I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 155 Scandal Begins: 154

Chapter 155 Scandal Begins: 154
It's good that Zhou Yun really likes "Luo Yan", but "Luo Yan" has only created the first ten episodes of the script so far, and it's unknown how good it will be in the end.

Zhou Yun is more cautious.

"Sister Lan, besides "Luo Yan", are there any foreign plays that come to me?"

Zhou Lan said: "In terms of foreign dramas, there are actually quite a few, but I think the quality of the books is very average. To be honest, your popularity is too high now, and you will act in a big drama like "Questioning the Heart". After the show "Questioning the Heart" is broadcast, your acting skills will be seen, and there will be better plays for you than now. Now most of them are aimed at your popularity. These plays, to be honest, I I think it's not as good as "Book with the King."

"Sister Lan, don't use "Questioning the Heart" as a benchmark. There are only a few dramas that meet this standard a year?" Zhou Yun said, "Don't focus all your attention on the heroine. Well, I am also willing to act as the second female lead, look at "Questing the Heart" and I play the second female lead."

Zhou Lan sighed, and said, "I really don't know what to say. You are in a very awkward position. You are extremely popular, but none of your works have been aired. This has caused your commercial value to be highly valued." , but it is still unknown whether we can stand up in acting, the crew we like may not like you at this time."

"Can you contact me for an audition?" Zhou Yun said.

"Audition?" Zhou Lan gasped, "To be honest, Xiao Yun, in the current film and television production environment in our country, auditions are basically a joke. If you go through the process, the main roles are not auditioned. During the preparatory period, there are interested candidates. You have to go to the audition, and others will give you face and give you a chance, but if the audition is not successful, the word will leak out, which is not good for your personal image. This is not Hollywood, no Traditional audition culture."

"If it doesn't work, I will take "Luo Yan". The story of "Luo Yan" is more interesting than "Book with the King". Xianxia dramas have been clichéd for so many years, and there is nothing too innovative." Zhou Yun said, "It's just me I want to take more foreign dramas, sister Lan, if possible, I still don't want to always hang around in familiar circles."

Zhou Lan: "If you are worried that "Luo Yan" was produced by Cheng Qian himself, and you are worried that the entanglement will be too deep and you will fall into more complicated interpersonal relationships in the future, I think this is actually a good opportunity. Although He Yong is the only one, you still have such a long contract period with Chengqian. If you don’t want to always be restrained by He Yong in the future, you should use your own advantages to build your own network of relationships within Chengqian. , He Yong doesn't dare to hit your mind as before, the biggest shortcoming you face with He Yong now is that you are weak."

Zhou Yun understood.

Zhou Lan's words gave Zhou Yun new inspiration.

"Who is the producer of "Luo Yan"?" she asked.

"Liang Haiyuan."

Hearing this name, Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

There are several gold medal producers in Chengqian Film and Television, and Liang Haiyuan is one of them.

If "Luo Yan" was not in Liang Haiyuan's fancy, such an original script with a fantasy background would not have been proposed by Qianqian Film and Television.

The cost of fantasy themes is very high, and original scripts are no more risky than IP adaptations.

Only with the endorsement of Liang Haiyuan can this project be implemented.

Zhou Yun had never dealt with Liang Haiyuan before, she had only dealt with Yin Zishi, and she didn't have a good impression.

To put it bluntly, Yin Zishi only regarded her as a female star who became popular by chance, and never took her seriously.

Zhou Yun said: "Then the book "Luo Yan" was handed to me by Liang Haiyuan?"

Zhou Lan: "Of course not. If it was the notebook handed over by Liang Haiyuan, I would definitely tell you emphatically. These notebooks were packaged and sent over by Qianqian Film and Television. It means let us pick one, yes. Which project you are interested in, please contact me one step further. Of course, if you are willing to act, Liang Haiyuan will definitely not refuse."

"I see. Then... Sister Lan, tell the company for me that the drama "Book with the King" is also looking for me. I'm hesitating and thinking about it."

Zhou Lan was a little surprised.

After a brief moment of surprise, Zhou Lan understood what Zhou Yun meant.

"okay, I get it."

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that He Yong appeared on the set that night.

After Zhou Yun finished a scene, he called it a day and went back to the hotel, but he saw He Yong in the dressing room.

"Mr. He."

Zhou Yun looked at He Yong in surprise.

He Yong smiled slightly and said, "It's been a long time, and I can see that your face is thinner."

Zhou Yun raised his hand to touch his face, and asked, "Is there any? It's okay, my weight hasn't changed, Mr. He, are you here to see me? I just finished work, so I'll take off my makeup first."

He Yong nodded and said, "Remove your makeup first, there's no rush."

Zhou Yunchu was still a little surprised when he saw He Yong for the first time, but soon put away his surprise.

After all, He Yong's appearance was not so surprising.Ever since Luo Zhiqiu came to talk to her, she knew that He Yong would definitely come to her.

This is beyond doubt.

It is impossible for He Yong to let her be poached by Luo Zhiqiu.

Especially now, Wei Ruxue and Chengqian Entertainment are almost inseparable if they don't renew their contract, and Chengqian Entertainment is the time when they are most in need of female stars.

Zhou Yun knew what was in his mind, so he took his time and waited for Li Li to help her remove her make-up and headgear, went into the dressing room and changed into casual clothes, and came out in a light suit.

He Yong's eyes lit up, and he said, "Your plain makeup kills other female stars in seconds."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Su Yan leading her into the dressing room.

Su Yan glanced at He Yong expressionlessly, and then at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun did not expect such an unexpected coincidence to happen.

She said: "Mr. He, don't flatter me. Whoever's plain face can stand up to flattery is not a fairy."

When He Yong saw Su Yan, he smiled embarrassingly.

He wasn't afraid of Su Yan, to put it bluntly, Su Yan was just a first-line female star, and in terms of status, she couldn't compare to Wei Ruxue.

He Yong was just a little embarrassed that he praised Zhou Yun just now, but he failed to do so, and instead caused Zhou Yun an embarrassment.

But Su Yan didn't say anything. With her usual temper, she would have spoken coldly at this moment, but today she was uncharacteristically.To be precise, she has been a little uncharacteristic these days.

Zhou Yun had nothing to say, and took Zheng Xiaoju back to the hotel.

"Mr. He came to see me so far away, do you have anything to tell me?"

He Yong smiled, and said without hesitation, "I heard that Luo Zhiqiu from Zuo Jing is looking for you."

"Ah, yes, she's looking for me." Zhou Yun nodded.

He Yong didn't expect Zhou Yun to admit it directly.

He thought that Zhou Yun had been hiding this matter all along, because he didn't want others to know.

(End of this chapter)

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