I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 150 Scandal Begins: 149

Chapter 150 Scandal Begins: 149
"Me?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise, "No way, don't lie to me."

"To be honest." Song Chi said, "Your performance exceeded my expectations. I never thought you could act so well."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "How well I act, I know in my heart, how can I be good after being NG so many times."

"Who cares how many times you NG, everyone will only watch the performance you broadcast in the end. If you work hard, the next few highlights will be performed well. There is really hope."

"Stop, stop, don't draw big cakes for me, I want to take it seriously." Zhou Yun made a stop gesture, "I am most afraid of this kind of thing, and I can't help but think if I can't get it. I will be very disappointed again, I don’t want to expect such things.”

Song Chi: "I thought telling you this would inspire your determination to work hard."

"I don't need this, I've worked very hard, I've tried [-]%." ​​Zhou Yun said, "The company has always wanted me to take some business and asked for leave in the middle, but Sister Lan and I blocked it, just because we didn't want to delay filming .”

"I know, of course I know, I mean, Zhou Yun, you have to take the initiative, don't always wait for Director Jiang to tell you before you make adjustments, haven't you noticed? You're already used to performing one or two scenes first , When Director Jiang gives you advice, you will really pay attention and devote yourself to it.” Song Chi said, “Now that you have met Director Jiang, you can completely trust him, but not every director is Director Jiang, even In other words, it is impossible for most directors to guide you in acting as meticulously as Director Jiang, like the previous "Eighth Heartbeat", think about it, if you don't pay attention, what will happen in the end?"

In the phrase.

Zhou Yunfan suddenly woke up.

Jiang Xin is back.

As soon as he sat down, he sighed and sighed: "I really can't be idle for a moment."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Director Jiang, quickly eat two more bites."

"Su Yan's manager contacted me just now and said that he wanted to invite me for a cup of tea tonight. How can I have time to drink tea with her now? What does she think we are doing?" Jiang Xin looked dissatisfied.

Song Chi said, "Probably because of Su Yan's affairs."

"Just because I knew she wanted to talk about Su Yan, I didn't bother to talk to her." Jiang Xin seemed dissatisfied with He Ting.

Regarding Su Yan's matter, Jiang Xin and He Ting had never met face to face, and Zhou Yun didn't know why Jiang Xin was so dissatisfied with He Ting.

Song Chi smiled and asked, "Why, you still want to change the script?"

"It's not just that I want to change the script, it's all done, and it's delivered to my room, as long as I nod." Jiang Xin snorted coldly, "It's not good to act, but it's a good idea to add a play."

"Everyone wants to do more of your play, so don't be too angry." Song Chi picked up a chopstick dish for Jiang Xin.

Zhou Yun sat aside and listened, only then did he realize that Jiang Xin was dissatisfied with He Ting because she always wanted to add drama to Su Yan.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, no wonder Jiang Xin was so dissatisfied.

When they were acting, if they changed the lines in the script, Jiang Xin would be angry, let alone add to the play.

Jiang Xin attaches great importance to the integrity of the script. Adding a paragraph is like a person growing several organs, which is not harmonious.

"I'm not angry, it's just that people keep calling me and talking about this matter in front of me. What they say is that they want me to take care of Su Yan more. I'm annoyed." Jiang Xin complained, no longer He was as silent as usual, chattering away, and almost lit a cigarette, "Zhou Yun is very good, he never troubles me like this."

Suddenly being named, Zhou Yun couldn't say anything, smiled slightly, and said: "Now I'm not sure about this drama, I feel guilty, and I don't know how to act if I add drama."

"Look, people are still humble." Jiang Xin praised.

"Who does Director Jiang praise for being modest?" Jiang Yuzhen, who was about to shoot a night scene at night, suddenly appeared.

She was wearing long trousers and short sleeves, and her hair was tied into a ponytail, simple and plain.

Jiang Xin raised his head, saw Jiang Yuzhen, smiled, and said, "You're here, I thought you didn't come until dark."

"Director Jiang, I've filmed so many scenes with you, when did you see me late?" Jiang Yuzhen moved a stool over and sat down by herself, "It's been hard work, have you been tired during this time? Do you want to be late?" Shall I ask my masseur to give you a massage?"

Jiang Xin asked in surprise: "Are you still bringing a masseur with you? Isn't your back pain healed yet?"

"It happens from time to time." Jiang Yuzhen sighed, "It's an old problem, and there's no way to cure it."

Only then did Zhou Yun know that Jiang Yuzhen still had this old problem.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yun finished work and went back to the hotel by car.

She met a very fashionable and luxurious woman in the hotel lobby.

The other party seemed to know her. When they saw her, they greeted her with a smile and called, "Miss Zhou."

Zhou Yun looked at her in surprise and doubt, "Hi, may I ask who you are?"

"Zuo Jing, Luo Zhiqiu." This beautiful woman stretched out a slender hand, with a flawless smile on her face.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to reach out and shake her hand.

