head, and said, "I haven't got the notice yet."

Jiang Xin said: "Wait and try on tomorrow's makeup first, I'll take a look."

Zhou Yun felt strange and thought, hasn't Jiang Xin seen his makeup test before?

Only after seeing the assistant director did I know that tomorrow she was going to shoot her after she got sick, and she had to put on sick makeup.

Zhou Yun was taken to the dressing room, where he met Li Chunhong, the makeup artist of the crew.Li Chunhong is a well-known makeup artist and has cooperated with Jiang Xin many times. This time, Jiang Xin called for Li Chunhong by name.

Li Chunhong brought her own team into the group, and when she saw Zhou Yun, she smiled and said, "We meet again."

Zhou Yun called out politely: "Teacher Li."

Li Chunhong is a master, and she has a big team. Now she mainly takes on the artist's usual event makeup, and rarely takes on the work of the crew. Compared with it, the crew earns a lot less.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xin's face this time, if Song Chi wanted to invite Li Chunhong, he could only invite a few of his apprentices.

Li Chunhong usually does not stay on the set, he is basically only in charge of setting makeup, as well as specific scenes and more difficult makeup.

Today is also because I received the notice in advance, so I came to the crew to set Zhou Yun's makeup.

Li Chunhong had only set three makeups for Zhou Yun before, one was the makeup of the brothel period, the other was the makeup of Heng Wang's favorite concubine, and the other was the makeup of living alone in the later period.

The makeup of the characters must match the styling.When setting the makeup, I only set the makeup according to Zhou Yun's three main styles.

Zhou Yun sat down.

Li Chunhong's apprentice came up to remove her make-up. He himself stood behind the chair, resting his chin on one hand, looking at Zhou Yun's face in the mirror.

I have had an idea before, but if the idea is to be implemented on a face, it needs to be adjusted according to the actual face.

The floor plan and the actual outline are not the same.

After removing the makeup, Zhou Yun's clean, white and tender face appeared in the mirror.

Li Chunhong immediately frowned and said, "You are too young and your face is too full."

Zhou Yun didn't quite understand.

What's wrong with that?

Li Chunhong said: "The scene you are going to film tomorrow is not because you just got sick, but because you have been sick for a long time. The doctor said you are hopeless, and He Mu picked you up. At this time, you haven't had a good meal for a long time. Things, the face shouldn't be so... glowing."

Only then did Zhou Yun understand.

Li Chunhong is saying that she doesn't look like a patient.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yun looked at his own face, his face was pale and blue, his lips were also white, and he seemed to be lacking in energy.

From her own point of view, this appearance is already very "patient".

Li Chunhong still looked dissatisfied.

He turned to look at the whiteboard beside him.

There are many photos on the whiteboard, all of which are women lying on the hospital bed.I don't know where these photos were found, but Zhou Yun knew that Li Chunhong was looking at a real patient and what his face looked like.

Li Chunhong thought for a long time, stared at Zhou Yun's face for a long time, and made a move for the second time.

After this time, Zhou Yun felt that he looked really terminally ill, the kind who was about to die.

"No, no, this is too realistic and not good-looking." Li Chunhong herself denied it.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, how can a terminally ill person look good?

Zhou Yun said cautiously: "Ms. Li, maybe the patient can't look good?"

Li Chunhong glanced at her from the mirror, "What do you know?"

Zhou Yun silently shut up.

Li Chunhong started to do it again, this time, he asked his little apprentice to remove makeup from Zhou Yun's face again, and start all over again.

"Be careful, you can apply the makeup later on." Li Chunhong instructed his little apprentice.

The little apprentice nodded quickly and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun once again watched Li Chunhong's men perform miraculously.

This time, Zhou Yun was stunned by the effect.

It was weak and thin, looked sick and dying, and had no luster, but it was still beautiful, and it was like a line of tears when you lowered your head.

A voice in Zhou Yun's heart shouted in shock.

 I don't understand makeup at all, so I made up a few makeup videos, which I wrote with a slap in the face. If there is any problem, please correct me.

(End of this chapter)

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