I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 145 Scandal Begins: 144

Chapter 145 Scandal Begins: 144
Because of a quilt, Zhou Yun had no scenes to shoot, but he followed the set all day long, observing other people's acting.

In the afternoon, when Su Yan came to film, seeing Zhou Yun was there, she frowned and asked her assistant, "Will there be a scene with Zhou Yun later?"

The assistant shook his head and said, "I didn't hear that."

After a while, the assistant came back after inquiring about it, and told Su Yan, saying: "Zhou Yun originally had a show this morning, but because Director Jiang was not satisfied with the quilt, he asked the props team to do it again, so Zhou Yun's play was temporarily canceled, but Zhou Yun never left, just stayed on the set to watch other people act."

Su Yan sneered, and said sarcastically: "You really know how to perform. You are a good student on the set. You really just came out of school, so you just pretend to be eager to learn."

The assistant didn't answer.

Su Yan suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, where is Jiang Yuzhen? Wasn't she filming with me in that scene later? Why haven't I met her yet?"

The assistant said, "Maybe she's still putting on makeup."

"If it's big enough, let me wait for her." Su Yan folded her hands in front of her chest.

The assistant didn't speak.

After a while, the scene being filmed finally passed.

Change field.

Jiang Xin called Su Yan over and told her how to perform the next scene.

Jiang Xin's acting is like breaking a cake. He must break a scene into pieces and tell the actors in detail.

It's just that Su Yan is not a very patient person, and she doesn't listen very well. If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Xin is the one who is lecturing her, she would have been impatient long ago.

Su Yan is proud and arrogant, she never feels that her acting skills are not good, and she doesn't feel that she needs such detailed guidance.

Talking in such details, it seems that she is not very good at acting, and even such details have to be told to her bit by bit.

Su Yan has been filming in the group for so long, and Jiang Xin already has some understanding of Su Yan's character.

To be honest, he was not very satisfied with Su Yan.

It's just that even if he is a great director, he still has a lot to worry about.

For example, Su Yan himself is a big star. For example, Su Yan is backed by strong capital and has a platform to support him.

It was impossible for Jiang Xin to reprimand Su Yan for his bad attitude like scolding a newcomer.

He could only be patient and tell Su Yan over and over again.

After the trick was finished, Jiang Yuzhen came.

Jiang Yuzhen plays He Mu's eldest sister He Zhen. In the play, He Zhen is the number one enemy of Yang Zhen played by Su Yan.

When He Mu wanted to marry Yang Zhen, He Zhen was the one who disagreed the most. After Yang Zhen married He Mu, He Zhen often targeted Yang Zhen and sowed discord, which caused a lot of trouble.

Outside the play, Jiang Yuzhen Shi Shiran came.

She is actually a very well-known actor. She has acted for many years, and she is already a familiar face in the eyes of the audience in the era of TV dramas.

With the deepening of her qualifications, her acting is good, and she has gradually entered the ranks of veteran actors in the "traffic era". In fact, she is not even forty years old.

Jiang Xin told Jiang Yuzhen the effect he wanted for this scene. Jiang Yuzhen thought for a while, nodded, and said to Jiang Xin, "I understand."

The two play first.

Zhou Yun stayed on the sidelines to observe.

Su Yan still had the script in his hand.

Jiang Yuzhen directly gave the script to the assistant, put her hands in her hands, raised her chin, and the look of contempt immediately appeared on her face.

"Look at you, your eyes turn red after talking to you, and you are about to cry. Did I say too much? Or did you do it on purpose?"

He Zhen has a savage character. She loved to bully her younger brother He Mu when she was a child. When she grew up and got married, it got worse.

Yang Zhen played by Su Yan is not a gentle and vegetarian lady, but she has a way to deal with He Zhen.

Su Yan lowered her head and pursed her lips without saying a word, acting like a pissed off daughter-in-law.

"Su Yan, this kind of grievance should be more natural." Jiang Xin said directly.