After two seconds, Zhou Yun suddenly realized and looked at her in surprise, "Are you Song Chi's boss?"

The smile on Luo Zhiqiu's face deepened, he nodded, and said, "It's even better if you know me, Miss Zhou, let's have a drink together?"

Zhou Yun didn't know the intention of Luo Zhiqiu's sudden appearance, nor why Luo Zhiqiu wanted to drink with her.

Very strange.

"Mr. Luo, do you have something to tell me? Because I have to film a movie, it's not convenient for me to drink." Zhou Yun said, "If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly."

Luo Zhiqiu glanced at Zheng Xiaoju, but said nothing.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, you should go back to your room first."

Zheng Xiaoju said oh, and left in response.

Luo Zhiqiu said to Zhou Yun: "Then let's change to another place. Standing here, people come and go, and it's not convenient to talk."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"To your room?" Luo Zhiqiu asked.

Zhou Yun said yes.

When we got to the room, Luo Zhiqiu didn't hesitate, straight to the point, and said, "I wonder if Ms. Zhou has any ideas about coming to our left mirror?"

In the elevator upstairs, Zhou Yun had already thought about several conjectures about Luo Zhiqiu coming to her, but he never thought that Luo Zhiqiu would mean this.

"Mr. Luo, I have already signed the company." Zhou Yun said.Of course, this is nonsense, Zhou Yun believes that Luo Zhiqiu must already know that she has a company.

However, Zhou Yun will be a little dazed for a while and needs to slow down.

Even bullshit has its role.

Luo Zhiqiu nodded and said: "I know, but I can help you pay the termination fee, as long as you are willing to come to Zuo Jing."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, could it be that her termination fee is very cheap?
Not so much.

She is now the most profitable female artist in Chengqian Entertainment.

How could He Yong let her go.

There is no need to tell Luo Zhiqiu this.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Luo, why do you suddenly want me to go to the left mirror? I am very happy in my current company."

"Really? Very happy? The news I heard doesn't seem to be the case. You didn't enjoy the treatment you should enjoy in Chengqian Entertainment, did you?" Luo Zhiqiu smiled confidently, "I heard that you filmed "The First "Eight Heartbeats" was forced by the company to shoot you."

How could Luo Zhiqiu know such a thing?
Did Song Chi tell her?
No, probably not, Song Chi would not do this.

Zhou Yun said, "Mr. Luo, you may have misunderstood."

For a movie that has already been filmed, Zhou Yun will not go around saying that he didn't want to film it at the beginning.

Luo Zhiqiu said: "It doesn't matter if you refuse to admit it, but my invitation is serious. You have a popular physique and acting skills. Your future is boundless. I really want to waste my best time on becoming Qian Entertainment? I know your boss, He Yong, and I have dealt with him before. I know his style very well. He has a good eye for people, but he doesn’t have the ability to keep people. You also know that the loss of artists in Chengqian Entertainment has been very serious in the past two years. , but in this case, you still haven’t received attention, and your development is limited. If you take on the fast-selling business and make a bad film like "The Eighth Heartbeat", it will purely consume your enthusiasm, and it will not do you any good, and you are now The filming of "Ask the Heart" was introduced by Song Chi, and it was also produced by our Zuojing."

Zhou Yun fell silent.

What Luo Zhiqiu said was actually correct.

"Look, Song Chi is also an artist of Zuo Jing. If you come to Zuo Jing, you can get our greatest support. Every year, we will tailor a play for you. Thousands of big groups, the film and television department will help you tailor it Is it? I think their main energy is now on Wei Ruxue's "Cold Spring". To be honest, it's not me who provokes dissension. For an artist in your position, there will be a big step forward. Give you a push. I can enter the front line, but there is no movement in your company, I am very surprised, what do they think of you? A machine to make money in a short period of time?"

Zhou Yun said, "Boss Luo, it's useless for you to tell me these things."

"How can it be useless? As long as you nod your head and come to our Zuo Jing, believe me, I only need three years, and you will become the top three candidates for leading actresses in all major domestic productions. Our Zuo Jing has such strength." Luo Zhi Qiu said, "My sincerity is serious. Think about it. This is my business card. If you are interested, please contact me."

She put the business card on the table and tapped the table with her index finger.

"It's getting late, I won't bother you, good night."

Luo Zhiqiu left by himself.

Zhou Yun stayed in the room, still at a loss.

It happened so suddenly.

Zhou Yun thought for a while by himself, when suddenly, the phone rang.

Zhou Yun saw that it was a message from Luo Zhiqiu: I haven't told Song Chi about this, I hope to give him a surprise, please keep it secret for me, this is my number, you can contact me anytime .Luo Zhiqiu.

Holding the phone, Zhou Yun bowed his head in thought.

Suddenly the phone rang again, this time it was Song Chi calling.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

"Hello? Are you looking for me so late?"

Song Chi said: "Your little assistant told me that Luo Zhiqiu is looking for you?"

Zhou Yun was surprised, "Well, I was looking for me, I just left, and I was in my room just now."

(End of this chapter)

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