I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 151 Scandal Begins: 150

Chapter 151 Scandal Begins: 150
"Dong dong."


Zhou Yun glanced at Maoyan, confirmed the visitor, and opened the door.

Song Chi walked in.

The first thing he said when he came in was, "What did she come to see you for?"

Zhou Yun thought of the text message Luo Zhiqiu sent her.

Do you want to tell Song Chi?
Do you want to tell Song Chi the truth?


Zhou Yun signaled Song Chi to sit down.

"She asked me if I was interested in going to Zuo Jing." Of course Zhou Yun would not be fooled by Luo Zhiqiu.

If she signed for Zuo Jing without telling Song Chi, Song Chi would probably be frightened.

Song Chi sneered, and said, "She really does everything she can, and she's got her thoughts on you."

Zhou Yun was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"She is talking about contract renewal with me. The situation is not very clear. She tried every means to keep me."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"She thinks I like you. If I can tie you to my hand, I will have concerns. When negotiating, she can have more bargaining chips."

Zhou Yun spread his hands, with an innocent expression on his face, "How could she have such an idea?"

Song Chi looked at her.

Zhou Yun also realized that he was pretending too much.

There are some things that we know each other well, but we just haven't pierced that layer of window paper.

"Then why does she think I will agree?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "Because the conflict between you and your company is not fake."

"That's true." Zhou Yun nodded.

"So, she has an opportunity." Song Chi pointed out Luo Zhiqiu's intentions, "Besides, your upward trend is obvious, even without me, it would be a very wise choice to sign you. Mirror, killing two birds with one stone, of course she is willing to do it."

"But He Yong can't agree."

"Who knows, the price is enough, what would he not agree to, and he didn't invest much in you."

A heart attack.

Zhou Yun said: "But the price is enough, she won't suffer a loss?"

"You underestimate yourself." Song Chi sneered, "You thought she would make a loss-making deal, but the point is that your company doesn't realize your true value at all."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little embarrassed and asked, "What's the real value?"

Song Chi said: "You will become a very outstanding actress."

Zhou Yun did not speak.

Will she be a really great actress?

This is something she never thought about.

When I entered the entertainment circle at the beginning, I didn't have the purpose of becoming an actress.That was out of her scope at all.Zhou Yun just heard that the entertainment industry makes money quickly, and she needs money.

But after earning money and solving her urgent needs, her mentality slowly changed.

This actually has a lot to do with Zhou Lan.

From the first day he took over her, Zhou Lan said that he should open his eyes and not stick to the one-acre three-point land in front of him.

This kind of concept is subtle, and Zhou Yun's own character is not an impetuous character who only looks at the immediate affairs and ignores the future.

"Will you renew your contract with Zuo Jing?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Whether the contract is renewed or not, it is definitely not in the current way." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "But your boss is right, I am really not satisfied with the current state."

"So let's take advantage of the opportunity." Song Chi smiled, "She is very good at finding a breakthrough point, as long as she wants to do it."

Zhou Yun: "Then she won't let go easily, if you refuse to renew the contract."

Song Chi said, "Let's not talk about this, what about you? What should we do?"

"What should I do?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "What do you think about her proposal? Do you want to come to Zuo Jing?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "Of course not. Is there any real difference between her and He Yong? No. It's the same for any company."

Song Chi: "I didn't expect you to understand this truth so quickly."

"Are you surprised?"

"Many people feel that the place they stay is not good here or that place, so they want to change jobs, thinking that they can get a better environment in exchange."

"Then I have recognized the reality a long time ago. I have nothing. I can only rely on myself and struggle on my own. I don't rely on others to do charity. Which boss in the world is willing to do charity? To them, doing charity is a discipline. Business."

Song Chi smiled, "Zhou Yun, you are so calm and realistic, what kind of things have you experienced?"

Most of the time, the truth is understood, but when something really happens, people will be swayed by sensibility and luck, knowing that there is a pit and walking in.

At first, Song Chi also thought that some of Zhou Yun's "wisdom" was just "wisdom" learned from books. He said it clearly and logically, but after knowing him for so long, especially some things that happened during the period, some of Zhou Yun's reactions and actions, It made Song Chi realize that Zhou Yun was not just talking.

She followed these things from the bottom of her heart, as if she had suffered such a loss before.

If you have experienced the pain of burning, you will not stretch your fingers over like a child, thinking that you are the chosen one with the ability to control flames.

Whether there were public opinion crises time after time in the middle, or being insulted and intimidated by waves of black fans, Zhou Yun never responded positively, not even once.

This is very abnormal.The normal behavior should be that you can't help but confront those black fans on Weibo, you can't help but complain for yourself during the recording of the show, you will "confront it", and you will "open your heart to prove that I am not you The way you say it."

An artist has to go through this step before he realizes disheartenedly that the world doesn't care that much about your personal voice.

Of course, it's not just artists, it's just that the behavior of artists is made public, so there is room for discussion and a model for research.

Zhou Yun stood by the window sill and said, "I have experienced too many things, which one do you want to hear?"

Zhou Yun laughed, and there was color in his eyes.

Suddenly, there is the effect of stopping time.

Song Chi said: "I have plenty of time, you can start with the one you want to talk about the most."

He meant that the night can be long.

"You have a good idea. I'm going to sleep. Go out quickly." Zhou Yun shook her hair, took off the headband, and her black hair was scattered by her, "I will refuse your boss after a while." of."

After a period of time.

Song Chi asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Are you free? You are busy enough with your own affairs, and you still have to take care of mine?"

"I don't care less about your affairs." Song Chi shrugged, "I can still do what I can."

"Don't worry about my affairs. You should first find a way to coax Su Yan back into filming. People say she is also the heroine. If you really don't get her back, who will shoot her film? Changing the script, Director Jiang I won't agree."

(End of this chapter)

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