Su Yan asked: "Director, isn't Yang Zhen just pretending to be wronged here?"

Jiang Xin said: "Although it's a fake, but it's really a grievance. She didn't pretend to show He Zhen, she wanted to pretend to show He Mu. If the grievance is too fake, how can He Mu believe it?" Woolen cloth?"

Su Yan snorted.


This time, the grievance on Su Yan's face was more serious.

What must be admitted is that Su Yan does have acting skills. As soon as she lowered her head, lowered her eyebrows, and slightly parted her lips, she showed an aggrieved appearance that she wanted to speak but dared not speak.

Jiang Yuzhen continued to act.

"He Mu is not here now, who are you showing such a face to?" Jiang Yuzhen gouged out Su Yan with disgust, as if she didn't like it, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, hurry up, He Mu some time ago Didn’t you bring back a coral? Let me see what a good thing it is.”

Su Yan stood motionless on the spot.

"Sister-in-law, this coral was given by His Royal Highness Cheng Wang. I have told you that it cannot be shown to others without his permission."

Jiang Yuzhen's eyes changed, and a flash of anger flashed across.

"Am I an outsider? A broken coral is still hidden, afraid that I will steal it?"

"Sister-in-law definitely doesn't mean that." Su Yan said, "It's just that my husband has already told me, I have to listen to my husband, sister-in-law, why don't you talk to him when he comes back."

Jiang Yuzhen rolled her eyelids, a little impatient, and said, "Forget it, forget it, I just came here to take a look at it as a rare thing, if you stop me, I can still rush in and see it, don't move Song Chi out...ah No, He Mu, sorry."

She made a slip of the tongue, corrected it immediately, and continued to walk down without changing her face, "Don't move out He Mu to block me, he just hugged Cheng Wang's thigh, no matter what, I'm still his eldest sister!"

A look of anger flashed across Su Yan's eyes, but she lowered her head.

"My husband has always respected my sister-in-law."

The play ends here.

Jiang Yuzhen laughed, then turned to Jiang Xin and said, "Director Jiang, is it possible to act like this?"

Unlike He Zhen in the play who likes to be picky and unreasonable, Jiang Yuzhen outside the play has a very generous temper, and she also smiles in front of Jiang Xin, saying what she thinks, unlike Zhou Yun and Su Yan Like the others, they always treat people as famous directors and treat them nervously.

Jiang Xin said: "It's too arrogant. Now that He Mu has entered Chengwang's mansion, you still refuse to lose the battle, but there is a change in your heart. In the past, you didn't like He Mu in your heart. The cowardly brother, now he's just talking hard."

Jiang Yuzhen pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Ok, I got it, I'll make some adjustments when the show is officially performed."

Jiang Xin said to Su Yan again: "Su Yan, you too, you just give in to He Zhen verbally, and you are right in your heart, and you are not afraid of He Zhen making trouble. The further you go to this conversation, the more stable you are, you No matter what the reaction is, the premise is that you don't care about He Zhen's attitude. At this time, you have already regarded He Zhen as a troublesome relative, and the idea in your mind is to get rid of it quickly."

Su Yan asked: "Director, did I act too restrained just now? Should I be more imposing?"

When Jiang Xin heard this, he waved his hand, called Su Yan aside, and continued to tell her about the play.


Zhou Yun turned around and found that Song Chi had appeared behind him at some point.

"How do you feel?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun looked around, there were too many staff members, and there were too many people talking, and everyone around her could hear what she said casually.

Song Chi signaled to change the place.

The two came to a corner.

Zhou Yun said: "Su Yan is better at acting than I expected, but it seems that her acting is not very good."

Song Chi asked: "What do you think she is not in place for?"

"If you don't watch the plot, the clips of her performance can actually be cut into moving pictures and put on the Internet. Many people will definitely say that she is beautiful and her acting skills are good. But it is not right to put it in this scene." Zhou Yun said .

