I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 154 Scandal Begins: 153

Chapter 154 Scandal Begins: 153
People are actually quite cheap.

When Jiang Xin asked a lot before, Su Yan was unhappy here and dissatisfied there, thinking that Jiang Xin was just finding fault.

Now Jiang Xin let her pass after taking two or three shots, Su Yan couldn't help but muttered in her heart again.

Why did Jiang Xin lower her requirements?
Is it because you are disappointed in her?
Once this kind of thought popped up in my mind, it could never be eliminated.

Su Yan subconsciously attributed the reason for this change to the fact that she asked the crew to add scenes to her due to her injury.

She knew that Jiang Xin was unwilling to add drama to her.

To be precise, Jiang Xin doesn't like to change the script.

He is not a director who likes to change the script, even if it is because of the on-site shooting, Jiang Xin does not like to change the script.

Su Yan's idea is that a play is not completely decided by the director.

She has also met directors who refused to add scenes to her before, and there are many famous directors. Later, she put pressure on the directors through other channels, and finally let her get what she wanted.

But Jiang Xin's tough bone was harder to crack than she expected.

As Song Chi said, no matter what she usually looks like, Su Yan knows it very well in her heart, she is a sensible person.She can make Jiang Xin unhappy, but she cannot completely offend Jiang Xin.

After filming the afternoon scene, Su Yan didn't leave the set directly, but just waited aside.

After Jiang Xin explained to others about the later night show, he turned around and saw Su Yan was still waiting, his appearance made it clear that he was waiting for him and had something to say to him.

Jiang Xin frowned subconsciously.

He thought that Su Yan was still ruthless and wanted to add drama.

But there are some things that are really not easy to say openly.

"Director Jiang." Su Yan took the initiative to greet him with a smile on his face.

Jiang Xin suppressed the impatience in his heart, nodded, and said, "Looking for me?"

Su Yan shook her hand and said, "Director, don't get me wrong. I didn't come to beg you to add a play to me. I've already realized my mistake."

Jiang Xin was taken aback.

After Su Yan joined the group, her posture had never been so low.

"Actually, I don't want to add drama to myself, just..." Su Yan's eyes turned red, "Sometimes, I don't even know if I can't act anymore. I have never been so NG when I was filming before. Many times, and I have never been so picky. Now I know that you, the director, are actually doing it for my own good. If you didn't have requirements on me, you don't have to be so strict. I feel very regretful, and I was angry with you before. "

Jiang Xin sighed lightly.

"You don't have to belittle yourself, your acting skills are pretty good."

"I thought the director didn't like me." Su Yan smiled embarrassingly, "I have never been hit so hard before, and I dare not come to the set. My heart beats and I lose confidence in myself."

Jiang Xin said, "Am I usually that fierce?"

"You're not fierce, but...every time I see you, I can't help being nervous." Su Yan said, "But now I understand that I was lucky to meet you, if it wasn't for meeting you , I didn’t even know that my own acting skills had encountered a bottleneck period. I thought I was very good, but I was just sitting on the sidelines. Director, please be strict with me in the future, and I will definitely work hard to meet your standards.”

Jiang Xin sighed and said, "Okay, I see."

Su Yan pursed her lips and smiled, seeming a little shy.

"Thank you Director."
Su Yan suddenly seemed to be a different person. She no longer complained of suffering or tiredness on the set, nor did she lose face after a scene NGed many times like before.

Her transformation was seen by everyone and felt incredible.

Zhou Yun asked Zheng Xiaoju in private: "What stimulated Su Yan?"

Zheng Xiaoju enjoys himself in the film crew, gradually becoming friends with many people, and heard a lot of news.

She said: "I heard that Director Jiang suddenly lowered his requirements on Su Yan two days ago. That evening Su Yan went to Director Jiang specifically to ask Director Jiang to be strict with her."

When Zhou Yun heard this, his eyes widened.

"This reaction speed is amazing."

No wonder she was able to get to the status of a first-line actress.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Besides, I heard that Su Yan went to Wen's producer and coordinator specifically, and asked them to rehearse more plays for her, make up for the progress that was delayed before, and don't even complain about the big night show."

Zhou Yun: "No wonder I only shoot one or two scenes a day recently."

Jiang Xin was unwilling to use Group B, and the actors could only wait for a scene to be filmed.

When Su Yan was in the hospital before, Zhou Yun's scenes were almost full every day. Now that Su Yan came back, she could only step aside, and the crew had to give priority to Su Yan's scenes.

Zheng Xiaoju said in a low voice: "Sister Xiaoyun, I heard people say that Su Yan wants to use this drama to hit the nominations for Best Actress in the three awards."

"It's normal. Director Jiang's play is a frequent visitor to the three awards. She has a screen protector. She can't let go of the chain, and the possibility of being nominated is very high."

"People in the production team said that there are basically no actresses of the younger generation who have won the three major awards in TV dramas. If they can be nominated, they will increase their status." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun nodded: "That's true."

This is why the drama "Questioning the Heart" has received so much attention.

Song Chi's vision for acting is recognized in the industry, and many actresses just want to take Song Chi's ride.

Not every actor knows how to pick plays, and many actors who can't pick plays have nothing to do with their acting skills, but they can't perform well, let alone win awards.

Song Chi's vision was a guarantee.

After the news of Jiang Xin's director came out, it made the actors even more crazy, but at that time, the main roles had already been settled, and no matter how much thought was put into it, it was doomed to end without a cure.

Song Chi told Zhou Yun that this drama can win awards, and the Best Supporting Actress is very promising.

It's also because of Jiang Xin, the screen protector.

As long as Zhou Yun can't lose the chain, the nomination is basically a certainty.

On this day, Zhou Lan called Zhou Yun and said, ""Book of Yu Jun" came to me again."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked, "They haven't found an actor yet?"

Zhou Lan said: "Yes, I heard that this project has approached almost all first-line female stars, but not many people are interested."

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan, what's your opinion?"

"You can take it or not, for you, the blessing of this drama is not very big." Zhou Lan said, "After "After We Spread the Scandal", your popularity is already very high, like "Book with the King" This kind of ancient puppet fairy has a long shooting cycle, once it comes out, the effect is not good, and it will delay the development period, so unless there is a famous director to escort and the quality is guaranteed, I think it is better to take less of this kind of drama.”

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "By the way, sister Lan, I read the script of "Luo Yan", and I really like it."

"Then I'll help you talk to the company?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Don't be in a hurry, just let it go, the script of this play hasn't been finished yet, let's talk about it after the script is all written."

(End of this chapter)

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