I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 149 Scandal Begins: 148

Chapter 149 Scandal Begins: 148
However, according to Jiang Xin, Su Yan will be recuperating in the hospital during this period of time?
Was she that badly hurt?

Such doubts appeared in Zhou Yun's mind, but she could only keep such doubts in her mind and would not ask them.

Zheng Xiaoju was busy holding an umbrella for her, opening the folding chair, and was still in the old position.

Zhou Yun sat down and took out the script.

I have read the script of "Questioning the Heart" many times, especially the part of her Liu Rusu, and she has basically memorized the lines of many scenes.

According to her habit, she usually memorizes the words word for word two days before the shooting, otherwise, if she memorizes them in advance, it is easy to forget some.

Zhou Yun asked Zheng Xiaoju to tell the coordinator, and told her about all the scenes to be filmed in the next few days in advance, so that she could recite the lyrics in advance.

This is the case with TV dramas. There are many scenes, many scenes, and a lot of lines. Unlike movies, you can grind one scene after another.

Even if Jiang Xin is not as irresponsible as Lu Yuan, and the actors can dub later if they can't recite their lines, Jiang Xin can't shoot every scene perfectly after all.

Sometimes, some lines cannot be restored [-]%, and the actor's own understanding will be added to become words that he can say.

Jiang Xin doesn't like actors doing this very much. He is a director who hopes that actors can follow the lines in the script.

He said: "This script is worked out word by word by the screenwriter. Everyone speaks with their own rhythm and rhyme. When an actor writes a few words casually, thinking that the meaning has not changed, in fact it has changed a long time ago. That's not what your character said."

Zhou Yun actually understood what Jiang Xin meant.

indeed so.

Liu Rusu's lines are very different from her usual speaking habits, and Zhou Yun can usually speak [-]% of the lines in the script.

She may not have taken a professional class, but her ability to recite lyrics has been verified by the college entrance examination, and a large number of lines is nothing.

Zhou Yun has such a belief.

In the middle, there is a break.

Zhou Yun told Song Chi what Jiang Xin had just said to her, and asked about his doubts.

She also wanted to know how the crew would deal with Su Yan.

Song Chi said: "Su Yan said that she didn't recover well and had to continue to recuperate in the hospital. We have no choice but to stabilize her side first and shoot your scene first."

"Su Yan refuses to return to the set?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Song Chi said: "She was injured on the set, and she really used this as an excuse to refuse to return to the crew. She has to recuperate in the hospital, so we can't say anything, but it's okay, just shoot your scene well Now, it’s not our turn to be anxious about this matter, it was Yue Hai who supported her to play the heroine at the beginning, this time she wants to make use of the problem, let Yue Hai solve it.”

"She wants to add a play, what if Yue Hai agrees?"

"It doesn't matter if Yue Hai agrees, the script modification must first be approved by the director and me, which is written into the contract."

"Then what if she never returns to the set?"

Song Chi sneered and said, "If she still refuses to return to the set, there are ways to do it, but I just hope she doesn't go to that point."

Zhou Yun didn't know what Song Chi was talking about.

But as long as Song Chi and the others have an idea.

Su Yan's matter was hung up on the Internet for a day, and the heat went down, and neither party responded.

Let the heat of this matter go down naturally.

In the hospital, Su Yan was a little uneasy. The crew of "Ask the Heart" did not respond as she expected, and they showed sincerity to make up for her.She stayed in the hospital, and the crew just arranged for someone to come over to accompany her and deal with medical expenses.He Ting manipulated it and made this matter a hot topic. Originally, she wanted to put pressure on the crew, but the crew didn't move at all, as if nothing happened.It is also impossible for Su Yan to jump out and say that this is true. On the one hand, it is not true that the crew did not take safety measures. Not only would she offend Jiang Xin and Song Chi, but she would also offend Yue Hai, the platform that supported her.

This will have a bad impact on the drama "Ask the Heart".Once the interests are affected, the platforms that support her turn their faces and deny people faster than anyone else.

"Sister Ting, are we really going to stand still like this? You said that the crew would definitely not be able to help contacting us today, but no one has come so far." Su Yan looked at He Ting with a frown.

He Ting sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and said, "What's the rush? You stay in the hospital to rest. The crew is in a hurry."

Su Yan said: "This will also delay the progress of the filming, right? If I can't finish it on time, won't I have to stay on the set for a few more days?"

He Ting said: "No, don't worry, as long as our attitude is tougher and we don't return to the crew, they must be the ones who are anxious."

Su Yan was still a little worried, and said, "Will Jiang Xin and Song Chi have any objections to me? Sister Ting, they are not ordinary people, and..."

