I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 143 Scandal Begins: 142

Chapter 143 Scandal Begins: 142
Su Yan's scene was not filmed until eleven o'clock in the morning, and her makeup time was ten o'clock in the morning. Normally, she would arrive at the set at ten o'clock, and arrive at the dressing room a few minutes later.

Today, she rushed early and arrived at half past nine.

She was not in a hurry to go to the dressing room, but at the shooting site, she first reported to Director Jiang, and then stood behind Director Jiang.

What Director Jiang said was good, and Su Yan heard it in his ears without saying a word.

Su Yan's expression became more and more ugly.

Having been filming with director Jiang for more than a month, Su Yan knew very well that Jiang Xin's good words were not polite.Jiang Xin is rarely polite on set, and rarely praises actors for being good.Even Song Chi and Jiang Xin rarely praised him. Zhou Yun had just arrived, and it was his first scene, so he was praised quite a few times.

Su Yan couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and left.

Assistant Xiao Huang asked puzzledly: "It's not time for makeup yet, should we go now?"

Su Yan said: "Don't put on makeup, just stay there and watch Director Jiang praise Zhou Yun?"

Xiao Huang looked at the words and saw that Su Yan's bad mood was probably due to Zhou Yun, and said: "It's normal, she just joined the set today, and she was filming the first scene. Director Jiang praised her and gave her a little confidence. Didn’t Zhou Yun just debut for two years? I heard that director Jiang treats every actor differently, and he will train in his own way, the more he admires, the stricter he is.”

When Su Yan heard this, her mood improved a little, and she asked, "Really?"

"That's what a lot of news about Director Jiang said. Besides, don't you know Song Chi? His acting skills can be said to be at the top among his peers. Director Jiang didn't praise him too much. The filming Time also needs to be NG, and many reshoots are required, Director Jiang is like this, the requirements are very strict."

Su Yan sighed lightly.

"I haven't felt so numb for a long time, and I don't know if I acted right after the performance."

Xiao Huang laughed.

"Maybe you can still win an award with this play! Your acting skills are very good among your peers. This time, with Director Jiang's support, follow-up operations, the possibility of winning an award is very high."

Su Yan's eyes lit up immediately when he thought of winning the prize.

This is also the reason why she put so much effort into winning this drama in the first place. How could she not go all out for a drama that can be a big hit and hope to help her win an award.

After killing so many opponents and snatching this heroine, Su Yan felt a little proud.After she officially announced the heroine, how many people were sour on her side.But the more sour others were, the happier Su Yan was.Because the more sour others are, the more she proves her ability.


Su Yan warned: "Be sure to prevent Zhou Yun from stepping on my position, and keep an eye on her movements. Once similar drafts appear on the Internet, they must be removed as soon as possible."


"She's not a worry-free person. Look how long it took her to become popular? Liu Qingqing would be so jealous." Su Yan was still jealous of Zhou Yun after all.

Zhou Yun, whom Su Yan regards as a potential competitor, filmed all morning. When it was time for lunch, Zheng Xiaoju opened a small folding table and placed the boxed lunch provided by the film crew on it.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I squeezed orange juice for you, freshly squeezed."

Zheng Xiaoju unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun looked weary.

Concentrating on acting all morning, constantly mobilizing emotions, exhausted all energy and spirit.

They are all vegetarian dishes, with only a few pieces of chicken breast, which seem to have no oil or water at all.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It is said that it is a meal specially made for you. The director asked you not to gain weight during this period, and asked the chef to make you a slimming meal."

Zhou Yun nodded, took the cup, and took a sip of the juice.

"A little tired." She yawned, "Already sleepy."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Let's take a nap after dinner. I see that Song Chi and Su Yan both have RVs. Sister Xiaoyun, why don't we tell Sister Lan to ask the company to provide you with a RV, so that you You can take a break on set."

Zhou Yun ate something wearily, but soon couldn't eat anymore.

She said, "Let's talk about the caravan. I'll take a close look for a while."

Because the makeup can't overwhelm the hairstyle, and can't rub the makeup on the face, Zhou Yun can only adjust the height of the folding chair, lean on the folding chair for a nap, and can't even wear an eye mask.

The sun was shining brightly, and the surroundings were noisy.

Zheng Xiaoju thought in his heart that he had to buy Zhou Yun a pair of mute earplugs with good effect, and then looked at the weather. Although there was a sun umbrella on it, the light was still sufficient.

Gotta figure out a way.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yun woke up.

"When is it?"

Zheng Xiaoju said, "Just one o'clock."

"Have you started filming yet?"

"Well, I'm filming Song Chi and Su Yan's scene."

Zhou Yun yawned and recovered a little.

People around are still busy.

Their place is relatively remote, just a corner location.

Zhou Yun took out the script and continued to study.This time, I waited until evening, when the sun started to set, and I didn't wait for her show.She found it strange and asked Zheng Xiaoju to ask about the situation, only then did she realize that the progress of the afternoon was delayed, and Su Yan never had a scene, and kept reshooting.After waiting for a while, the director personally delivered Zhou Yun's dinner, so Zhou Yun had to eat first.

Still a bland slimming meal.

Zheng Xiaoju waited with Zhou Yun until eight o'clock in the evening, and waited to be notified that her film would not be filmed today.

Call it a day and leave.

Zhou Yun did not expect that on the first day, he only filmed one scene in the end.

This is a completely different experience from "The Eighth Heartbeat".On the set of "The Eighth Heartbeat", as long as she was there, Lu Yuan would give priority to filming her scenes, and he didn't make her wait very much, one scene after another.Zhou Yun went to take off his makeup first.She felt that it was a pity that after doing this makeup for so long, she finally shot a scene.

On the second day's announcement, there were still only two scenes.

As a result, I waited on the set all morning.

Zhou Yun was a little confused.

After thinking about it, she called Zhou Lan first.

Zhou Lan said: "This is normal. The crew of your "Eighth Heartbeat" is not normal. Jiang Xin has strict requirements for filming. It is very common to adjust the shooting progress according to the actual situation of the scene. Moreover, this film You are just the second female lead, so you must put their filming first, don’t worry, just listen to the crew’s arrangement carefully, this is "Question", after all, if I go directly to the producer, ask him to line up a few more lines for you every day A play is not good for you either."

Once Zhou Yun heard that this was normal, he didn't say anything more.

After much difficulty, I finally waited until the afternoon to film her scene.

Li Li came to touch up her makeup.

Out of the corner of Zhou Yun's eye, he saw Su Yan walking by with a listless face like a frosted eggplant.

It is estimated that he lost his temper because of Jiang Dao.

Zhou Yun fixed up his makeup and went to Jiang Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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