I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 146 Scandal Begins: 145

Chapter 146 Scandal Begins: 145
Jiang Xin's compliment to Zhou Yun soon reached Su Yan's ears.

This time, it can no longer be interpreted as encouragement for newcomers.

Many people on the set saw Jiang Xin's satisfaction with Zhou Yun.

Su Yan asked with a straight face, "Is Zhou Yun's acting skills good?"

The assistant glanced at Su Yan's face and said, "I've never seen her act, but she's a newcomer, no matter how good her acting skills can be, she's probably better among the newcomers."

Su Yan sneered, and said, "That's not what they said. Even Jiang Xin praised her for her good performance. Did you hear Jiang Xin praise me like that?"

The assistant was silent for a moment, and said, "Your acting is very good in itself, and you don't need others to praise it. Director Jiang doesn't praise Song Chi too much."

Su Yan: "Really? Why do I feel that Director Jiang is not very satisfied with me? He always asks me to talk about plays."

"Director Jiang's style is like this. Before shooting a scene, he has to explain it to the actors in detail."

"Tsk, it's because he's so lazy and the progress is so slow. The filming can be finished in three months, but I have to stretch the front line and it won't be finished until next year. How much time is wasting my time." Su Yan frowned dissatisfied. , "Tell me, can you ask the platform to urge Director Jiang to speed up the progress?"

"It's difficult. The drama itself is produced by Zuo Jing, and Yue Hai is just a distribution and broadcast platform." The assistant said, "Jiang Xin and Song Chi have very high requirements for this drama. The shots were shot very meticulously, otherwise the filming would not have been so slow, and such a long filming cycle was set at the beginning just to accommodate Jiang Xin's directorial style."

Su Yan said: "Famous directors are indeed difficult to serve."

While talking, Zhou Yun came in.

The conversation between Su Yan and the assistant ended immediately.

When Zhou Yun saw Su Yan, he naturally didn't say hello.

It was also impossible for Su Yan to greet her.

The atmosphere in the dressing room froze for a while.

When Li Li saw Zhou Yun, he laughed and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you are here!"

Zhou Yun nodded, yawned, and said, "I'm so sleepy."

Li Li patted the chair and said, "Sit down quickly, you can squint for a while."

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, there's no rush, I'll be shooting in the afternoon."

Li Li looked at the notice and said, "Yes, then why are you here now?"

Zhou Yun said: "Anyway, I woke up, so I came here."

Su Yan twitched her lips and said to her assistant, "Go and see how the filming of the last scene is going and how long will we have to wait. It's almost noon."

The assistant nodded and went out.

Zhou Yun was a little speechless.

Even for such a small matter, Su Yan insisted on pushing her.

——Why are you here now? (come so early)

——It's almost noon. (early fart)
Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, help me to see what I have for lunch today, you won't make me boiled vegetables again, I'm going to throw up."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, I won't go, you told me before joining the group, I must watch you not to eat meat."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Besides, the director also said that you must maintain your current body shape. Liu Rufu is very thin."

Zhou Yun sighed.

Li Li smiled very happily and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you are the right assistant."

Suddenly, there was the harsh sound of a chair moving on the floor.

Su Yan stood up and walked out of the dressing room with a straight face.

Zhou Yun turned to look at her.

Li Li curled his lips and said, "When you didn't come just now, she was dissatisfied with Director Jiang's praise of you last night. She felt that she was not praised by Director Jiang for her good acting skills."

Zhou Yun smiled and said nothing.

It has been prepared for a long time, the same crew as Su Yan, there will be many conflicts.

Not long after joining the team, the two sides are still in the patience period. Who knew that the first point of conflict would be Director Jiang's attitude.

At this time, Jiang Yuzhen came suddenly.

"Xiaoyun, you're here." Jiang Yuzhen greeted him proactively.

"Sister Yuzhen!" Zhou Yun smiled.

Jiang Yuzhen turned her face to the sky, also without makeup, waiting to come directly to the dressing room to apply makeup.

She yawned lazily and said, "I didn't sleep well last night, I was so sleepy."

Zhou Yun asked: "I saw sister Yuzhen's rehearsal in the afternoon, why did you arrive so early?"

"Director Jiang asked me to come and do the show ahead of time. There is no other way. He is an old man, so I can only come here." Jiang Yuzhen smiled helplessly, "Xiao Yun, is this your first time filming Director Jiang's scene?"

"Well, it's my first time."

Jiang Yuzhen said: "It's really enviable for you to shoot Director Jiang's scenes at such a young age. You can learn a lot from Director Jiang and benefit a lot."

"Well, I will, thank you sister Yuzhen."

Jiang Yuzhen lazily sat down in her seat, "Xiao Li, melt it for me first."

Li Li is also in charge of Jiang Yuzhen's makeup.

Li Li looked at Zhou Yun in embarrassment.

If it is said that first come, first served, Zhou Yun came first, and Li Li should have been transformed for her first.

Seeing Li Li's embarrassment, Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Go and transform sister Yuzhen first. I came early, and sister Yuzhen's show is ahead of me."

Li Li just went to Jiang Yuzhen's side.

The dressing room fell silent, save for the rustling of movements.

After a while, Jiang Yuzhen suddenly remembered something and asked, "Xiao Yun, are you and Xiao Song dating?"

With the broadcast of the program "After We Spread the Gossip", CP fans about Zhou Yun and Song Chi are increasing day by day.

After seeing Zhou Yun, many people began to ask about it.

Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly and said, "Sister Yuzhen, you can see that you are on the set every day. Song Chi and I are just friends."

"Really? I think the two of you are very close. Song Chi is a very good young man, young and talented. If you like it, don't let it go easily." Jiang Yuzhen said, "Liu Ru Su complained that he lost the chance to be with He Mu because of his indecision, don't be like Liu Rusu."

Jiang Yuzhen's words made Zhou Yun a little helpless.

What should she say?
Jiang Yuzhen: "You guys are different now than we were then, how wonderful it is now."

Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly.

"Sister Yuzhen, Song Chi and I really have nothing to do."

Jiang Yuzhen: "Okay, then it seems that I am talking too much."

The topic is finally over.

Zhou Yun also felt a little guilty.

But after falling silent, what Jiang Yuzhen said just now lingered again.

——Liu Rusu lost the chance to be with He Mu because of his indecision. Don't be like Liu Rusu.

It is undeniable that Jiang Yuzhen's words were like an arrow hitting Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun remained calm on the surface, but a sense of uneasiness arose in his heart.


Will she really lose her He Mu because of her own concerns like Liu Rusu?

(End of this chapter)

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