Song Chi nodded and said, "You're right, Su Yan's acting was too stereotyped just now. Her advantage is that she is very contagious and gets emotional quickly, but her disadvantage is that she has acted in too many scenes, laughing Laugh when you cry, cry when you cry, feel bad when you are unhappy, and annoyed when you are annoyed. The reasons for a character’s personality are different, so the emotions are also different, and the starting point is also different. If you don’t study this point clearly, you will make mistakes. Many times you will see a lot of things that you think at first glance. A well-done segment is really just a status act, not a character."

Zhou Yun nodded in understanding.

"Sister Yuzhen's acting skills are actually similar to Su Yan's, and her control ability is also similar. The two of them have similar understanding of the script and characters, but Sister Yuzhen can understand what the director is saying. She knows that her problem lies in Well, the adjustments are also quick, so she can quickly implement the director's intention." Song Chi said, "The other person is too confident and doesn't feel that she is not good at acting. Anyway, there are a group of fans who think she is very good at acting. , I just feel that the director's requirements are too high and too detailed."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "But, the director is Jiang Xin, isn't it a good thing for an actor to have high demands?"

"Not everyone thinks like you do. Some actors even feel that this is just a TV series anyway, so there is no need for such high requirements, and they think the director has too many things to do."

When Song Chi said this, he suddenly paused.

Someone passed by.

When someone passed by, he said, "You've been on the set all day, go back and rest."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm fine staying in the hotel, it's boring, it's better to watch your acting on the set."

Song Chi smiled.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, the scene that was originally planned to be filmed at night could not be filmed due to some problems.

Jiang Xin had no choice but to presuppose a night scene between Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

Not indoors, but in a small courtyard.

When night fell, Song Chi stayed in the small courtyard pounding and decocting medicine. Zhou Yun, who had just recovered from a serious illness, came out of the room, sat at the door, and had a conversation with Song Chi.

From the perspective of scheduling, it is a very simple play.

But in terms of performance, it is a difficult scene.

The play is all on the two actors.

Jiang Xin originally wanted to let Zhou Yun shoot this scene after Zhou Yun joined the filming team for a period of time.On the one hand, he thought Zhou Yun was a rookie actor at first, and his acting skills were not good enough for this scene.On the other hand, this scene is all between two characters, and the two actors need to be more familiar with it.Now there is time to come out, and Zhou Yun happens to be on the set. After yesterday's scene, Zhou Yun's performance also exceeded Jiang Xin's expectations. Jiang Xin thought he could give it a try.

If the result of the shooting tonight is not good, just reshoot after a while.

Suddenly receiving the notice, Zhou Yun had no choice but to hurry to put on makeup.

Li Li was at a loss when he received the task. He didn't expect to reapply makeup today.

Zhou Yun warned: "Today's filming is already recovering from a serious illness, so it doesn't have to be the same as this morning."

Li Li nodded and said, "Okay."

After a long time, Li Li and Zhou Yun were not very satisfied.

Li Li removed Zhou Yun's make-up again, and suddenly paused, thinking of something.

"Why don't you try plain makeup?" Li Li said, "It's night itself. Under this kind of light, the state of plain makeup in the camera is actually almost the same."

Wait until night falls completely.

Zhou Yun came to the small courtyard.

The track has been laid and the lighting team is debugging the lights.

Jiang Xin was talking about a play with Song Chi.

Seeing Zhou Yun, Jiang Xin waved and said, "It just so happens that you are here too, let's talk together."

Zhou Yun walked over.

Jiang Xin said: "This scene is very important. This scene established the tragedy that He Mu and Liu Rufu could not be together, and it is also the reason why Liu Rufu left He Mu. Zhou Yun, you have to remember, All your emotions are hidden in your heart, every time you express your emotions, your first reaction is not to let Song Chi find out, in this scene, you didn't even want to talk."

Zhou Yun asked: "Director, I don't understand, should I just pretend that nothing happened?"

