I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 152 Scandal Begins: 151

Chapter 152 Scandal Begins: 151
Song Chi never felt that he was really as powerful as the outside world said. If he was, why would Su Yan stay in the hospital and not return to the set in the name of treatment.

It's not that they don't know people in the hospital, they don't know that Su Yan is actually just a little skinned, and it will be fine to deal with it simply.

There is no such thing as a concussion.

However, Su Yan's fans made a fuss. It looked like Song Chi had become a big boss behind the scenes, and he joined forces with the producer to bully Su Yan, a poor little white flower. He didn't even guarantee her safety, and he was arrogant. After entering the hospital, Su Yan was forced to return to the filming crew to film.

I don't know who fabricated these news behind the scenes, but there are still so many people who believe it.

So far, the crew has never urged Su Yan to come back once.

Both Jiang Xin and Song Chi had a tacit understanding that now that the situation allowed, it would be beneficial for the follow-up filming to let Su Yan hang out.

Moreover, with Zhou Yun here, the production team will not stop.

The coordinator moved Zhou Yun's scenes forward, shooting from morning to night.

Zhou Yun said to Zhou Lan: "I think my finale should be brought forward."

Zhou Lan: "This is a good thing, how good it is, it saves so much time to come out, you may be able to wrap up at the end of the year, and you can catch up with a wave of award ceremonies and evening parties, and everyone on Weibo has contacted me, let me hit you For the itinerary, you must be allowed to attend this year's grand ceremony, and an award has been arranged for you."

"What kind of award can it be? It's either the Popularity Award or the Newcomer Award." Zhou Yun entered the entertainment industry not long ago, but he has been following the entertainment industry for many years. "The awards with some weight are given to big names."

"That's also an award from Weibo! How much exposure, and being able to have a good relationship with them, it's not an award for your benefit." Zhou Lan said, "One more thing, He Yong won several When the scripts come over, they are all thousands of film and television’s own plays, I want you to play the leading role, I accept them all, and I will send them to you later, you can see for yourself, which one do you want to play in.”

"Sister Lan, have you read it? How is everything?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "They're all pretty good. They're all big productions. They're not particularly good, but they're not the same kind of parallel imports as before. I personally like the one called "Luo Yan" the most. It's a fantasy fairy tale theme, but It’s not the kind of master-student sadomasochism, three lives and three generations. The story is quite literary and artistic. The heroine is a perfume maker. One day, he picks up a dying man and takes him home to heal his wounds. In the end, he came back alive first. One thing will kill her, I read the script of the first ten episodes, there are many reversals, the story is also very exciting, the hero you thought was not the hero, but the passerby you thought became an important role later.”

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yun said, "It sounds interesting."

"Yeah, this is still an original script, an original script by a novelist." Zhou Lan said.

"Then I'll take a good look."

Zhou Lan said: "There are still many programs coming to you. I haven't made a decision yet. I'll discuss it with you when I go to the crew."

"When are you coming to the set?"

"This Thursday." Zhou Lan said.

"it is good."

"By the way, there is one more thing." Zhou Lan suddenly remembered something, and said, "He Yong has been asking me some things these days. The meaning in the words is like worrying about you leaving the company, and asking me about you. Have you been in contact with anyone?"

"He finally noticed it." Zhou Yun said, "A few days ago, Luo Zhiqiu from Zuo Jing came to me and said that he would pay me a termination fee, and wanted to lure me to Zuo Jing."

Zhou Lan: "Luo Zhiqiu? You agreed?"

"How could it be possible to agree, but I think it's good to remind He Yong through this incident. I have signed a contract with the company for so long. He feels too safe and has no sense of crisis. He always arranges for me some low-to-explosive Luo Zhiqiu came to see me, just to show him the alarm bell."

Zhou Lan had nothing to say for a while.

Sometimes, she would feel that Zhou Yun, a twenty-three-year-old young man, was more thoughtful than she was.


Staying on the set and filming is actually very boring.

Unless the actors really love acting and enjoy acting, it will be very painful.

These days, Zhou Yun's plays are basically fully booked, and there are her plays from morning till night.

The most important reason for being able to line up like this is also because there are only three scenes to be filmed here, among which Su Yan went to the hospital, and she couldn't shoot any scenes with her, so they could only focus on Zhou Yun's scenes first.

Zhou Yun's acting is getting smoother and smoother, and she will communicate her thoughts with Jiang Xin before each scene.

And every time a play is over, Zhou Yun is no longer the same as before, never going to see his performance, but squatting behind the screen with the director, watching the clips of his performance just now.

Mature and powerful actors leave after the performance and never watch it.

They have such confidence, and it is also their ability.

If Zhou Yun wants to move forward, relying on this bit of talent and aura is not enough.