"Don't worry, our reasons are justified. You were injured in the first place, and it's normal to have to rest in the hospital for a few more days. Who can say anything? Later, we will invite them to dinner in private, and just talk about it." He Ting said, "What's more, Song Chi was sorry for you first, and you were a well-deserved heroine at the time. Why did you add so many scenes to Liu Rusu later? It's almost on par with you."

When it came to Zhou Yun, Su Yan was a little hesitant at first, but immediately stopped hesitating.

"You don't even know that Zhou Yun and Song Chi are working together in the crew, and their acting skills are just like that. Jiang Xin also praised her for Song Chi's sake, which made some people in the crew comment that my acting skills are not as good as that. Su Yan, I am so mad!"

He Ting: "What's the rush? When the show airs, who is good and who is bad? It's not that the audience doesn't have eyes."

Su Yan: "I'm too aggrieved to be in the crew now, and so is Jiang Xin. The requirements are too high."

He Ting: "You have some snacks and study hard. It will also be good for you to improve your acting skills. Jiang Xin is well-known in the circle for being able to train actors. If you perform this play well, let's go for an award."

Su Yan said: "Sister Ting, don't you know my acting skills? I can't compare with the older generation. Among my peers, who is my opponent?"

He Ting: "Of course I know your acting skills, but there is no end to learning. Not every director is Jiang Xin."

"Understood, I will study hard with Director Jiang, as long as Director Jiang doesn't hate me because of this." Su Yan said, "Sister Ting, who has great powers, I'll leave it to you!"

He Ting snorted softly, "Now you know how sweet you are? I'm usually more sweet-talking in the crew! How can Zhou Yun jump up and down?"

"Then I don't have a boyfriend like Song Chi to pave the way for me in the crew, so I can only rely on you, Sister Ting." Su Yan hugged He Ting, "I know that Sister Ting is the best."

He Ting said with a smile: "How old is she, yet she acts like a child, let go."

"No, I'm not loose."


He Ting came out of the hospital, thought for a while, searched the nearby shopping malls, took a taxi to the shopping malls, and picked out a silk scarf from Hermès and a men's wallet.

In the evening, she asked Wen Binglan to have dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Wen Binglan appeared with a headache, thinking that He Ting came to talk to him again about the responsibility, but who knew that as soon as they met, He Ting gave a small bag with a smile and said, "Xiaowen, I'm sorry, Two days ago because of the smoke and smoke incident, I caused you so much trouble, when I was shopping in the mall this afternoon, I happened to see a wallet that fits you very well, so I just bought it as an apology."

Alarm bells rang in Wen Binglan's mind.

This is too inconsistent with He Ting's usual style, she suddenly softened, what do you want to do?
Wen Binglan didn't answer, laughed and said, "Sister Ting, why are you being so polite to me?"

He Ting said: "Oh, you still see me, keep it!"

He Ting shoved the things into Wen Binglan's hands without hesitation.

"Are you really mad at me?"

"No, how could it be? But, Sister Ting, I really can't blame our crew for this matter, I..." Wen Binglan was talking, when He Ting made a stop gesture.

He Ting said: "Let's not talk about this today, you must be very tired recently, managing such a large crew, big and small, hard work."

Wen Binglan: "It should."

"I'm treating you today. You can order whatever you want." He Ting said, "Thank you for taking care of our family Yanyan. Her princess temper must have caused you trouble."


In the evening, Zhou Yun, Song Chi, and Jiang Xin got together for dinner. They set up a small table and sat together.

In the evening, the afterglow fell, and everyone was resting.

After dinner, we will continue the night battle in the evening.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Xin was called away, leaving Zhou Yun and Song Chi alone.

After filming for a whole day, Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi's overly familiar face and said, "Tonight is still a big night scene, so I can't rest. Can you hold on?"

Song Chi had a cup of black coffee by his hand, which his assistant bought for him.

"I can't hold it anymore and I have to hold it. I will take a nap after eating and sleep for thirty minutes."

Zhou Yun said: "Why don't you move my own scene to the front? You take a break?"

Song Chi said, "Forget it, don't worry about it, everything has already been arranged."

Zhou Yun said: "Well, if we divide into two groups and shoot together, the pressure on progress will be much less."

"How could director Jiang allow directors of Group B to shoot his own film? He refused to let go of even the cutscenes of some leading roles." Song Chi said, "But that's fine. I watched the rough cut yesterday. The samples came out better than I expected.”

Zhou Yun: "Come on, try to win another Best Actor."

Song Chi lowered his voice and said, "Don't talk about me, director Jiang told me, maybe you can win the best supporting actress."

(End of this chapter)

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