"It's not that nothing happened, it's that these things only happened in your heart. The more reserved and forbearing you are in this scene, the better the scene will be."

Zhou Yun seemed to understand but not understand.

light test.

Jiang Xin was not satisfied.

Jiang Xin said: "Prepare a candle, let Zhou Yun hold it in his hand, and take a shot of her walking out with the candle, Zhou Yun, after you sit down, put the candle by your feet."

Song Chi has a stove over there, and Zhou Yun's here is candlelight.

Jiang Xin looked at the light and decided to let other staff members evacuate, leaving only a few people who must be present, such as the photographer.

The courtyard was suddenly empty.

Jiang Xin took Zhou Yun to walk around, and told her how to go to each position and how to shoot for the camera.

When everything was ready, Jiang Xin returned to the monitor and raised the walkie-talkie: "Come on, get ready to shoot."


He Mu, played by Song Chi, fanned the stove with a small fan.

In the camera, the yard is pitch black, only this small fire is burning.

Song Chi's face was reflected, his face was green and handsome.

No makeup, no makeup, the firelight reflected on Song Chi's face, outlining the most realistic shadow outline.

On the other side, Zhou Yun walked to the door with a candle in his hand, glanced at Song Chi in the yard, paused, and raised his foot across the threshold.

"Cut!" Jiang Xin shouted, "Zhou Yun, it's almost time."

After reshooting, Zhou Yun came out again, this time she fixedly looked at Song Chi's face for a while.

"Cut! Slow down." Jiang Xin's voice sounded again.

One shot, shot three times, still didn't pass.

Zhou Yun was upset.

She was at a loss.She didn't know what was wrong with her, and she didn't know what was right.

Jiang Xin came over and said, "Think about it, why did you come out?"

Zhou Yun said, "I want to say thank you to He Mu."

Jiang Xin said: "Is it as simple as just saying thank you? If you want to say thank you, when can you say no?"

Zhou Yun clenched the corners of his mouth, "Also, I'm tempted by He Mu in my heart, and I want, want to see him."

"Well, that's right, so Liu Rufu's character is to meet whenever he wants to?" Jiang Xin asked again.

"No, she is a hesitant person."

"Then when she sees He Mu still decocting medicine for her so late, what will she think in her heart?"

"Be moved."

"Will she say it directly when she is moved?"

"will not."

"Will you go directly to talk to him?"

"No, Liu Rufu is a person who keeps a lot of things in his heart."

"That's right." Jiang Xin patted Zhou Yun's shoulder and said, "Think about it, and act like this later."

Zhou Yun felt suddenly enlightened.

"Three, two, one, start."

Holding a candle, Zhou Yun walked slowly to the door. When he looked up, he saw He Mu in the yard.

At this moment, Zhou Yun did not act, and she felt grateful, hesitant, and entangled...

In the dark night, under the eaves, Liu Rusu was dressed in plain clothes, and the candles flickered slightly with the evening wind blowing.

Light and shadow danced on Liu Rufu's plain and beautiful face.

Her eyes are very black and deep, like a pool of deep water, with shallow fish shadows in the water.

There was a person in her eyes.

In an instant, she lowered her eyebrows slightly, and raised her foot to cross the threshold.

Zhou Yun sat down on a low stool at the door, and put the candle holder aside.

He Mu who heard the movement raised his head and looked at him.

"Why did you come out? Your illness has just recovered, so be careful not to catch a cold." He Mu got up and walked over.

Liu Rufu smiled slightly, and said, "I always stay in the house and come out to get some air."

He Mu entered the room, took out one of his coats, and put it on for Liu Rusu.


The scene was filmed all the way down, shot by shot.

After the shooting, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was not over yet.

Zhou Yun sat under the eaves, his face already tired.

Zheng Xiaoju brought a water bottle to Zhou Yun so that Zhou Yun could drink during the short break.

Everyone could see that although the scene was constantly being reshot, Jiang Xin was satisfied.