"Look, this place, you are so smooth, you subconsciously know that He Mu will push the door in the next second, so your body posture is ready, and you are eager to hide things in the box, but actually You have to hear the reaction before you can make your own reaction. If you still can't control your muscle reaction, I will teach you a way. When you look at the things in the box, be careful from the beginning. This thing You can't let He Mu find out, so you get a little nervous when you take it out, so that you can keep the state, and it won't make people think that your action of putting things away is too smooth."

Jiang Xin told Zhou Yun about the play, and what he said was actually very detailed.

These details were also the last thing Su Yan wanted to hear.

It's not that Su Yan doesn't know that these details can help the performance to be better and to a higher level.

But Su Yan's idea is very simple. This is a TV series, not a movie. The length of the film is not of the same order, and the screen size is not of the same size. Who would watch it so picky?

If she uses this critical attitude to correct every scene, she won't have to act, and there will be flaws everywhere.

The most important point is that in Su Yan's view, this kind of thankless effort is meaningless, and no one will care at all.

Now how many audiences will watch a play back and forth many times?

But Zhou Yun cherishes Jiang Xin's acting.

These details are the logic of the performance.If the substitution of emotions is the charm of performing sensibility, the analysis of characters is the charm of performing rationality.Zhou Yun is a science student. She likes this kind of certainty very much. The more subtle, the more complicated and magical.

After listening to Jiang Xin's lecture, Zhou Yun suddenly felt enlightened.

In fact, she also realized her own problems.

In the play, when Song Chi pushes the door, she will panic to find Song Chi push the door.

Off-screen, she has already read the script, and it is impossible to "panic" [-]% of the time.

This conflict between the known and the unknown is a difficult problem and dilemma that every actor has to deal with.Some actors act with state, some with emotion, and some with experience, in different ways.

But these are all based on a kind of proficient technology, so that this kind of performance can be as natural as it is natural.

Zhou Yun couldn't do it.

Jiang Xin gave her a trick. If the sudden panic cannot be performed naturally, follow the character's motivation, amplify the initial tension, and then transition to the later panic.

This is a kind of opportunism, but it is also a skill of acting.

Zhou Yun found it very interesting.


When a week passed and the crew didn't urge Su Yan to go back to filming, Su Yan completely panicked.

Even He Ting couldn't sit still.

He Ting called Wen Binglan and asked the crew what was going on.

Wen Binglan told the truth, "Director Jiang has been filming Zhou Yun and Song Chi's scenes these days."

He Ting raised her voice immediately, and asked, "What about us, Yanyan?"

What she actually meant was to ask, did the crew forget about Su Yan?
Su Yan is a heroine, and if she doesn't return to the set for five days, shouldn't the set come to ask for three reminders?
Wen Binglan said: "Sister Ting, didn't Su Yan say that Su Yan had a concussion and should rest more? This situation is also an objective situation, and there is nothing we can do about it. If Su Yan's situation is really serious, Director Jiang said that when the time comes, Su Yan will be taken to sleep." Let’s delete some of Yan’s scenes, we will definitely not force Su Yan to return to the set without a rest, don’t worry.”

He Ting's eyes widened.

This could not be more obvious.

"Xiaowen, this, is this what Director Jiang meant?"

"That's what I mean too, no one can afford to delay this time."

He Ting hung up the phone, thought for only three seconds, and went directly to help Su Yan go through the discharge procedures, and brought Su Yan back to the set.

When they arrived at the set, Su Yan still refused to get out of the car.

She said: "I got out of the car to admit my mistake now, and I lost all face. At the beginning, Sister Ting told me that Director Jiang and the others would beg me to come back! But now I ran back in despair!"

He Ting was also very helpless, and said: "Yanyan, I never thought they would do this so hard. You are a heroine, and they dare to delete it even if they say so."

Su Yan: "It's not that Sister Ting, you insist on using this incident to ask the crew to add scenes to me."

"Oh, let's not talk about it, I didn't consider this matter thoroughly, but now is not the time for you to lose your temper, you should think about it clearly, if you don't get out of the car and bow your head to the director, then your scene will really be deleted. Zhou Yun is about to surpass you to become the heroine."

He Ting's threat was still very effective. When she heard Zhou Yun, Su Yan was not afraid of losing face. She got out of the car and went straight to Jiang Xin.

She walked up to Jiang Xin with a smile, and shouted, "Director, I'm back! I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for so long these days."

Jiang Xin was talking to the cameraman. Seeing Su Yan, he smiled and said, "I'm back. Didn't you say that your situation is serious? Go back to the film crew now, is that okay?"

Su Yan: "It's okay, director, I don't want to waste everyone's time, so as soon as the doctor said I could be discharged, I came back immediately."

Jiang Xin nodded: "If this is the case, then we have to continue to work hard."

Su Yan said: "Where is the director, I don't work hard, you work the hardest."

(End of this chapter)

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