I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 144 Scandal Begins: 143

Chapter 144 Scandal Begins: 143
Jiang Xin didn't look more relaxed than others.

As he said, he hasn't directed a TV series for a long time. With so many scenes, so many people and things to manage, even if he himself has a large and mature team, it still takes a lot of effort.

The scene to be filmed in the afternoon was not difficult for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun basically just lays on the bed, has fewer lines, closes his eyes most of the time, and wakes up a few times to see Song Chi busy.

Just after changing the venue, everyone is still busy adjusting the equipment.

The makeup artist was doing Song Chi's styling.

"This stove and medicine bowl are too new." Jiang Xin was a little picky about the props He Mu will use next, "The quilt is also, why are they not old? He Mu hurriedly found a place to complain to Liu Ru Sick, how can it be like this! Look at it yourself, the walls are gray and mottled, and the other furniture in this room are old, but this quilt is as new as if it was just sewn, there is no stain at all, it is normal Is it? You have to use your brains to get these things!"

The person in charge of the props group was sweating profusely.

"Do it again." Jiang Xin frowned, "This scene will not be filmed for now."

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Stop shooting again?

Jiang Xin went to check the stove.He made some requests from time to time, and someone next to him took notes.

At this time, Song Chi finished her makeup and came over.

"Director Jiang."

Jiang Xin said: "Later, let's take some shots of you decocting medicine."

Song Chi nodded.

Jiang Xin turned around and said to Zhou Yun: "This scene can't be filmed today, you should go and rest first."

Zhou Yun could only nod his head slowly.

But she didn't leave, she stayed to watch Song Chi's filming.

She has nothing else to do now, she has already memorized the script and read it many times.She wanted to see how Song Chi acted on the spot. This kind of live experience was what Zhou Yun lacked the most.

There were no group performances, and the room was still crowded by the staff.

Song Chi squatted in front of the stove and looked at the firewood in the corner.

They are all prepared by the prop group.

There was still some ashes on the firewood.

He tried to light the fire once, but it didn't light at all.

The crew brought a local resident from nearby to teach him how to start a fire, make a fire, and put firewood.

The fire scene was shot three times.

These are all very common cutscenes, and Song Chi's movements are becoming more and more familiar.

Especially for some shots of making medicine, Song Chi obviously did his homework in advance, and his movements are as smooth as flowing water.

Every switch takes some time.

During this period of time, Song Chi was not idle, so he just wandered around the yard alone, touching the walls for a while, and playing with the objects in the house for a while.

Zhou Yun was puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"

Song Chi said: "Increase my sense of familiarity with this room. A person's familiarity with the environment can be seen. I need to know where everything is placed. When I want to take something, I can't act hesitantly." Yes, the status cannot be hesitated."

Zhou Yun was stunned.

"I never thought about it."

"With a little more experience, you will know." Song Chi said, "I used to act based on my feelings. At the beginning, people didn't know you, and they were very tolerant to you. Many small details will be ignored by others, but it is impossible forever. As a rookie actor, it is impossible to complete a role forever by relying on some explosive or aura-filled moments. I have filmed a movie before, and an old actor in that movie told me that an actor’s biggest The source of the sense of accomplishment is to create a character. This is two different things from fully entering the play subjectively. Subjectively entering the play is only a lunatic. It is a genius to be able to enter the play subjectively and objectively at the same time. A lunatic can only move himself and scare audience."

Zhou Yun said, "It sounds reasonable."

Song Chi: "I have acted in many plays. At the time, I didn't understand what he was talking about, but later I understood."

Zhou Yun said: "To be honest, I didn't quite understand it just now, and I was a little confused."

Song Chi: "But Director Jiang likes you very much. He said that you are a person who is good at acting with your eyes."

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Really? Director Jiang has never told me that."

"He is not a person who likes to praise actors face to face, but he said that you gave her a big surprise, and he didn't have high expectations of you." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun said: "Director Jiang is really a very strict director with very strict requirements. I didn't expect that after two days in the group, I only filmed one scene. In today's situation, because the quilt is too new, it is too late. Stop filming, if this kind of thing is put in my last film, it is absolutely impossible to happen."

Song Chi smiled and said, "That's why Director Jiang is Director Jiang."

"I have learned it." Zhou Yun said, "I have never been like yesterday. I spent a whole morning in a scene, and I shot every shot several times."

"Do you think Director Jiang is willing? This is all a waste of time and money. He also invested in it, and he also has to consider the cost. It's just that he has his own artistic requirements." Song Chi said, "You have filmed Director Jiang's scenes before. , In the future, if you enter another group, you may have to experience a period of inapplicability, you will be picked up by him, and you will not be able to do it, and others will think you are too picky."

Zhou Yun: "That's not wrong. To be honest, with my look, I have adjusted many times before and after. In fact, it is only for one shot."

Song Chi said, "Did you watch the footage shot yesterday?"


"I watched it, and the shots that come out are very good. After you watch it, you will know that the most hard work is worth it, because your hard work can be exchanged for better things."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise.

Song Chi paused suddenly and looked at her suspiciously.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I found that your appearance on the set is different from usual. When you talk about filming, you speak clearly and clearly. You really are preparing for the actor."

Song Chi thought Zhou Yun was going to say something, but he just said this.

"You think I'm long-winded?" He asked.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I don't think you are too wordy, I just think that the way you spoke just now is different from your usual way, you are not like this now..." Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a while, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the sentence end.

Song Chi wanted to say something, but someone called him suddenly, and he was going to go.

Zhou Yun said: "Someone is calling you, you go over."

Song Chi nodded and went.

Zhou Yun stood outside the crowd and looked at Song Chi. For some reason, he raised the corners of his mouth and laughed.What did she want to say just now?Song Chi doesn't usually do what he did just now?In her eyes just now, Song Chi's eyes were more dazzling than usual. He said every word with confidence, and he was very sure of what he was talking about. The sense of certainty, certainty, and composure, firm meaning.Zhou Yun felt that Song Chi just now had a different charm than usual.

(End of this chapter)

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