Shot by shot, adjusted word by word.

Everyone has worked in the crew for many years. Whether the play is good or not, everyone has their own scale.

It would be a lie to say that Zhou Yunduo is good at acting, but she is very smart and has a high level of comprehension. Whatever Jiang Xin is talking about, she can quickly adjust and give an accurate performance.

At the same time, Zhou Yun never sticks to certain performance paradigms, she doesn't even know what paradigms are.

In many cases, it is a flash of inspiration that has been honed over and over again.


"He Mu, why did you save me?"

"I... I am a doctor, saving lives and healing the wounded is what I should do."

"is it?"

"I, actually, just want to be a doctor, to cure diseases and save people. I don't want to see people suffer from illness, and I don't want to see people die because of illness. I was with my grandfather when I was young, and I'm used to the smell of herbs."

"Then you've done it."

"But I won't be able to continue being a doctor soon." He Mu's eyes were a little disappointed.

"Why?" Liu Ru asked.

He Mu shook his head and refused to speak.

"Then you... what about your family members? You are no longer a doctor, what do your family members say?"

"They didn't want me to continue to be a doctor. You may be the last patient I have treated as a doctor."

"Your medical skills are so good, it would be a pity not to be a doctor," Liu Ru said.

He Mu lowered his head and smiled wryly, without speaking.

After a while, Liu Ru asked: "Then if you don't become a doctor, what are you going to do in the future?"

He Mu said: "A friend recommended me to work in the palace of Prince Cheng."

"Prince Cheng?" Liu Rufu was a little surprised.

"Well, I wrote a few small poems before, and the steward of Chengwang's mansion thought I had read some books and asked me to work as an accountant in the mansion." He Mu smiled, and the smile on his face became even more lost.

"It's a good job, too."

"He wanted to marry his daughter to me, and my father agreed."

For the last time, Zhou Yun in the camera, with a clean face and picturesque eyebrows, has a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and secret disappointment is outlined in his eyes.

"That's a good thing, too."

Liu Rufu said to He Mu: "During this time, I have worked hard for you."

He Mu smiled at Liu Rusu, a very clean smile, and his smile was a little shy.

"No hard work."

You can tell at a glance that he doesn't understand anything.

The smile on Liu Rufu's face became more and more gentle. She raised her head lightly, looked at the moon in the night sky, was a little surprised, and said, "He Mu, look, the moon is so round tonight."

The moonlight was like washing, shining on Liu Rusu's face, pure and clear.


"Cut!" Jiang Xin shouted.

The set is still quiet.

Zhou Yun lowered his head, and a tear could not help falling from his eye socket.

When I was acting just now, I had to hold back, I couldn't shed tears, I couldn't get red eyes, but my heart was too uncomfortable, and I couldn't bear it.

Jiang Xin came over, hugged Zhou Yun, and patted her on the back.

"Good job!"

Zhou Yun raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and said, "Director, I'm too uncomfortable, I'll take it easy for a while."

Jiang Xin patted Zhou Yun on the head and left.

The crew has already started packing their things.

This is the last play of the day.

Song Chi winked at Zheng Xiaoju, and walked up to Zhou Yun by himself.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

Zhou Yun sighed, and said: "I think Liu Rufu is too wronged, He Mu is a fool, he doesn't even understand what Liu Rufu is thinking."

"If He Mu understands, with He Mu's personality, there won't be any subsequent stories."

"Is He Mu really not interested in Liu Rufu at all?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "Maybe he's tempted, but maybe He Mu doesn't know he's tempted at this time."

"Come on, He Mu must be concerned that Liu Rufu stayed in the brothel." Zhou Yun said while wiping his eyes, "How could he not know, just pretending to be stupid."

"If He Mu minded, why would he bring Liu Rufu back to treat her?"

"Then He Mu is a fool."

"he is."

"Liu Rufu is also a fool, he keeps everything in his heart and doesn't say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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