I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 153 Scandal Begins: 152

Chapter 153 Scandal Begins: 152
The news of Su Yan's return to the crew quickly spread throughout the crew.

Regarding this matter, most people sneered and watched the show.After all, Su Yan had offended many people on the set before.The matter of her refusing to return to the crew with an excuse to cause trouble caused many arrangements of the crew to be rescheduled, which caused a lot of trouble for the crew. Many people were angry and unhappy seeing her.

Similarly, why did Su Yan refuse to return to the crew before, and what plans did he have? Everyone is a mixed crew, each has a news channel, and they are well-informed, so they all know.

Su Yan didn't wait for what she wanted, but she came back by herself. Isn't this just because she slapped herself in the face?

No one ran up to Su Yan to taunt her, but many people's eyes already had this meaning.

Su Yan was upset and panicked, but there was nothing she could do.

No matter what Su Yan thought in her heart, she still had to buy the manuscript that should be bought.

The second day after Su Yan returned to the crew, the draft arranged by He Ting appeared on various marketing accounts.

The content of the announcement was that in order not to delay the filming progress of the crew, Su Yan returned to the crew early to resume filming.

It is conceivable that when Su Yan's fans saw the content of such a draft, they were so moved that they ran to tell each other.

Not just touched.

Attacks that had been subdued also resumed.

Many of Su Yan's fans went to the official blog of "Ask the Heart" and started a new round of exhortations to "have a conscience".

"You are lucky to meet an actor like Su Yan. Don't use other people's dedication and kindness as a weapon to bully others. Have a conscience. Su Yan is the heroine!"

This is the comment with the most likes.

Zhou Yun was shocked when he saw such Weibo.

On the one hand, Su Yan returned to the film crew in despair, resumed filming, and finally failed in the game with the film crew, on the other hand, her fans seemed that Su Yan was a good person who tolerated compromise, and through this incident, Su Yan was shaped into a very dedicated person. actress.

Zhou Yun felt a sense of separation.

What is the truth?
How much of the information we usually see on the Internet is true?
Judging from this mighty battle, if Zhou Yun was not a member of the crew, she would probably believe that Su Yan is a dedicated actress.

It is true to be injured on the set, it is true to go to the hospital for recuperation, and it is true to return to the film crew. It is as if the subject, verb and object of a film crew are all true, but as long as you work hard on attributives, adverbials, and complements, the meaning of this sentence can also change in thousands of ways. .

Song Chi's reaction was much simpler.

"What do you want to do so much? If she wants to create a dedicated image for herself, let her do it. She is willing to spend money on marketing and popularity. The drama "Questing the Heart" has also attracted a little more attention."

"But is it okay for her to step on the crew to shape her own image?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "Her fans are actually right in saying that she is the heroine, as long as it is not a matter of principle, it is impossible for us to stand up and slap her in the face. Slapping her in the face is slapping our film. The face of the play, this play will still be broadcast in the future, you can't kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred."

Zhou Yun: "A community of interests."

"That's right, that's what it means." Song Chi nodded, "She's also very smart and won't target a certain person. If you read her draft, you will find that she didn't target anyone, or even any crew. She didn't blame the crew for a single word about the above, and this is also to leave room for change in the future."

"Human being." Zhou Yun sighed.

Song Chi: "It's worth learning for you. Didn't you have doubts before? Why are some people who are arrogant and unhealthy, but can still get along well? Why? It's not just because there are people behind it who are so simple. The truth is, whether this person's arrogance is against the superior or the inferior, whether it is an indiscriminate attack or whether it depends on the person's dish, although it is not good to say this, but you also know that if you have coaxed people who need to be coaxed, others will Opinions will not have much influence, and no production company will choose not to use an actor just because the makeup artist has a bad opinion of this actor."

"It's so cold." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "It's good that something like this happened, at least Su Yan will never find someone to harass Director Jiang again, and let Director Jiang add to the scene for her. No matter what people say about this matter, she knows it in her heart of."

"Where's her difficult manager?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi: "I have made appointments with Director Jiang and me several times before, but they didn't work out. Yesterday, I gave each of us a box of tea and left."

"It's fast enough."

"If you don't hurry up, what are you doing here? Su Yan is not the only artist under her command." Song Chi said.

"Speaking of which, where's your manager, Luo Yuhu?" Zhou Yun said, "I haven't seen him since I joined the group. Isn't he always by your side?"

"Usually when I'm filming, he doesn't come with me. It's the same with him, he brings other artists."

Zhou Yun said: "I thought he only took you as an artist."

"Before, he only took me with him. Not long ago, he took a fancy to a newcomer and brought him himself." Song Chi said, "It's also good. I wish he could pay more attention to others and stop staring at me all day. .”

The two talked and laughed.

At this time, Su Yan suddenly passed the two of them.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi closed their mouths at the same time.

"Are you two whispering again?" Su Yan teased.

Song Chi smiled and said, "Did you finish filming the last scene?"

Su Yan nodded and said, "The filming is over."

"Then we have to go, otherwise Director Jiang should find someone." Song Chi winked at Zhou Yun, and the two turned and left.

From the point of view of attitude, they can still maintain face. In fact, they know each other well and can't get used to each other.

Song Chi looked down on Su Yan from the very beginning.

This is not the heroine in his mind, but there is no way.

There are compromises in the casting of any play.

Song Chi also only asked himself to save face.

Of course, Su Yan didn't think it was her fault, she had preconceived it, and she was sure that Song Chi and Zhou Yun were secretly in love, but due to various reasons, they didn't make it public.

Because of this relationship, Su Yan also stopped thinking about making friends with Song Chi.

She had a bad relationship with Zhou Yun earlier, and the relationship between the two could not be eased. Song Chi must be on Zhou Yun's side.

Su Yan was upset in her heart, but she could only temporarily suppress her unhappiness.

After all, the most important thing for her now is to stabilize her status as the heroine in Jiang Xin's mind.When filming today, Jiang Xin's demands on her were suddenly not as high as before. After filming two or three times, when she thought she would have to re-shoot, Jiang Xin suddenly announced it.

Of course, Su Yan didn't feel that Jiang Xin's recognition was immediately recognized by her performance.

(End of this chapter)

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