I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 147 Scandal Begins: 146

Chapter 147 Scandal Begins: 146
Unexpectedly, before the filming of Zhou Yun's play started, something happened to the crew suddenly.

Su Yan fell on the set, maybe due to bad luck, her head happened to hit the steps, a cut was made, and blood came out suddenly, it was scary.

I hurriedly sent her to the hospital, and had to stop halfway through filming.

Su Yan can only cancel all of today's plays, and the next few days' plays will also depend on her situation.

The coordinators are getting bigger.

But the matter didn't end there. Su Yan's agent flew over directly in the afternoon, but he didn't go to the hospital, so he came to the crew to pursue responsibility.

In fact, there were videos of the scene, and Su Yan could only blame herself for not being careful when she fell.

But Su Yan's manager was still relentless, insisting that it was the crew's responsibility, and asked the crew to give Su Yan an explanation and compensate Su Yan.

The executive producer on the scene is a person from Yuehai.com, named Wen Binglan.

He couldn't stand Su Yan's manager, and Su Yan's manager came to the shooting scene to make trouble.

In fact, everyone in the circle knew Su Yan's manager, He Ting, who was known as "He Tiegu" by the insiders, who was notoriously difficult and delicate.

Song Chi just finished filming a scene, took the water glass from his assistant, and saw a figure appearing in front of him.

"Song Chi! I have something to talk to you about."

Wen Binglan followed behind He Ting helplessly, and said, "Sister Ting, as I said, Song Chi is filming, is there anything we can't talk about later?"

He Ting immediately raised her voice and said, "My Yanyan is in the hospital! Tell me to talk about it later? If it wasn't because you didn't pay attention to what you did, what could happen to Yanyan? Do you know that a face is right? The importance of a female artist! What if there is a scar?"

Wen Binglan raised his hands, but it was impossible to silence He Ting with this gesture.

He Ting looked at Song Chi with eyes burning like fire, "Should you give me an explanation?"

Wen Binglan: "Sister Ting, we are shooting now. If you have any questions, I will communicate with you on behalf of the crew. Please don't affect the shooting."

Song Chi patted Wen Binglan on the shoulder, signaling him to stop talking.

He met He Ting's gaze.

There are people coming and going on the set, and there are not many staff members.

Many people are looking at this side, wanting to know how the crew plans to solve this matter.

Song Chi looked at He Ting and asked, "Sister Ting, have you just arrived here?"

He Ting said: "He came here as soon as we got off the plane. Do you know how surprised you were when you received a call saying that Su Yan was injured on the set? I was so scared to death! Dropped everything I was doing and came here!"

Song Chi said, "Then you haven't been to the hospital yet, have you?"

He Ting was taken aback: "What?"

Song Chi said: "Sister Ting, you haven't even gone to the hospital to see it with your own eyes. Why are you so sure that Su Yan's injury will leave a scar?"

He Ting hesitated for a moment and said, "I didn't say that there will be scars, but there is a possibility of scars if you are injured, right? Song Chi, you want to say that there may be scars, so you want to shirk responsibility? "

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just a little surprised. Sister Ting, you haven't even visited Su Yan in the hospital. Why did you come to trouble us? Have you asked Su Yan herself what happened to her wrestling on the set? You You haven't even met her in person, so you're sure that this matter must be the crew's responsibility?"

He Ting said: "Of course I talked to her on the phone!"

Song Chi: "So it was Su Yan who told you that she wrestled because of the crew, and she would have scars?"

The two people's conversation at the same speed as a machine gun came to an abrupt end.

He Ting paused for a moment, staring at Song Chi.

"Of course Su Yan wouldn't tell me this."

"Your decisive tone just now, I thought it was the person who told you." Song Chi smiled slightly and said, "Sister Ting, why don't you go to the hospital to check on Su Yan's condition first, and listen to her for yourself. Let’s talk to the crew about who will be in charge?”

He Ting's momentum has been defeated.

Before she left, she still emphasized: "She was injured while filming."

"Don't worry, we've bought insurance for her before filming, and she won't miss a cent." Song Chi said in a reassuring tone.

He Ting left.

Wen Binglan breathed a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "Sorry, I didn't stop her."

"You can't stop her, you should have thought of this when you were going to use her as the heroine." Song Chi dropped these words and went to Jiang Xin's side.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Xin did not show up.

At this time, there is no need for Jiang Xin to come forward.

When this scene happened, Zhou Yun was present.

She was there the whole time, but like many others, she could only stand behind Song Chi and serve as the background board.

Being the background board did not affect Zhou Yun's admiration at all.

Facing a person who made it clear that he wanted to find fault, Song Chi dismissed him so calmly and made him speechless. This was not the crushing of his aura.

After the crowd dispersed, Zhou Yun and Song Chi were going to try out the next scene.

Zhou Yun said in a low voice: "You were really good just now, and you sent people away with a few words."

Song Chi said: "There are too many such things in the crew."

"Are many actors injured?"

"It's not about actors, various types of work, whether they are injured, have accidents, suffer unequal treatment, all kinds of things, have you ever encountered a group performer asking for salary? I have been A production crew, because the head of the extras deducted their money, did not send it out in time, which caused those extras to make trouble on the scene and delay a whole day."

"You've seen a lot."

Song Chi said: "No matter how you look at Su Yan's incident, the film crew can't be blamed. She accidentally stepped on the air, so we sent her to the hospital as soon as possible to treat her wound. After insurance, she should be given a lot, He Ting wants to seize the right time, get some preferential treatment from the crew, and make use of it."

"Preferential treatment?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Will you lose money?"

"She doesn't like the little money, but He Ting has always wanted to add some drama to Su Yan. They think that Su Yan's role is too small now." Song Chi said, "Just for this matter, Yue Hai even approached Director Jiang. Several times, as long as director Jiang nods, a new script will be sent over, and they have already asked the screenwriter to change it."

Zhou Yun: "Wow."

Just as he was talking, Jiang Xin came over.

"Let me tell you something, wait for that scene..."


But the matter did not end smoothly.

In the evening, Zhou Yun finished work and went back to the hotel.

Zheng Xiaoju said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, today Su Yan is the most searched for the injury of the crew."

Zhou Yun was stunned, and asked in surprise: "Is it on the trending search?"

"Well, now Su Yan's fans are scolding the crew for being careless, and even the artists were injured in filming." Zheng Xiaoju looked a little hesitant, and said, "There are still people scolding Song Chi."

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun's scene was moved to the front for filming.

(End of this chapter)

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