I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 148 Scandal Begins: 147

Chapter 148 Scandal Begins: 147
Zhou Yun frowned as soon as he heard that someone even scolded Song Chi.

"Why is Song Chi involved in this matter?" She asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Because Song Chi is the co-producer of "Questioning the Heart", everyone knows that Song Chi also invested in this film, Su Yan's fans scolded Song Chi for wanting to make money and wanting to be crazy, and he didn't know how to do it on the set. To protect the safety of the actors, Su Yan was sent to the hospital."

Zhou Yun was no longer a rookie in the industry. Hearing such news, his heart was filled with anger, and he subconsciously guessed that this trending search might be bought by Su Yan!
Su Yan buys such a hot search, on the one hand, it can also maintain the popularity for himself. After all, he is filming on the set and has not been out for activities for a long time, so the popularity drops quickly. On the other hand, it is probably meant to put pressure on the crew.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun felt a little anxious. He got his mobile phone, logged on to Weibo immediately, and checked the real-time situation.

Sure enough, just like Zheng Xiaoju said, many people on the Internet scolded the crew for not doing enough safety measures.

"Can these people be a little more rational? Did they know how Su Yan was injured and start attacking people?" Zhou Yun was speechless.

Zhou Yun was worried for Song Chi, but she couldn't do anything except worry.

The criticism of the crew on the Internet continued, and the crew's official Weibo did not respond.

After Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, he would pick up his mobile phone to check the real-time Weibo from time to time to see if there was any new development.

Nothing new happened until she got out of the shower and dried her hair.

The official Weibo of the crew did not give any statement.

Zhou Yun was hesitant to ask Song Chi if there was any way to deal with it.

But she was also worried that asking such a question by herself would not provide any effective help to Song Chi, and would distract him from replying to herself.

Zhou Yun didn't want to cause Song Chi trouble at this time.

He fell asleep hesitantly and worriedly, and when he woke up, the first thing Zhou Yun did was to check Weibo.

But there is still nothing new on Weibo.

Zhou Yun went to the production crew and entered the dressing room. The first thing he did was to ask Li Li if he had heard any news.

Li Li is a makeup artist, and in many cases, he is much more informed than Zhou Yun.

But Li Li didn't hear any new news.

"I only know that the producers had a meeting last night after work was over, but I don't know what decisions will be made at the meeting. The notice I received was still filming as usual. Oh, Su Yan didn't come back, and there is no scene for her today. "

Li Li said, and began to make up Zhou Yun.

Su Yan was accidentally admitted to the hospital, and the daily rehearsals for Zhou Yun suddenly increased.

Zhou Yun comes to put on makeup every morning.

"Su Yan's manager is notoriously good at things. Even our Teacher Li is unwilling to take on Su Yan's job, and rarely does Su Yan's makeup." Li Li complained privately, "Before A makeup artist received an invitation from Su Yan to do makeup for Su Yan for an event. It was a very important event. Su Yan was a first-line guy, so the makeup artist happily accepted the job. Without signing the contract, just say that you will be paid directly after the work is done, which is simple and convenient. The make-up artist is also stupid. He thinks that Su Yan is a first-line person, so he won't play him on it. Su Yan's agent insisted that the make-up was poor and the evaluation was very bad, so he was only willing to pay one-third of the previously agreed amount."

Zhou Yun said, "It's a lack of credibility."

"There is no reputation, but what should I do? I didn't sign the contract, and the price was negotiated on the phone. I didn't keep any records, so I can only suffer from this dumb loss. But this kind of thing is a good thing for Su Yan This amount of money will be cheated, who will take her job in the future? Anyway, this matter has caused a lot of trouble in our circle. After hearing this, several big-name makeup artists are inconvenient to express their opinions publicly. But I will never accept her family's work again."

Zhou Yun said: "Have a backbone!"

"What's the use of being strong? She has a group of fans, and she is still a big star wherever she goes, and they all support her." Li Li's tone was somewhat dissatisfied and unwilling.

Zhou Yun said: "Li Li, don't worry, whatever a person does, there will be cause and effect."

"Miss Xiaoyun, do you believe in Buddhism?"

"This is not a belief in Buddhism." Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's like how many of your big-name makeup artists will boycott you privately if she cheats the makeup artist's money. Everyone's behavior will have some impact. She is very popular now and has many fans, who knows what will happen in the future."

Li Li: "Bah, bah, don't curse her, if something goes wrong, wait until "Question" is broadcasted, don't affect the show, bad luck!"

Zhou Yun really hadn't thought about this.

Li Li was right, if something happened to Su Yan, he would have to wait for the show to air, so don't affect the show.

When Zhou Yun's makeup was almost done, Song Chi came.

His two dark circles are very serious, visible to the naked eye.

As soon as he sat down, he let out a long yawn.

Zhou Yun would usually make fun of Song Chi for this yawn, but not today.

"I'll squint for a while, I'm sleepy." After Song Chi finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi's assistant and asked softly, "What time did he go to bed yesterday?"

"It's two o'clock in the morning." Song Chi's assistant is Zhang Cong, a very young boy, "Brother Chi told me to go back to sleep after work was over. He went to a meeting and sent me a message at two o'clock in the morning, asking me to Go wake him up in the morning."

It's only seven in the morning.

Zhou Yun did some calculations, and Song Chi probably slept for four or five hours.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju poured a glass of milk for Zhou Yun and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, the milk has been warmed."

This is Zhou Yun's breakfast.

Zhou Yun asked Zhang Cong again in a low voice: "Has he had breakfast?"

Zhang Cong shook his head and said, "I prepared bread and milk for Brother Chi, but he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car."

I was so sleepy I didn't even want to eat breakfast.

Zhou Yun sighed softly and looked at Song Chi.

Song Chi, who had fallen asleep while sitting on a chair, although his eyes were black and blue, and there was still a little beard stubble on his chin, he was still handsome, and his jaw line was so sexy in the light.


The scene manager came to inform Zhou Yun to go to the shooting scene, and Jiang Xin called her.

Jiang Xin sat on a chair with a bun in his hand.

Zhou Yun walked over and called out to the director.

Jiang Xin raised his head and said, "You're here, I have something to tell you, because Su Yan will be recuperating in the hospital during this time, and the scenes on your side will be moved to the front, so you should prepare more in advance and give the words to the audience in advance." Memorize it, so I can get into shape quickly when I get to the set."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, saying yes.

Anyway, she stays on the set every day, and the filming is done in advance, so the filming can be finished earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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